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“He returned from Seaside Cottage after breakfast, and then went out again. I haven’t seen him since.”

“No matter. I shall talk with him later.” He turned from Edna and addressed us. “Ladies, I must take my leave for now and take care of some business. I look forward to seeing you tonight.” He looked at Nana and smiled. “Belle, may I have the privilege of driving you to the restaurant this evening?”

I swanny, Nana turned crimson. “I’d be honored.”

“Then I shall see you ladies around seven.” He bowed at the waist. I had to admit, George was the consummate gentleman. Why did I keep getting prickly vibes about him? I wondered if I could solicit Beau to run a background check. Thinking of Beau sent a wave of sadness through me. I missed him. He’d promised me space to think about his proposal while I was gone, but it didn’t keep me from missing him.

The shock of finding Grace’s body and now trying to help Laura was more than I could handle. How could I contemplate my future? I knew I couldn’t do this alone. “Lord, please help me help Laura. And give me the wisdom to make the right decision about me and Beau.”

An overwhelming desire to talk to Beau struck me. I’d call him as soon as I had some alone time. I promised I’d have an answer for him when I returned. I loved Beau, but I couldn’t let go of the seeds of fear my failed marriage had planted in me.

“Trixie?” Dee Dee shook me arm. “What were you thinking about, girl? You looked so serious.”

I looked at Nana. How much should I divulge in front of her? I shouldn’t have worried; she was far wiser than I gave her credit for. I thought of all the times she acted like she didn’t know what was going on. I felt more than ever it was just a ruse for her to get away with her antics.

“Sugah, are you thinking about Beau?” Nana’s eyes were filled with concern. I nodded. “I know you have a lot on you, but please don’t forget how much he loves you. Anyway, if you don’t marry Beau then that leaves him wide open for me.” Nana and Dee Dee chuckled. Even though they laughed at my expense, Nana had lightened the mood. I gave her a big hug. Dee Dee joined in the fun as we enveloped each other in a group hug. Edna looked on as if we’d lost our ever lovin’ minds.

When we were finished with our collective moment of encouragement, we turned to thank Edna for her help. “Oh goodness. I don’t know how much I helped, but please let me know if you need me. I’ll be glad to help Ms. Laura any way I can.” She walked us to the door.

“Come on girls. Let’s go tell Betty Jo we’re going to the Crab Shack tonight. I’ve got a hot-looking outfit in mind that’s sure to turn George’s head.”

“Nana!” Oh, Lord, please deliver me. Anyway, all she ever wore were jogging outfits.

“What? You don’t think an old woman can look sexy?” Nana turned and strutted out the door.

Nana was going to be the death of me yet.


Terror on Tybee Island _2.jpg

Oh, Nana. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Nana.”

I knew Dee Dee meant it.

We found Mama resting in her room. That was, until Nana blew in like the north wind. “Oh, Betty Jo, we have the best news. George is going to take us to the Crab Shack tonight. Isn’t that exciting?” Mama sat up. Nana walked over and plopped on the end of her bed.

“It sounds good.” Mama shot a glance at me with a lifted eyebrow. “Trixie, what do you think? Should we go?”

I didn’t see a need to tell her of my hunch about George. What could he do with four women in tow? “Sure. I think it’ll be fun.” Now seemed the perfect time to call Beau. “If y’all don’t mind, I’d like to go find a quiet place and make a call.”

Nana and Dee Dee exchanged a knowing gaze. “Sweetheart, you go on and call that hunk of gorgeous. It’ll make you feel better.”

I hoped she was right.

He answered on the second ring. “Hey, Babe.”

“Hi. Is this a good time to talk?” Beau was a deputy sheriff in our small hometown of Vans Valley. I’m not sure why I felt like a kid calling her high school crush all of a sudden. I swallowed against a tiny giggle.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m not busy right now. It’s good to hear your voice.” I could picture him leaned back in his office chair. “How are things going?”

I was torn. Should I tell him all I’d been through? With only a slight hesitation I spilled my guts. “Oh, Beau. It’s been terrible. Monday night I went for a walk on the beach and found a dead body.” The tears rolled down my cheeks. I took my sleeve and swiped at them.

“What?” I held the phone away from my ear, but it was too late. “Trixie, what have you been up to? I’m scared to let you out of my sight.”

He had reason to be upset. After all, this was the third time I’d been involved in a murder investigation. But it wasn’t my fault. And right now I needed him to empathize with me, not yell at me.

“I didn’t know an innocent walk on the beach would lead me to a dead body,” I said.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled, but it caught me by surprise. You’re there and I’m here, and I can’t do anything to help. Did they interrogate you?”

“Yes. But Laura, Mama’s friend, is the focus of the investigation. Grace Watkins, the victim, owned the bed and breakfast right next door to where we’re staying. They had an ongoing argument and the murder weapon’s a garden gnome Laura owns. She’s asked me and Dee Dee to help her.”

“Trixie.” I could imagine Beau shaking his head.

“Beau, I have to help her. She’s Mama’s friend, and I’d want someone to do the same for me.”

“I know, I know. That’s who you are. But I’m worried about you. The last time you were involved in a murder investigation you barely made it out alive.”

“Never fear. Nana’s here and she’s determined to help. Again.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

I knew Beau would come at the drop of a hat if I wanted him to, but for now I needed information.

“Could you run a background check for me? Nana’s got the hots for a gentleman named George Knight.”

Beau’s laughter rang through the phone. “I can’t check on someone just because they want to date your grandma, hon.”

“It’s not just that.” Although now that you mention it. “I’ve got this sense he’s hiding something, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

He adopted his deputy sheriff voice. “Do you know his address? I could run his license plate number if you can get it.”

“No, but we’re going out tonight and I’ll figure out a way to get it.” My journalism skills came in handy for more than just scoops. “I’d feel better if I knew he was harmless.” A knock on the door startled me. The door squeaked open and Dee Dee poked her head in.

“Is it all clear for me to come in?” she stage whispered. I nodded.

“Beau, Dee Dee just came in. I’m gonna let you go, but I’ll call you back as soon as I get George’s address.” Dee Dee raised an eyebrow.

“Okay.” His voice took on a husky tone. “It’s so good to hear from you and I look forward to your next call. Trixie?”


“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Beau.” I knew he wanted me to say more, but I couldn’t. I still had a lot to think over.

Dee Dee sat on my bed. “Wanna talk about it? I know you’ve got a lot on your mind.” She looked me in the eye. “Trixie, follow your heart. Beau’s a great guy. He loves you and he loves the Lord. That’s a win-win combination.”

“I know Dee. I’m scared.” I couldn’t help but think of the betrayal I’d lived through because of Wade’s actions. I never wanted to experience that pain again.

“A little fear is healthy, Trix, but don’t let the past prevent you from being happy. There are no guarantees in life, but remember, Beau is not Wade. Let’s pray about it right now.” Dee Dee clasped my hand and said the sweetest prayer. When we lifted our heads I felt a renewed peace.