“The fault, Tate. You never took any blame for what was your fault. It was only due to your laziness that we ended up where we are, and you know it.”

“Lazy? How can you sit there and say I was lazy? I worked two jobs the entire time we were together.”

“Lazy when it came to us. You just didn’t give a shit. Then, you quit. Just walked right out the damn door. You didn’t even care that your family loved me, that I loved them.”

Tate ran a frustrated hand over his face. Where was Logan’s brother? Sighing, he dropped his arm down onto the table. “Funny, in that entire sentence you never once said that you loved me or that I loved you.”

Unexpectedly, Diana reached across the table and clasped Tate’s hand. “But you did, didn’t you?”

Tate looked into the eyes of the woman he thought he’d once loved, and all he could think of were blue eyes, glasses, and a stubbled jaw.

“Whatever I did or didn’t feel burned itself out long ago.”

“And now you feel nothing?”

Tate considered her question carefully, trying to gauge her angle. “Am I supposed to?”

So quietly he almost didn’t hear her, Diana whispered, “Maybe, if you tried.”

Just as he was about to pull his hand away and ask her if she’d forgotten she was engaged, the conference room door opened and in walked Cole followed closely by—

Logan. What the hell?

Both of them looked as formal and businesslike as they possibly could.

Immediately, Tate saw Logan size up the situation. Those eyes he had just been imagining zoomed in on the hand that was covering his own, and as Tate removed his, Logan’s eyes lifted and locked with his.

“We’re sorry we got held up,” Cole stated. “Mr. Morrison, it seems your lawyer is running late.”

Diana let out a snort of laughter that had everyone turning to face her, and Logan then tilted his head to the side studying her for the first time as one would a petulant child.

“Is something amusing, Ms. Cline?”

Under Logan’s direct stare, Tate watched Diana straighten her spine and lift her chin. “No. Is there a reason you’re even here? I was under the impression you were only needed if Mr. Madison wasn’t available, and clearly,” she stated as she turned to Cole, who Tate only now realized was staring at him with a pensive look on his face, “he is.”

“Oh yes, I’m here for a reason,” Logan announced as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and brushed it aside to slide his hands into his pants pocket.

And yeah, Tate thought, he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

Tate felt his palms sweat as he stared at the man squaring off with Diana, and he wondered for a split second just how far Logan’s outrageous behavior extended. Would he really say something to her just to gain the upper hand?

“I’m here for Mr. Morrison. I need him,” Logan stated and moved toward the conference room door. When he reached it, he looked back over his shoulder to Diana, who was completely ignoring him, and promised in a voice that seemed to have a direct link to Tate’s cock, “His lawyer wants to speak to him. Don’t worry, I’ll send him back to you as soon as he’s done,” and then he left.

Tate’s erection noticeably throbbed between his legs, and he was curious about how exactly Logan expected him to get up and walk out after the sensual threat he’d just heard in his voice. Several seconds passed, and it wasn’t until Cole moved to stand beside Diana that Tate looked up at the blond guy and saw him raise his brows.

“Your lawyer’s waiting for you.”

Tate nodded silently, understanding that both Cole and Logan were not referring to Mr. Branson. He looked to Diana, who aimed daggers back at him, and finally having gained some control of his body, Tate pushed back from the table. “I’ll be back in just a minute then.”

Cole inclined his head but said nothing as Tate hurried around the table and made it out the door, walking toward the office where his lawyer was waiting for him.

* * *

 As soon as the knock sounded on his office door, Logan yanked it open and stared at Tate. Without a word, he stepped aside as the man walked inside. Turning to watch him, Logan lightly pushed the door closed as to not disturb the thick silence that had engulfed them. As he made his way over to the man with his back to him, Logan’s palms itched to slide into Tate’s jeans pockets covering that perfect ass. That ass which is soon going to be mine.

“You came to me,” Logan murmured from where he stood behind Tate, not yet touching but close enough that his suit jacket was brushing the material of Tate’s clothes.

“You said you needed me. How could I refuse that?”

Isn’t that the fucking truth? Logan thought, looking at the back of Tate’s head, wanting to remind himself that this man was his.

When he’d walked into the conference room and seen Tate’s ex wife with her hand over Tate’s, Logan had felt a moment of—

What? Jealousy?

But as quickly as it had surfaced, it disappeared because Tate had looked up at him, and the eyes that had met his own had been full of want, full of need, and full of everything he himself felt, and it had all been directed at him.

So, Ms. Cline can go fuck herself.

Raising his hand, Logan brushed his fingers on Tate’s shoulder where he trailed them down his arm until their fingers met and interlaced.

“I do need you,” he confessed so close to Tate’s hair, that his breath made the curls shift. “I’ve never been so distracted in my life, thinking about you in there with her.”

Tate turned, and as Logan stared into the dark eyes hooded with desire, he lifted their hands.

“Look how far you’ve come? Holding my hand and everything?”

Tate’s mouth curled up on the sides as he took Logan’s other hand in his. “I want to do a lot more than holding hands. And look at you, finally admitting you’re jealous.”

“I did not.”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Hmm, so tell me more about what you want to do,” Logan said.

He stepped in close until Tate’s legs hit the desk, and he settled, allowing Logan to maneuver between his legs. Bringing their hands around his waist, Logan placed Tate’s palms over his ass and sighed when he felt him squeeze and bring him closer. Removing his hands, Logan placed them on Tate’s chest.

“I can’t stop thinking about coming to your place tonight after work.”

Logan rubbed himself between Tate’s legs and fingered his hair. “And?”

“And”—Tate chuckled—“you know why.”

Logan pressed his lips to Tate’s. “Yeah, but I want you to say it.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. Tell me you’ll be mine, that I can finally have you.”

Tate blinked, and this close, Logan thought it was astonishing that he’d never noticed how thick his eyelashes were before.

“Yes, you can fucking have me. I want to be yours.”

Logan threaded his fingers through Tate’s hair and tilted his head back, so he could take his mouth. As Tate’s lips parted, Logan eased his tongue inside, and he could taste the hazelnut and the lingering hint of tobacco as they seeped into his senses and rolled into the deliciousness that was Tate.

The hands on his ass increased in pressure as Tate stood up from the desk and his body brushed directly against Logan’s, ripping a raw groan from them both as their lips parted. Tate then lifted one of his hands to cradle Logan’s cheek as he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, and in that simple moment, Logan knew that he’d never experienced such perfection in his life.

As his mind spun and his brain kicked into overdrive, Logan didn’t hear the door to his office push open. He didn’t hear Cole’s wife, Rachel, as she knocked on the door, but as she stepped inside, he did hear a soft laugh, which had him pulling his mouth away from the one that was still clinging to his and turning to see Mrs. Madison with a woman he didn’t know.