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I didn’t know if it was excitement or if I’d gone to bed too early, but I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night. I threw back the covers and grabbed the clock. When the bright red numerals glared four o’clock, I knew it was useless to stay in bed. I thought a walk on the beach might relax me, so I quietly donned my capris and a t-shirt and stealthily snuck down the stairs.

I grabbed a flashlight that sat by the door. Outside, the brightness of a full moon greeted me. The rounded orb appeared so close I wanted to reach out and touch it. The moon’s reflection on the ocean shone like sparkling jewels.

“Meow. Meow.” It was the beach cat. When we had come in from our walk, Laura told us the locals had named him Captain Jack. He was digging at something in the sand. I tiptoed closer expecting him to run. He didn’t right away, but when I encroached on his territory he fled. My flashlight beam reflected on something shiny dangling from his mouth as he escaped.

I directed the light back to where he’d been digging. I noticed a big lump in the sand. Had someone thrown a pile of trash on the beach? Boy, were they in for a hefty fine if caught.

I walked closer and shined the light to get a better look. Then I realized it wasn’t trash. It wasn’t seaweed and it wasn’t driftwood. These wouldn’t be covered in blood. A body with a smashed in head would.

My body shook and I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn’t move. A morbid curiosity drew my eyes to the ghoulish sight. The peaceful sounds of the ocean were shattered by a scream. Mine.


Terror on Tybee Island _2.jpg

After I discovered the body identified as that of a Mrs. Grace Watkins, several officers arrived to investigate the crime scene. They instructed us to gather in Laura’s house, including everyone from Ocean View Inn.

Sipping from my steaming mug in Laura’s living room, I surveyed the eclectic group of guests. Ellie and the Daniels sat across from me. Mama, Nana, and Dee Dee were on the edge of their seats, ready to rescue me if I fainted. George and Laura, both expressionless, occupied the wingback chairs. In my fugue state I recognized these people, but there were several unfamiliar faces.

“Hey, y’all. Ain’t this the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen? I just love to watch those murder mysteries on the Investigation Discovery Channel.” A guest from Ocean View Inn introduced himself as Bubba Maxwell. This man definitely lived up to his name.

“Mr. Maxwell, this is not a television show. This is real, and someone lost their life. I’d appreciate it if you showed a little respect.” I had a feeling this was a concept lost on Bubba, but Detective Joe Baker was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

George and Bubba weren’t the only guests from Grace’s bed and breakfast. It seems she had collected a menagerie of folks. A couple of young newlyweds, covered in tattoos and pierced with rings in every orifice that showed, and probably some that didn’t, sat slumped on a couch. At first glance I wasn’t sure I’d want to encounter them in the dark.

A man dressed in an expensive business suit, sporting a pair of fauxcroc oxfords, spoke to the group, “Hi, I’m John Porter.” He didn’t elaborate on his introduction.

Wow, he sure looks sharp as a tack. I wonder what he’s doing on Tybee.

The detective’s baritone voice interrupted my thoughts. “Some of you will be interviewed separately by either Officer Judy Caldwell or Officer Ben Stevens.” Detective Baker peered at each person through squinted eyes. “The rest of you will be lucky enough to be interviewed by me.”

I chanced a long look at the detective. Tall, broad shouldered and a little on the hefty side, he exuded authority. I wondered if he’d grown up on the island. His skin was tanned and weather-worn. He had a head full of dark hair tinged with gray and possessed expressive brown eyes. He sported a thick mustache. He reminded me of Tom Selleck in Magnum P.I., albeit a bit heavier.

“Well, Detective. You’re lucky my Trixie found the body.” Nana flashed him a big smile.

“Oh, why is that?” He shot Nana a look that would have unnerved anyone else. Not Nana.

“Let me tell you.” I knew Nana had every intention of telling him why. “Trixie, Dee Dee and I have already helped solve two murders. We’ll be an asset to your investigation.”

The Detective’s jaw dropped like a windless kite on the beach. Way to go Nana. Foot in mouth again. It was true we’d helped on a couple of other cases, but not because our skills were sought after. It was a matter of saving someone we loved from the slammer. Dee Dee unfortunately became the main suspect of a murder in Dahlonega. That was almost two years ago now. I was grateful we’d been able to find the real killer and keep her from a life behind bars. She’d hate those orange jumpsuits.

A year ago, a friend of Harv’s was accused of killing one of his employees. Doc Pennington, the director of the Marietta History Museum, had asked for our help in clearing his name. I tried to stay out of the investigation, but Doc pleaded with us and I caved.

But we weren’t asked to help by law enforcement. Just the opposite. We’d been warned to keep our noses out of police business. But I couldn’t stand by and let my best friend go to jail for a crime she didn’t do. Then when Doc begged us to help him, we melted like butter.

I looked at Detective Baker and he looked right back at me – a stand-off. I blinked first. “Ms. Montgomery.”

“Yes.” The lump in my throat felt like an orange.

“I don’t care how many investigations you helped with. You will not be interfering with this one. Is that understood?” He stood with legs parted and hands on his hips. “You’ll have me to reckon with me if you interfere.

“Yes sir.” I fully intended to heed his warning.

“After all, you found the body. I plan on keeping a close eye on you.” I’m sure he would. If it weren’t for my Beau, I might not mind if he kept an eye on me. But Beau had asked me to marry him before we left for vacation and I told him I needed this time to make my decision.

I caught a glimpse of Dee Dee. I guess she’d noticed, too, because she was looking at Detective Baker like she could eat him up. What was going on with my friends? First, Nana – smitten with George. Now, Dee Dee was star struck with the investigator.

“Since we’re on the subject, I think I’ll interview you first, Ms. Montgomery. Officer Caldwell and Officer Stevens, you can start your interviews.” He looked around at everyone as he spoke. “No one leaves this house until one of us releases you.” The detective looked at Laura. “Ms. Walker, do you have some rooms we can use for questioning?”

“Sure. Follow me.” She led us to a room I assumed was her office. A big oak desk was positioned with a lovely view of the ocean. Filing cabinets sat in the corner. Shelves stuffed full of books lined one side of a wall. A floor lamp stood sentinel by a recliner on a beautiful, multicolored, patchwork brocade rug that covered the hardwood floors.

I chose a maroon rocker-recliner. When I sat down my body oozed into the cushion. I hadn’t realized how exhausted I was until now. Detective Baker settled in the office chair and rolled directly in front of me. He leaned forward, hands on knees, close enough for me to smell his English Leather aftershave.

After gazing into my soul, he pulled out his pad, flipped the pages, and poised his pen. “Start from the beginning… may I call you Trixie?”

“Sure.” Who was I to argue at this point?

“Okay, Trixie. Tell me why you were on the beach at four in the morning.” He flicked the pen back and forth on his pad. It unnerved me.

“I couldn’t sleep. After tossing and turning most of the night I decided to take a walk. You know how it’s hard to sleep the first night in a new bed.” I blushed, but the detective didn’t seem to notice. “We ate late, and I had a full tummy.”