That was all he’d been waiting for. Logan took the final step to bring him close enough to smell Tate’s cologne, and the guy smelled amazing.

“Do you need to understand it to know that it felt good?” Logan raised his hand to touch Tate’s arm, testing the hard, lean muscle. “Do you want to do it again?”

Logan kept watchful eyes on the man coming to terms with all of his decisions today, and when Tate’s hand came up to grip his own, Logan waited.

“It’s like you expect me to flip a switch and just accept that everything I ever believed about myself has changed, and that I should be okay with that. Do you know how insane that is?”

“I do. But do you know what else is insane?”


“That you still haven’t told me no.”

* * *

 He’s right. Tate stared at Logan, who was still holding his arm.

“What do I need to get you into my bed?” Logan asked boldly.

Tate couldn’t help the laugh escaping his mouth at Logan’s directness. “A vagina?” He raised a brow at the man.

Releasing his arm, Logan took a step back and removed his cell phone from his pocket. He dialed a number and placed the phone to his ear.

“Hi, hon.” He then met Tate’s eyes and smirked as he mouthed, A vagina, I can get.

“Hang up,” Tate demanded through clenched teeth.

Logan shook his head, trying not to laugh.

“Logan, hang up.”

Pulling the phone away from his ear, he pressed it to his chest. “Why? I thought you wanted a vagina.”

Tate took a step that put him as close to Logan as he could get without touching. “Hang. Up.”

Very slowly, Logan did as asked. He slid the phone down his chest and placed it in his pocket. “But you said—”

“I know what I said,” Tate told him in a clipped tone.

“Then what’s the problem?”

Tate was trying to think of one, but all he managed was, “I don’t fucking share,” as he reached out to Logan. This time, there was no mistaking what he wanted, as Tate gave in to his curiosity and took Logan’s mouth with his own.

* * *

Damn. When did I lose the firm grip I had on this game? Logan thought in the back of his mind.

He was always the one in charge—always the one who made the moves, came on strong, and got off stronger. That was not the case this time. As Tate’s mouth dominated his, it was all Logan could do not to beg the guy for more.

Just as that thought left his mind, Tate’s body swayed from his. Not wanting the man to go anywhere, Logan smoothed his hands under the brown curls and held on. There was no need to worry though. Tate merely angled his head for a better connection and then slid his tongue across Logan’s lower lip. Not even thinking twice, Logan opened for him and groaned when he felt teeth scrape his bottom lip in a rough caress, just like this morning.

“You like that,” Tate stated against his mouth, experimenting.

Logan thought it was a fucking miracle he didn’t come right then.

“I do,” he managed. “I like it harder, too.”

Tate’s lips curved against his own, and Logan clutched the back of his neck, trying to get him to move again.

“Does every word that comes out of your mouth have to do with sex?”

Logan smirked against Tate’s mouth. “Usually, eighty/twenty, but with you, it seems more ninety-eight/two.”

As the words rolled off Logan’s tongue, Tate’s palm moved across his cheek and into his hair as if he was testing all the new textures and how far he wanted to go.

“And the other two?”

Tate’s warm breath brushed over Logan’s lips.

I’m supposed to fucking think? “The other two I have spent trying to convince you.”

When Tate—yes, sexy-as-hell Tate—slowly slid his tongue out and traced it along Logan’s top lip, sampling him as if for the first time, Logan gave a throaty moan.

“And do you think I’m convinced?”

Logan wasn’t sure if Tate was convinced, but his cock sure hoped so.

“I think you’re getting there.”

“And when I do? What happens to the two percent? More sex?”

Logan couldn’t believe he was being so compliant. It was completely unlike him, but he knew if they were going to move forward, it ultimately had to be Tate’s move. That didn’t, however, mean he had to be idle.

So, he decided, What the hell?

Taking his free hand, Logan slid it around Tate’s waist and pulled him hard, bringing him in as close as he could get him. This time, Tate grunted, losing a little of the control he’d managed to hold on to.

“I think when you get there, you’ll never want to leave. One thing about guys—we like sex. How long has it been, Tate? I’ll give you the best sex you’ve ever had.”

With what sounded like a frustrated growl, Tate twisted the hand in Logan’s hair and brought an end to the talking. Tate pushed his tongue between his lips, and Logan’s whole body shuddered in response. Their tongues tangled, and while in the wet heat of Tate’s mouth, Logan thought of how he’d love to shove his cock between those perfect lips. He didn’t know when Tate had decided to let down his barriers, but Logan wasn’t about to stop and ask.

Moving the hand he had on Tate’s waist, Logan slid it down over the snug black pants to grip his ass, pushing their hips together. Nothing could conceal the stiff shaft throbbing up against him now, and he couldn’t help but grind against Tate, letting him know he felt it, and showing him that he was just as aroused.

When Logan heard a low rumble from the chest pressed firmly against his own, a thrill skated down his spine, and as Tate removed his hand from Logan’s hair and gripped his jacket, Logan thought it was all over.

This moment of sexual perfection is about to end. I knew it was too fucking good to be true.

But instead of stopping, Tate’s fingers tightened around the material. Testing the truth in Logan’s words, he bit Logan’s lip hard enough to almost bring him to his knees before tugging on his bottom lip and pulling away.

“What the hell have you done to me?”

Logan pressed himself harder against the man driving him crazy. “I have no clue, but I’ll be the first to say, I’m glad for whatever it is.”

Tate shook his head. “I don’t know if I can go any further than this. It’s all so…so…”

Grabbing Tate’s ass in both hands this time, Logan thrust his hips against him. “This doesn’t feel good to you?”

Tate closed his eyes and tipped his head back, exposing the Adam’s apple that Logan really wanted to lick.

“I think it’s obvious how good it feels, Logan.”

Sensing the moment was over, Logan removed his hands and took a step back, trying to resist the urge to manhandle Tate down onto the couch and say to hell with it all.

“What’s the biggest problem for you?”

Tate crossed his arms as though he didn’t trust himself. “You’re a guy, Logan. Pretty big problem.”


“Because I like women!”

Logan shook his head calmly. “Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Especially when you have plenty of evidence to the contrary.”

“Thank you for pointing out the obvious, counselor.”

Logan shrugged, deciding now was the time to leave—before things turned to shit, before they got into an argument. Give him time to digest.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to go.” Logan walked back to the locked door, but before he left, he had one more thing that needed to be out in the air between them. “Tate?”

Tate’s stare met his own.

“This? This changes things. If you think I’m going to walk out of here and you’ll conveniently forget about what happened, you should think again. This wasn’t a fluke, no matter how much you try to pretend. You wanted it as much as I did, and you should remember that tonight when you jerk off, thinking about my tongue in your mouth,” Logan said, using a tone more serious than even he knew he was capable of.