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When the front door closed on them for what I hoped was the last time that night, Laura spoke first. “I’m tired to the bone. I’m going to retire for the evening. Please treat this as your home. Louise will leave night-time snacks out for everyone. Good night, and I hope you have a restful sleep.”

I walked over to where she stood by Mama. Laura looked like she could use more than a night of peaceful sleep. Her hair needed a good comb through and her rumpled clothes looked as if she’d slept in them. She was bare of make-up and her skin revealed a sickly pallor. The bags under her eyes reminded me of a woman who’d given up on life. Memories of when I had been at my lowest, after Wade left, flooded my mind. I had been so thankful for the help my friends and loved ones offered. How could I not do the same for Laura?

Mama hugged Laura. “You’ll continue to be in my prayers. Let Trixie and Dee Dee do what they can and we’ll leave the rest up to God.”

“I want to believe everything will turn out all right, but it’s hard to muster up faith when you’re in the midst of the storm. I’m calling a lawyer tomorrow.”

I took the opportunity to give Laura a hug. “I understand how you feel. I’ve been where you are.” She gaped at me in disbelief. “Really? You’ve been accused of a murder?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, no. But I’ve been to the valley where it’s hard to find strength. Your friends’ faith can help strengthen your assurance. Before you know it, yours will be strong again.” Wow, did I just give Laura a pep talk about faith?

It wasn’t that long ago Dee Dee had given me the same pep talk. I was a firm believer a friend could be a good influence and help you through the hard times. Dee Dee and Beau had proven it over and over. Now it was my turn to share that faith with Laura. She offered me a weary and not-so-sure smile, but at least it was an attempt. Dear Lord, please help me help Laura.

She went on to bed while the rest of us milled around and waited to discover what Louise would bring out for a night-time snack. I’d never been on a cruise, but I imagined this was what it would be like where food was the favorite pastime of the tourists.

I spotted Ellie sitting in a corner. She held a mug of coffee. This would be a great chance to talk with her. The burning question was, did she know John Porter before they arrived on the island or not. I refilled my cup and wandered over to where she sat. I nonchalantly took a seat next to her.

“Hi.” Great conversation starter.

She looked at me like I was a fly in her soup. “Hi.”

“This has been a real bummer for our vacation. How about yours?”

“Yeah, a real bummer.” Okay, this line of questioning wasn’t getting me anywhere. I decided to pull out all the stops.

“Harold Daniels told me they ran into you and John Porter downtown the night of Grace’s murder. Did you know John before you came to the island?” For a fleeting moment I detected a look in her eyes that said ‘oh no.’ But it was gone as quick as it came.

“Uh, no, I didn’t know him. We ran into each other outside and decided it would be nice to go downtown for a while.” She tilted her head and gave me a wary look. “Why do you want to know? I don’t see where this is any of your business.”

“I’m trying to help Laura and I can only do so by asking questions.”

“Well, if I were you, I’d leave that to Detective Baker. One person has already turned up dead.” The hair on my neck stood up. Was this a harbinger I’d later regret?

She stood up. “I’ve had a long day and if you don’t mind, I’m going to bed.” She didn’t hang around for my permission.

I made my way over to a little group huddled together comprised of Mama, Dee Dee, Nana, and George. “I’m going up to my room to call Beau. This has been a stressful day and I could use someone to bounce ideas off of.”

Nana gave me an exaggerated wink. “Sure honey, we understand. You go ahead and ‘bounce’ ideas off Beau.” She turned to Dee Dee. “Why don’t you come up to our room and keep me and Betty Jo company and give the lovebirds some privacy.” Nana cackled. I loved that about Nana. She could make me smile even when I didn’t feel like smiling. And I let myself enjoy thinking about Beau that way.

We bade the Daniels goodnight and moseyed up the stairs. Dee Dee came in and grabbed her pajamas. “I’ll take my bath and visit with the girls while you’re on the phone.”

“I don’t think I’ll be that long, but I’ll give you a holler when I’m done.” I appreciated the private time with Beau.


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Hi, Babe.” The sound of his voice sparked a longing. I knew without a doubt I wanted to share my life with him. Yes, there was that old niggling doubt that recurred, but I didn’t want to lose out on a chance at happiness.

“Beau, it’s so good to hear your voice.” I ached to touch him, to hold his hand.

“It’s good to hear you, too. How are things going on the island? Have you been able to get information on that George character?”

“He didn’t give me an address, but I did get his tag number. I hope this helps. I know there’s more to him than meets the eye. I’m afraid he’s up to no good.”

“Trix, I know you have a deep desire to help others and anything I say won’t change that. But I want you to be careful and please give the information you gather to the detectives and let them do their jobs.”

“We only have a couple more people to interview and then I’ll hand the material over to Detective Baker. I’m not too concerned about the interviews; it’s Nana who’s going to be the death of me.” A hearty laugh blasted through the phone. Beau loved Nana and he took her antics with a grain of salt. Of course, he didn’t have to live with her. “Beau, it’s not funny. Do you know she tried on a hot pink two-piece swimsuit and then modeled it for everyone in the store? I could have lifted the floor and crawled under it. If it hadn’t been for Dee Dee’s fast thinking I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

“Don’t take it too seriously, hon. She won’t be with you forever.” I knew he was right.

“I know. I love her dearly, even if she makes me want to pull my hair out.” I don’t know how long we’d been talking when Dee Dee stuck her head in the door and whispered, “You about through?” I looked at the clock and realized we’d talked for forty-five minutes. I nodded my head. She gave a little wave and shut the door.

We said our good-byes and promised to talk the next day. As soon as we disconnected I missed him. I couldn’t wait to get home and give him the answer he was patiently waiting to hear.

The bathroom door opened and Dee Dee peeked in. “Hey, can I come in now? I’m ready to hit the sack and read for a little while if I can keep my eyes open.” Dee Dee came around the door dressed in a pair of red pajamas covered with white kittens. I couldn’t remember a time when we’d spent the night together when she didn’t have on kitty PJs. She was definitely devoted to her babies – I mean her cats.

“New pajamas?”

“Yeah. I bought them just for our trip.” She plucked at the flannel fabric. “What do you think?”

I thought, they kind of look like the rest of your pajamas, but I said, “Nice.” Her smile was worth the compliment.

We talked a little longer and Dee Dee snuggled in bed with her book. I turned over and willed my errant thoughts to focus on Beau and our future to replace the memories of murder and mayhem that tried to hold my mind hostage. I faded into sleep, dreaming of Beau’s sweet kisses.

I awoke to Dee Dee singing, “Wake Up, You Sleepyhead!” I covered my head with my pillow, and she jerked it off.

“Oh no, you don’t. We need to hurry if we’re driving to Savannah this morning to interview Grace’s ex. I want plenty of time to find some costumes for tonight’s Pirate Fest.”