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“Ahhh, a good breakfast, the case is almost solved and while I rested last night I came up with a hook for the article. Things are really going well, except for the old knee.”


Murder in Marietta _2.jpg

Let’s head over to the museum and tell Doc the news about Susan. This could be the break we’ve been looking for.” Dee Dee reached for her pink flowered purse and withdrew her new lipstick, Pink Pansies. She swiped her lips and pursed them together. Her pink lips matched her pink outfit. I smiled.

“You girls go on out to the car,” Nana said. “I need to visit the little girl’s room. I’ll meet you outside in a few minutes.”

We paid our bill and stepped into the bright sunshine. I looked forward to having a productive day.

“Look how this van parked,” I observed. “They didn’t have to park so close.”

“Yeah, crazy drivers. Let me help you in.”

Dee Dee came around to my side to assist me. The door on the white van next to us flew open and a man jumped out and grabbed me. Another grabbed Dee Dee. Before we could shout for help, someone shoved us rudely into the back of the van. Another man pointed the barrel of a gun at us.

“Jeffrey? What are you doing?” Dee Dee asked incredulously. “Where are you and Sammy taking us?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Now shut up.” It seemed like forever, but it could have been a few minutes. Time moved in slow motion.

Dee Dee and I exchanged frightened glances. What would Nana think when she couldn’t find us? Were they going to grab her, too? It was all starting to make sense. I knew without a doubt these two men were involved in the murder.

When the van stopped, and the door opened again, we were in an old warehouse, darkened windows kept out any light. A dim glow came from bare light bulbs dangling from the ceiling. The building was empty, save for a few wooden crates scattered here and there. Within minutes we were forced to sit in straight back chairs with our hands tied behind our backs and our legs bound at the ankles. My knee throbbed.

Dee Dee whispered the obvious. “Trixie, I think we found the killers.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Y’all need to keep your traps shut. Your big mouths got you in trouble in the first place.” Jeffrey stomped over and tested the ropes wound around our wrists.

“Hey, you didn’t have to pull so hard,” Dee Dee said. “That hurt.”

“It won’t make any difference in a little while. Your pain will be irrelevant.”

Yikes. I didn’t like the sound of that.

“Sammy, why did you kill Jacob?” I thought I knew the answer, but I wanted to keep him talking. Hopefully Nana recognized something terrible had happened and called 911.

“He didn’t kill Jacob. I did.” A chill ran down my spine; I recognized that voice. I turned my head to confirm my suspicion. There stood Steven.

“Jacob’s death was most unfortunate. I never planned on killing anyone.” He walked in front of us. He didn’t appear so handsome now that I’d discovered he was a murderer.

“Then why did you?”

“Shut up! You don’t have to tell them anything.” Sammy hadn’t said much up until now. I couldn’t believe these three successful men had thrown away their futures.

“It’s doesn’t matter. They won’t be able to talk to anyone when we finish with them.”

I had to keep them talking. Our lives depended on Nana attaining help in time. “Sammy, I think I’ve figured out why you and Jeffrey are involved, but I don’t understand why Steven would kill Jacob.”

“Go ahead and tell us why,” Sammy said. “I’d love to hear your theory.”

“I haven’t put all the puzzle pieces together, but I’ll give it a try. Sammy, you told us you owned a majority of the downtown property. I think you wanted the museum for the property it sits on. And since Jeffrey is a loan officer, he planned to give you a loan to buy it.”

“She thinks she’s pretty smart doesn’t she, Sammy?” Jeffrey’s sneer filled me with fear.

“Steven, you seemed like such a nice young gentleman. How did you get mixed up with these two?” Dee Dee asked.

“It’s your fault.” Wasn’t it just like a crook to blame someone else? “I was there to scare you off the night you were at the museum. I never intended to kill anyone. When I discovered Jacob at the museum he startled me. I couldn’t take a chance on him telling anyone I’d been there.” He clinched and unclenched his fist. He resembled a wild animal.

“We were in the Andrews’ Room, so I grabbed the gun with the bayonet on it from the display. It all happened so fast. But what’s done is done. I can’t bring him back.” As Steven paced back and forth in front of us, I wondered if he’d be the one to kill us.

Sammy took the floor. “Y’all just had to poke your noses in our business.” He looked directly at me. “You insisted on asking questions like you were some kind of cop. If you hadn’t shown up, our plan might have worked. We tried to convince the board to sell the museum so I can build some condominiums. With a loan from Jeffrey’s bank and our investor we could have made millions.”

Jeffrey waved his gun around like a crazy man. “Yeah, women. They’re no good, two-timing, low-down scum.” I had a feeling he referred to Susan. I thought it sounded more like my ex-husband, Wade. I suppose it all depended on which side of the fence you were on.

I knew it was time for a prayer. Lord, please protect us and let Nana find help.

The door burst open and two of the biggest hombre’s I’d ever seen charged in. Before I knew what happened, the two mountain men slammed Jeffrey and Sammy on the floor and handcuffed them. Steven escaped.

But not for long. In marched Detective Bowerman, with a small army of police officers. They had Steven in tow. Suddenly the group of officers parted like the Red Sea and Nana walked through.

“Thank God you’re all right.” She rushed over and kissed my cheek. “I was so afraid we wouldn’t make it in time. Girls, meet my friends Mad Dog and Viper.” She motioned toward the two burley, tattooed guys who’d come to our rescue.

“Ladies.” Bowerman looked toward us. “If it wasn’t for your Nana here, we wouldn’t have found you. You can thank her for keeping her wits about her.” That was too funny. Wait until Mama heard that one.

“Detective, they’re behind the murder. Steven’s the one who killed Jacob.” I suspected I’d be giving a full statement later.

“Oh? How so?” Caterpillar brows shot up.

“How does a full confession sound to you?”

“Mirandize all of ‘em!” Bowerman barked.

“Nana, how did you know where we were?” Dee Dee asked.

“When I came out of the little girls room, I saw them push you in the van. Mad Dog and Viper were inside eating. I ran in and told them I needed help. Bless their pea picking hearts. They believed me.” She blinked her eyes and shot a smile toward the two men.

Mad Dog pointed his fingers covered with heavy metal rings at Nana. “By the time we ran out to our motorcycles she was already on the back seat. I didn’t have time to argue with her about how dangerous it was to ride through traffic chasing a van. We got to the warehouse and called for backup. When we received the word we came in.”

They must have noticed the inquiring looks Dee Dee and I wore.

“Take them on out,” the detective ordered. Officers escorted the three handcuffed men out of the warehouse, and Bowerman joined us. “Good job guys” He met my questioning look. “Viper and Mad Dog are two of our best men. They’re undercover cops. They’re on our side. And I believe God must have been on your side today.

“I do, too, detective. I do, too.” Thank you God, for saving our lives.

A month has passed. I’m sitting here among friends and family. It’s my first day home from the hospital. When I returned from Marietta my doctor arranged for knee surgery as soon as possible. I’ve been staying with Mama and Nana until I can manage stairs.