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“You can understand why we put Edna on the list. She had plenty of reasons to want Grace dead. When we talked with her she certainly didn’t seem like a killer, but people have been known to kill for less,” Dee Dee said.

Mama scrunched up her face. “Is that all the names you have?”

“No. It seems Grace made a lot of enemies, including her ex-husband, Bert. Edna shared how they used to have these awful fights in front of the guests. She was even afraid one of them would kill the other one. She said he just up and left one day - moved to Savannah.

“Grace got the better end of the deal, financially. If that’s not a recipe for murder, I don’t know what is.”

Nana grabbed hold of the notebook and pulled it to herself. She pointed at a name scrawled near the bottom. “Who is this Jasmine?”

Dee Dee filled her in. “We met this really nice lady, Ruth, at Seaside Sisters. She invited us to eat lunch with her. She was full of gossip – I mean information.”

“That’s right. She couldn’t wait to spill the beans. Jasmine, a young lady with the Save the Turtles Association, tried to run for president against Grace. It was a decision that turned out to be a big mistake in the end.” I drew in a deep breath and continued.

“According to Ruth, Grace dug deep until she found dirt on Jasmine. Her contacts found out that Jasmine had been arrested for marijuana possession. Even though it was a misdemeanor and she never had to serve time, the rules of the association state you can’t run if you have any kind of criminal record.”

Nana shook her head.

Dee Dee scooted to the edge of her bed. “Yeah, and Jasmine was so mad she vowed to get even with Grace. She threatened her in front of the entire group of turtle savers. She definitely earned her place on the list of suspects.”


Terror on Tybee Island _2.jpg

When are we going to talk to them, Trixie?” Watery blue eyes from behind thick lenses stared straight at me. I knew Nana was serious as a hound following a scent.

“Uh.” I cleared my throat and looked at Dee Dee to throw me a lifeline. She shrugged her shoulders and raised her eyebrows. I was sinking fast. “Dee Dee and I have this covered, Nana. Maybe you can keep your ears open over at Ocean View Inn when you visit George.”

“What can I do?” Mama tugged her housecoat a little tighter around her.

“Mama, you can keep your ears open, too. I think all the guests at Grace’s could be considered suspects. We know they all had opportunity. What we need to find out is if they have a motive.”

“Let’s add them each to the list,” Dee Dee suggested. She rummaged around in her pocketbook for a pen and handed it to me.

“Throw out names and I’ll write them down.” I poised my hand ready to write.

Everyone spoke at once. I threw up my hand, palm turned out. “Whoa. One at a time. Mama, who did you say?”

“What about Bubba Maxwell? He seems nice enough, but he kinda’ gets on my nerves.”

“Huh,” Dee Dee said. “He gets on everybody’s nerves. If he won the lottery like he says he did, then the motive wouldn’t be money.”

“There might be something in his past we don’t know about. We have to find a way to uncover any motives.” I wrote down his name.

“There’s that sweet young couple KiKi and Nick Sanderson. You know, the cute kids that are tatted up.” Great. All we needed was Nana spouting ‘hood speak.’ An image appeared in my mind of Nana covered in tattoos from head to toe. Believe me, it was not pretty.

“We need to write them on the list, too. At this point, no one is exempt. Even the guests here at Seaside.”

Dee Dee returned from the bathroom and plopped down on her bed. “Where are we?”

“We were talking about that sweet couple, KiKi and Nick.” Nana pushed her glasses up her nose.

“Oh, don’t you just love their tattoos? What I’d give to be young again.” Dee Dee had this faraway look in her eyes.

“Like you’d be covered in ink if you were?” Please. What was happening to everyone? Did the salt air addle their brains?

Dee Dee turned a little pink. “Well, no. But it never hurts to dream about ‘what if.’”

Dee Dee thought a moment. “That leaves John Porter and George.”

“George? Why in the world would you mention him?” Nana nearly choked on her indignation. “He’s the nicest man you’d ever want to meet.”

I shot Dee Dee a look that meant, ‘way to go.’ She just shrugged.

“Nana we need to consider everybody. I’m sure we’ll find George is squeaky clean.” I felt guilty for the doubts that clouded my mind concerning George.

“What about that man, John Porter?” Mama leaned over and tapped her finger on my notebook. “Write his name down.”

“He seems like a decent enough guy, but he didn’t have much to say when he came to the inn to eat.” I pictured the fortyish, tall, dark and handsome man. I wondered what circumstances in his life landed him on Tybee Island at this particular time.

Dee Dee sported a starry-eyed glaze. “I wonder if he’s married.” Absentmindedly she fanned herself with the covers.

“Earth to Dee Dee!”

She snapped out of her daydream.

“Oh. Sorry. You have to admit he is one handsome hunk of humanity.” She looked around the room for affirmation.

“You got that right,” Nana heartily agreed.

“Okay, ladies.” I brought the meeting back to order. “We need to get our focus off John Porter’s hunky body and back on our suspects.

“Can you read the names again? Maybe we’ve forgotten someone crucial.” Dee Dee stood up and stretched.

“Let’s see.

1.   Mary Sue Bartlett

2.   Bert Watkins

3.   Jasmine Watters

4.   Edna Jackson

5.   George Knight

6.   Bubba Maxwell

7.   Kiki and Nick Sanderson

8.   John Porter

“Wow, what a list. How are you ever going to check out everyone?” Mama’s face reminded me of a sunflower with no sun. “Trixie, I’m so afraid for Laura.”

I gave Mama a big hug. “When Dee Dee and I released it to the One who does know all the answers before, He always came through, and I feel confident he’ll see us through this, too.”

Dee Dee and Nana offered a hearty, “Amen!”

“Don’t forget the Daniels, Cassie and Harold. Then there’s Ellie Sloan. Those are the only guests here besides us. Of course, there’s Louise, but I can’t see her harming a fly.”

A knock on the door startled us, and we looked at each other like we’d done something illegal instead of collaborating on Laura’s defense.

Dee Dee was closest so she grabbed the doorknob and eased the door open.

Laura stood on the other side. Dee Dee clutched her arm and pulled her in, guiding her inside to sit on the bed.

Mama sat beside Laura. When she gave her a hug tears began to pour from Laura’s red-rimmed eyes. “Oh, Betty Jo. What am I going to do?” She sniffed and wiped her nose with her hand.

Nana pulled out a fairly fresh Kleenex from her bathrobe pocket. “Here dear.”

We exchanged glances while she blew into the Kleenex sounding like a foghorn. A short time ago, Mama had been the one worried about Laura. It’s amazing to see what one will do for a friend. She put on her big girl panties along with a forced smile and told Laura about the list of suspects we’d acquired. We took turns giving Laura a hug and words of encouragement. By the time we finished, she’d wiped her tears and girded a cloak of courage.

“Y’all come on down and have some breakfast.” Laura had pulled herself together, and seemed encouraged that we had her back. “Louise said it’d be ready in a few minutes. I have another bit of good news to pass on. Grace’s niece arrived last night, so I don’t have to worry about her guest’s care. As if I didn’t have enough to worry about.”

Laura went downstairs to check on Louise, and Mama and Nana went back to their room to change clothes.