“Come on, Logan, tell me your dirty secrets. Just how many fingers do you want?”

Logan clenched his teeth, and whispered, “Another.”

Tate stood back up and looked down to where his fingers were disappearing and reappearing. Smoothing his free hand over Logan’s ass cheeks, he spread him apart and slowly pushed three thick fingers inside the hot body bent before him. Holy fuck, what a sight.

“This is unreal…Logan, so sexy,” were the words that left him as he twisted and flexed his fingers.

When he pulled them out, he apparently hit Logan’s prostate because he shouted out Tate’s name and jammed his hips backwards, demanding roughly, “Again.”

As Tate eased them inside, Logan let out a loud groan. Tate was mesmerized by how wide he was stretching him and how much Logan was loving it.

Unable to help himself, Tate lowered down over the spread-out man and put his mouth to Logan’s upturned cheek, licking the stubble there. After kissing the corner of Logan’s mouth, Tate’s eyes held his as he vowed, “I don't care what anyone says. Love being with you like this. I fucking love it.”

* * *

Logan heard Tate speaking as his fingers were grazing against that perfect spot, but he’d lost the ability to comprehend. He was spread apart and bent over, and he was quickly falling harder and faster for the man giving him exactly what he wanted.

For years, he’d denied this side of himself, but he’d always loved bottoming for Chris. The bite of pain, the roughness, it had all added to the pleasure. Although thinking back now, that was probably more due to Chris’s selfishness than a want to fulfill Logan’s own desires.

But not here, not this time with Tate. Tate was watching and reading every single move he made, and he was relishing in the power he held while he was busy getting off on being at Tate’s mercy.

Hell, Logan. You weren’t lying on the phone, were you? You were dying for me to come take you. That’s what makes you so goddamn sexy—the fact that you don’t wait around when you see something you want, and you don’t stop until you’re…absolutely…fucking…satisfied.”

Logan sucked in a breath as Tate shoved his hips hard against his ass with each enunciated word, and his fingers spread inside him. With every rub of the guy’s cock over his flesh, he could feel the sticky proof of Tate’s excitement against the skin on his backside.

He squeezed his eyes shut and shouted as Tate removed his fingers from his body. Logan knew what was coming next, and when he felt the bare head of Tate’s shaft brush up against his ass, he clenched his jaw and barely remembered to ask, “Protection. God, please say you have a condom.”

Tate’s fingers dug into his hips, and he cursed out, “Hell, wait here. Do not move.”

Logan couldn’t have moved even if he tried. His cock was pulsating, his ass was needy, and his body was just about to go into a meltdown. The only cool parts of him were his stomach and the right side of his face, which were pressed up against the marble. He stretched his arms out to the sides, and a moan of pleasure escaped his lips when he felt Tate’s body come back and line up behind him, wedging his thick shaft between his cheeks.

Closing his eyes, Logan tried to calm himself as warm fingers spread him apart. When the head of Tate’s erection pressed against his stretched rim, Logan let out a breath of air as he was penetrated one slow inch at a time. He could feel a palm resting flat on his back at the base of his spine, and as the pressure increased, he relished the delicious fullness of having Tate inside him.

“Nothing feels like you do,” Tate admitted hotly behind him.

Logan had thought that this coupling would be hard and fast, but as Tate lodged himself inside and stopped. Tate came down over him and spread his arms out to the sides where Logan’s lay, and he entwined their fingers. The mouth by his ear kissed the shell of it, and the hips pressed up against him moved in a slow rotation.

“Every time we do this, it convinces me that I’m exactly where I need to be.”

Logan shuddered and pushed himself back, trying to get Tate closer somehow. He couldn’t find the words for the emotions he was feeling, so he remained silent and instead allowed himself to sink into the feelings. For the first time, he let them wash over him and wrap around him, much like Tate was.

“I don’t care how hard it might be. I need to know why it’s you who makes me feel this way. If it’s just sex or if it’s more, I need to know if you feel this way, too.” Tate professed.

Logan remained uncharacteristically quiet for a change as Tate’s words came to a halt. Then, he felt a tongue touch his lobe, and Tate’s hips rocked forward.

“You feel the same, don’t you? You told me this scares you. Tell me why, Logan.”

Logan felt Tate lift slightly, and when he pressed a kiss to his cheek, Logan nervously licked his lips. “Playing dirty, Tate?”

“If I have to. Tell me,” he replied, refusing to give Logan an easy way out.

Shutting his eyes, Logan admitted, “It scares me because of how much I want it.”

Tate nuzzled into his neck and shoulder, and Logan’s body trembled under the man behind him.

Suddenly, he couldn’t shut his mouth. “I’ve never wanted something more. But with you, I can’t seem to stop myself. I want to look at you and know that you’re mine, and that terrifies me.”

Tate’s fingers wrapped around his own as he brought their arms in close to his sides, and then Tate asked again, “Why?”

Logan found Tate’s eyes and finally acknowledged, “Because I think I could love someone like you.”

Tate’s breath left him in a quick rush of air, and then he was gone. He released Logan’s arms and straightened up behind him. Logan felt strong fingers holding him in place as Tate slowly pulled from his body before surging back inside. He heard a low moan behind him, and as he pushed back onto the body moving inside his own, Logan enjoyed the wicked slide into oblivion.

* * *

 Tate looked at the smooth skin of the muscled back laid out for him and wondered when this had gone from a quick fuck to making love. As he slowly pulled his hips away from Logan, he knew that was exactly what he was doing. He was making love to this man.

Logan’s eyes were shut, from what he could see, and his hands were braced under him, so with each of Tate’s thrusts, he could move back on him. But all Tate could think about were the words, because I think I could love someone like you, and all of a sudden, Tate wanted more.

Pulling out of Logan, Tate heard him groan from the loss as he managed in a gruff tone, “Turn around.”

Slowly, Logan stood and turned to face him. As soon as they were face-to-face, Tate took the back of his neck in his palm and pulled him forward. Capturing his mouth in an urgent kiss, Tate heard a moan slip free from Logan as one of his hands cupped Tate’s cheek.

Their tongues tangled, and their cocks bumped against one another.

Tate ripped his mouth away, breathless. “Need you, but not like that.”

“How then? Tell me what you need.”

“Bed. You in your bed.”

Logan nodded once and didn’t waste any time. He turned and made his way into the bedroom with Tate following close behind, keeping his eyes on the ass he planned to take as soon as they were on a soft mattress.

When Logan stopped by the side table and opened it to remove a bottle of lube, Tate bumped into him and ordered softly, “Get in the bed.”

“I like this bossy side of you almost as much as the aggravated side. Am I demented?”

Tate felt a grin hit his lips for the man who continually threw him off guard, but he wanted more from Logan than smart-ass comments. He wanted to see inside this man. He wanted to know all of him.