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Pizza 911

A Mister Jinnah Mystery

Donald J. Hauka

The Tribune’s editor-in-chief can kiss Hakeem Jinnah’s ass goodbye! His bags are packed and he’s off to Africa as king of his own Burger Palace. That is, until a charred, dismembered body is discovered in a pizza oven. The lure of one last front-page byline is too much for Jinnah to resist … even if it turns out to be his own obituary.

Pizza 911 puts the perpetually puffing, politically incorrect Jinnah on the trail of a vicious killer in a chase that takes him from Vancouver to Tanzania. Negotiating a deadly labyrinth of deceit, betrayal, and long-kept secrets, the neurotic newsman has to use his entire reporting repertoire — and then some — to get to the truth. Bikers, drugs lords, shadowy assassins, and a mysterious beautiful woman are all pieces in a complex puzzle that Jinnah must put together before it’s too late for him, his family, and even his newspaper.

Based on the Gemini Award-nominated Movie of the Week, Pizza 911 delivers.

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Dying for Murder

A Cordi O’Callaghan Mystery

Suzanne F. Kingsmill

Cordi O’Callaghan is trapped on a remote island research station and in way over her head. While a hurricane rages, Cordi stalks a murderer — or is it the other way around?

Zoologist Cordi O’Callaghan thinks she’s in for a relaxing birdsong study at a research station on Spaniel Island, off the coast of South Carolina. But, as usual, she can’t escape the chaos that follows her everywhere she goes. As a hurricane rages, trapping her and the rest of the researchers, the director of the station is found dead under troubling circumstances.

Unable to resist a mystery, Cordi sets out to investigate, and ends up getting a crash course on the life habits of bats, sea turtles, and rattlesnakes — and a refresher on attempted murder.

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Blood Wine

A Quin and Morgan Mystery

John Moss

Detective Miranda Quin is not only fighting crime, she’s fighting for her life.

The summer before 9/11, Toronto homicide detective Miranda Quin wakes up to find her lover dead beside her, yet has no memory of going to bed with him. Horrified by the result of the forensic investigation, the normally feisty Miranda moves through events in a daze while her partner, Detective David Morgan, offers support.

Because Miranda is the prime suspect, neither she nor Morgan is able to pursue the case officially, freeing them from jurisdictional constraints. They find it impossible to avoid being pulled into the rush of events that follow, from one mysterious death to another in a quirky narrative that brings in a New York policeman who reads Thoreau and a beautiful and dangerous European wine expert who is not what she appears to be. As the plot moves from Toronto to New York and London, a deadly fraud leads to explosive revelations of drug smuggling as a cover for international terrorism.

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A Siege of Bitterns

A Birder Murder Mystery

Steve Burrows


Inspector Domenic Jejeune’s success has made him a poster boy for the U.K. police service. The problem is Jejeune doesn’t really want to be a detective at all; he much prefers watching birds Recently reassigned to the small Norfolk town of Saltmarsh, located in the heart of Britain’s premier birding country, Jejeune’s two worlds collide when he investigates the grisly murder of a prominent ecological activist. His ambitious police superintendent foresees a blaze of welcome publicity, but she begins to have her doubts when Jejeune’s most promising theory involves a feud over birdwatching lists. A second murder only complicates matters.

To unravel this mystery, Jejeune must deal with unwelcome public acclaim, the mistrust of colleagues, and his own insecurities. In the case of the Saltmarsh murders, the victims may not be the only casualties.

Copyright © Gloria Ferris, 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (except for brief passages for purpose of review) without the prior permission of Dundurn Press. Permission to photocopy should be requested from Access Copyright.

All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Editor: Allison Hirst Cover design: Laura Boyle

Design: BJ Weckerle Cover image: mauhorng/istockphoto

Epub Design: Carmen Giraudy

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Ferris, Gloria, 1947–

Shroud of roses / Gloria Ferris.

(A Cornwall and Redfern mystery)Issued in print and electronic formats.ISBN 978-1-4597-3060-1 (pbk.).—ISBN 978-1-4597-3061-8 (pdf).—ISBN 978-1-4597-3062-5 (epub)

I. Title. II. Series: Ferris, Gloria, 1947– . Cornwall and Redfern mystery.

PS8611.E785S57 2015 C813’.6 C2014-907368-2 C2014-907369-0

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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council for our publishing program. We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and Livres Canada Books, and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit and the Ontario Media Development Corporation.

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J. Kirk Howard, President

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