Again, Logan pushed his fingers inside, stretching Tate and trying to get him ready for what was about to happen to him. Tate looked magnificent, lying beneath him. He had one leg bent back against his chest, where Logan held it in place, and the other angled at the knee, against the mattress. His busy hands were frantically working his rigid flesh, and as he stared up at Logan with absolute trust in his eyes, Logan asked, “You okay?”

When Tate nervously licked his lips and nodded, Logan lowered himself and followed the same path, tracing Tate’s mouth with his tongue, before he cursed out at his lack of control. Tunneling his fingers back into the hot, snug home where his cock wanted to take up residence, he admitted, “I want in here so bad, Tate. I have wanted it since we first met.”

Logan pulled his fingers free, and Tate’s breathing came hard as his lips parted, and he told him, “Then, take me.”

* * *

He was ready. Fuck. He was beyond ready as Logan’s fingers worked inside him. It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling, Tate thought as Logan pulled his thick fingers out of him. But every time he’d done it, his fingertips had knocked against that spot where the pleasure was off the fucking chart. So, yes, he wanted to feel the pressure and fullness that Logan’s cock would give to him when it pressed inside him.

“You ready?” Logan asked as he stared down with what looked like an angry expression.

But Tate knew better. He knew it was restrained lust, not anger that was making Logan look like he wanted to kill. Logan wanted him so badly that it was physically hurting him to wait.

Tate nodded, and he expected Logan to remove his hand and push into him. What he hadn’t expected was for Logan to shift out from between his legs. As he lay down on his back beside him, Tate turned his head and looked at him with a frown.

“I don’t understand.”

With one hand, Logan palmed his cock. “The best way for you is going to be like this.”

Tate’s ass pulsed and burned slightly from the fingers that had been moving inside him, and as he looked at how Logan was casually lying on his back, he asked, confused, “What do you—”

“Straddle me, Tate.”

“What?” Tate questioned, feeling his brow rise.

“Knee on either side of me. You know what straddle means, right?”

“Fuck you,” he heard himself mumble as he moved closer to Logan.

“You can, if you prefer.”

Tate glowered at him, not really annoyed at Logan but irritated by his own sudden apprehension. He’d been ready to lie down under Logan or be on hands and knees. But this, this was not what he’d expected. They had never done this before.

“This way, you’ll be in control. You can go as slow or as fast as you like, trust me.”

Well, that makes sense, Tate thought. But as he came to a stop beside Logan and looked down at the hand fisting the covered, large cock, Tate couldn’t believe that this was the first time he’d wondered, how that was going to—

“It’ll work,” Logan assured, seeming to read his mind. “Trust me. Stop thinking. Come down here, and kiss me.”

Tate moved down and kissed his mouth, and Logan’s hands grabbed his arms and pulled him close. As he fell down with a soft huff, Logan’s hands slipped around to his back and slid down his spine to his ass.

Tate moaned as Logan’s tongue pushed between his lips, and when strong fingers gripped the backs of his thighs and urged them apart, Tate spread his legs to either side of Logan. As Tate bit at the full lip he loved and placed his hands by Logan’s head, he kissed him passionately and began to grind his shaft against the one under him. He could feel Logan’s hands slide up the sides of his thighs to his waist and across his ass as he continued kissing and rocking against him from underneath. As a rumble left Logan and moved through him, Tate knew what he wanted. He wanted to give this man everything.

Lifting his head, Tate looked down into the dark blue eyes peering back at him and placed his palms on Logan’s chest as he slowly sat up, straddling Logan’s stomach.

His cock sprung up in front of him, and Logan’s hands came around to rest on his thighs as Tate reached down and began stroking it and sighing from the sheer pleasure.

“Oh Jesus, Tate. You look amazing,” Logan told him as his eyes wandered over his body.

As Tate kneeled over the man, he felt fucking amazing. He noticed Logan look over to the side of the bed and reach out to grab the bottle he’d left there. Opening it quickly, Logan lifted it to Tate and poured some into his palm before he recapped it and threw it to the side. He then began to massage his hands over Tate’s thighs.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready, just reach back, oil me up, and take your time.” Logan paused as he placed his hands behind his head, trying to convey a sense of calm. “There’s no rush, and if you want to stop, you stop.”

Tate appreciated that as his nerves made his heart pound erratically in his chest.

Reaching behind himself, he found Logan’s erection. Curling his fingers around it, he ran his slippery palm over the sheathed rod and felt his whole body shift as Logan pushed up from underneath him.

Tate looked down at the powerful man under him and released him as he then began preparing his own body. As he started to run his wet fingers over his hole, he licked his lips nervously and grabbed his eager erection dripping with its excitement—excitement from the unknown.

Logan’s eyes looked heavy, but the relaxed pose didn’t fool Tate for one second. The arms Logan had placed behind his head looked tense, and the muscles were bulging as Tate slowly rose up on his knees.

“Logan?” Tate whispered hesitantly.


Tate focused on the serious face staring back at him. “Can you help me?”

A soft expression loosened Logan’s tense features, as he lowered his hands and smoothed them up Tate’s thighs. “Of course.”

Tate gripped Logan’s cock and pushed it toward his body until he felt the tip nudging between his cheeks. That was when Logan’s palms smoothed around his hips, and his fingers gently spread him apart.

At first, Tate began to tease himself, moving back and forward over it, feeling the way the wide round head parted his ass as it massaged his hole. He heard a hiss of air and looked down at Logan, who had squeezed his eyes shut as though the pleasure was too much to bear, and that made Tate brave.

Remembering what Logan had told him, he took in a breath, and then he slowly released it as he lowered his body down over the waiting hard cock. The first sensation was the immediate pressure of something so thick trying to penetrate him, but from this angle it was much easier to control how much he could take at a time. Gritting his teeth and placing his palms on Logan’s chest, Tate stared at the face that was pulled taut as he continued to slide down on him.

The second Logan pushed past that initial tight ring of muscle, Tate was hit with the sting and burn. Fuck. The pressure in his ass was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Just as his cock was beginning to soften, and he was about to remove himself, one of Logan’s hands wrapped around him and started to stroke his erection.

“Breathe, Tate. You feel and look so damn good. Jesus Christ. Breathe.”

Tate focused on Logan’s face, which even when twisted and distorted with his own pain and pleasure was still sexy as hell. He kept one hand on Tate’s hip and continued to stroke him with his other.

“Your ass feels unfuckingreal—so hot and so fucking tight.”

Logan’s words were both dirty and provocative, and as they made their way to him, Tate found that they distracted him from the burn inside him as he continued to lower himself, feeling Logan stretch him wider and wider as he sank in even deeper.