“Remember last night?” Logan asked.

Tate’s eyelids lowered as his own cock lurched, and he grasped it, pressing it against his body.

“Not something I’m likely to forget.”

Logan widened his legs a little more. “I need to get ready before you come at me with that,” he pointed out, glancing at what Tate was holding.

Tate nodded and lowered his eyes to Logan’s sac and the light sprinkle of hair on the skin leading down to the dark hole. Damn, I really want inside there, Tate thought, and before he knew it, he was asking, “Can I do it?”

* * *

Logan had hoped, maybe even silently prayed, that Tate would say exactly those words.


From where he was lying on the bed, he watched Tate scoot in closer and pour the cool, clear liquid into his palm. He was so aroused by the thought of Tate’s fingers in him that he was in danger of once again shooting his load before the real fun started.

When Tate threw the bottle aside and leaned over him, Logan’s hand stopped as Tate’s fingers lightly grazed up the underside of his engorged length.

“Let me,” Tate requested.

Logan released his hold immediately. Sliding his fingers through Tate’s hair, he pulled him down until their mouths met. As soon as those slippery fingers encircled him, Logan’s hips lifted up off the bed as though he had been shocked. The mouth against his curved into a smile, and that sexy confidence Tate was throwing his way turned him on even more, if that were possible.

Pushing his tongue between Tate’s lips, Logan’s body heated as the hand between their bodies pumped faster. He could feel Tate’s own arousal pressing straight and upright against him, and as Logan moved to return the caress, the body plastered against him shook, and Tate raised his head to stare down at him.

“More, I want more than this,” Tate rasped.

Logan lifted his head from the pillow and chewed on Tate’s swollen lip.

“You need to stretch me with your fingers, just like last night.”

Logan tried to contain his excitement as Tate’s eyes darkened in erotic concentration as he slowly released him. With dexterous fingers, Tate coasted them down the sensitive crevasse until they were pressed firmly against Logan’s hot and eager hole.

Logan’s breathing was coming in short, quick bursts as Tate’s tongue came out to touch his top lip, and Tate continued looking down at him, focused and intense, as he slowly slid his left index finger inside him.

Tate,” Logan hissed out between his teeth, closing his eyes against the intrusion.

Then, Tate’s deep voice ordered, “Open your eyes.”

Immediately, Logan focused on Tate, who was giving him such a fiery look that he wasn’t sure how the hell the tables had turned on him.

“This feels good? Having my finger in you?”

“Hell yes, a second would feel even better,” Logan assured him through labored breaths.

Tate pulled his finger back and then pushed forward. This time, he allowed his finger to go as far as he could possibly get it, making Logan’s hips snap up and off the bed on a curse, “Fuck.”

“That’s the plan.”

A small huff escaped Logan’s throat, and when Tate pulled his hand back and his finger left Logan’s body completely, the man lowered down over him and took his mouth in a quick kiss.

Logan’s hands came up to cradle Tate’s face, as he aggressively took the lips pressing against his while Tate rubbed his sheathed rod over him. With lust riding them both, Logan panted against those lips, “Move back a minute.”

As soon as the words were spoken, Tate was back on his knees, and Logan maneuvered himself until he was on his stomach and then pushed up onto his hands and knees. Looking over his shoulder, he found Tate’s eyes on his ass while he desperately milked his cock. Logan hung his head for a minute, trying to get himself under control. Once he figured he was good to go, he looked back again, and this time, his stare was met, so he asked, “You okay?”

Tate moved in behind him and ran his finger down the crack of Logan’s ass until he reached the hole.

Oh shit.

“Yes. Just looking,”

Ah, pretty fucking sure you’re touching, too. Logan grabbed himself with his right hand and tried to keep a handle on his instinct to turn around and attack.

Giving Tate a wink, he issued a strained invite, “Two fingers would be amazing right about now.”

Tate pressed the tips of his fingers to Logan’s vulnerable skin. As he eased them inside him, a whistle of air left Logan, and he couldn’t help from pushing back against them.

Oh yeah,” he barely voiced.

Tate’s fingers tunneled in and out of his body.

It had been a long time since Logan had really been taken, but that didn’t stop him from using other means to get himself off, and at that moment, he was glad he hadn’t been lax in reminding himself how much he loved receiving.

Occasionally, and by sheer accident, Tate’s fingers grazed over that magical fucking spot, and a hoarse snarl would leave Logan as he pushed back even harder on the two fingers that were knuckle deep, and driving him fucking crazy. That, however, was no longer enough. Logan wanted the thick shaft he could see every time he looked back over his shoulder to Tate.

Fucking gorgeous Tate, had a look of arousal mixed with first-time curiosity stamped all over him. It was obvious though by the strength and size of his own erection that the arousal was winning out, and as Logan felt those fingers pull from his body, getting ready to plow back in, he finally snapped.

“Now, Tate,” he demanded on a growl. “Now.”

* * *

Tate heard the demand from Logan and realized, This is it. This was the moment he crossed every line. The man in front of him on his hands and knees was spectacular to look at. There was not one thing about him that would allow Tate to confuse the fact that he was in bed with—and about to fuck—a man, not a woman.

The arm holding Logan up was bulging with muscle, as was the one flexing with each stroke he made to his own cock. The legs, dusted with dark hair, were bent, allowing him to kneel before Tate. Strong muscles rippled across his shoulders with every move back towards him, reiterating that there was nothing soft or delicate about this man. As Tate picked up the bottle of lube again, he poured some onto his eager erection, and then spread apart the solid cheeks of Logan’s ass and made sure his dark hole was nice and slick as he waited for him.

Damn, this is different. Who knew that staring at Logan while he was stroking his cock would make me so fucking excited that I could come in seconds? But no, he thought as he tightened a hard fist around his own balls, I really want to know how it feels inside him.

Tate noticed that when Logan spread his knees a little wider apart, he angled the top half of his body down toward the mattress, curving his hips and ass back to him.

Touching a hand to Logan’s hip, Tate asked, “You okay?”

But Tate had no clue what the hell he was checking for. Logan had been here and done this.

I’m pretty sure he’s A-OK. It’s me who’s the new guy.

Logan looked back at him and licked his mouth. “Yeah, Tate, I’m real good. Just go slow. Okay?”

Slow. I can do slow. Tate smoothed his hand over the firm ass in front of him and spread the cheeks apart. Once he saw what he wanted, he reached down with his left hand and lined himself up.

As the tip of him touched Logan’s rim, the heat from his body penetrated the latex, and Tate closed his eyes from the intensity of that small moment. Then, very carefully, he began to move. The head of his cock met with the resistance of Logan’s body, and just when he was about to pull back, he felt the powerful man in front of him drive his entire body backward. Tate’s cock slid past the ring of muscle, and he almost swallowed his fucking tongue at the toe-curling pleasure he got from it.