She stared at him angrily. The marshal of the Supreme Court and the chief of its police, parties to a despicable crime.

Harms killed that girl, not me, Dellasandro said.

Have you made yourself believe that, Leo? You killed her, not Rufus, just as sure as if your hands were around her neck.

Dellasandros face turned ugly. That sonofabitch. If I had my way I wouldve pumped him full of lead instead of some damn drug. He was a disgrace to the uniform.

He was dyslexic, Sara screamed at him. He didnt follow orders because he couldnt understand them, you idiot. You destroyed his life and that girls for nothing.

A smirk appeared on Dellasandros face. I dont see it that way. Not at all. He got what he deserved.

Hows the face, Leo? John really popped you. He knows everything, of course.

Well just have to visit him too.

You, Vic Tremaine and Frank Rayfield?

Youre damn right, Dellasandro said with a sneer.

Your buddies are dead. Saras smile emerged as Dellasandros faded. They ambushed Rufus and his brother, but just like last time they couldnt finish the job, she added tauntingly.

Then I hope I get the chance to do it for them.

Sara stared him up and down and finally shook her head in disgust. Tell me something, Leo. How did vermin like you ever get to be a police chief of anything?

He slapped her across the face, and would have hit her again if Perkins hadnt stopped him. We dont have time for this crap, Leo. He gripped Sara by the shoulder. Thats when the phone rang. Perkins looked at Dellasandro. Fiske? He looked again at Sara. Fiske is with Harms, isnt he? Thats why you had to split up, isnt it? Sara looked away as the phone rang again. Perkins stuck his pistol under her chin and his finger tightened on the trigger. Ill ask you one more time. Is Fiske with Rufus Harms? He pushed the gun harder against her skin. In two seconds your head will disappear, I swear to God. Answer me!

Yes! Yes, hes with him, she said in a strangled voice as the metal pushed against her windpipe. He shoved her to the phone. Answer it. If its Fiske, pick a place to meet. Make it somewhere around here, but private. Tell him youve found some more information. You say anything to warn him, youre dead. She hesitated. Do it! Or die! Sara could see now that the mild-mannered Perkins was actually the more dangerous of her two captors. She slowly picked up the phone. Perkins stood next to her listening, his gun pressed against her temple. She took a quick breath to try to calm herself.


Sara? It was Fiske.

Ive been trying to reach you everywhere.

Im with Rufus.

Perkins pushed the gun against her head as he listened. Where are you? she asked.

Were halfway to D.C. At a rest stop.

Whats your plan?

I think its time we went to Chandler. Rufus and I have talked it over.

Perkins shook his head and pointed at the phone.

I dont think thats such a good idea, John.

Why not?

Ive . . . Ive found out some things that you need to know first. Before you go to Chandler.

Like what?

I cant tell you over the phone. It could be bugged.

Come on, I kind of doubt that, Sara.

Look, I tell you what, give me the number where youre at and Ill call you from the car. She looked over at Perkins. We can arrange to meet someplace. Then we can go to Chandler. The FBI has the tag number of the car youre in. You have to get rid of it anyway.

He gave her the number and she wrote it down on a pad by the phone and ripped off the top sheet.

Are you sure you cant tell me over the phone?

I talked to your friend at the JAG, Sara said, whispering a silent prayer for what she was about to say next. If Fiske reacted the wrong way, she was dead. She had to trust him. Darnell Jackson told me all about the PCP testing.

Fiske stiffened and looked over at Rufus, who sat in the car at the darkened rest stop.Darnell Jackson.He answered quickly. Darnells never let me down before.

Sara let out an inaudible breath. Ill call you back in five minutes. She hung up and looked at the two men. Perkins grinned malevolently. Good job, Sara. Now lets go see your friends.


After Sara called him back with the meeting place, Fiske made one more phone call. The news was not good. Not good at all. Then he got in the car and looked at Harms. Hes got Sara.

Whos got her? Harms asked.

Your old buddy. Dellasandro. Hes the only one left.

What you talking about, the only one left?

Rayfield and Tremaine are dead. That leaves Dellasandro. Sara tipped me off without him catching on Fiske stopped and stared at Rufus, who was staring back at him quizzically. Fiske spoke haltingly. Rufus, how many men were in the stockade that night?


Fiske slumped back. I only know about the three I just mentioned. Who are the other two?

Perkins. Dick Perkins.

Fiske thought he might be sick. Richard Perkins is the marshal of the Supreme Court.

I aint seen him since that night and damn glad of it. Except for Tremaine, he was the worst of the bunch. Hed come in and beat me with his damn baton. Hes the one who shot me up with the PCP.

And the fifth man?

Didnt know him. Never seen him before.

Thats okay. I think I know who it is. Sara had not told him about finding the mans name on Fort Plessys personnel roster, but Fiske had finally figured it out himself. Warren McKennas image appeared starkly in his thoughts. Thats why the FBI agent was trying to frame him. It all made sense. Fiske started up the car.

Where we going?

Sara just called back. She . . . they want us to meet them at a place off the GW Parkway in Virginia. I tried to get hold of Chandler, but he wasnt in. I left a message telling him where well be. I just hope he gets it in time.

And were going to go?

If we dont, theyll kill Sara. If you want to stay behind, you can.

In response, Rufus slid a pistol out of his pocket and handed it to Fiske. You know how to use one of these things?

Fiske took the pistol, pulled back the slide and made sure a round was chambered. I think I can manage, he said. *����*����* It was well after midnight now and the parkway was deserted. At various points there were pull-offs with picnic areas and small parks where, during the day, families would gather for barbecues and quality time. But now, as Fiske pulled the car down the road, the area was dark, isolated and, he knew, deadly. He eyed the exit signs until he found the one he wanted. At the same time that he saw the sign, he spotted Saras car parked in the otherwise empty parking lot. Large trees served as a backdrop to the grassy picnic area. Beyond them Fiske could make out the deeper darkness that was the Potomac River. Rufus was crouched in the back seat, his eyes level with the bottom edge of the window. His gaze swept the darkened landscape. Somebodys in the car. Cant tell if its a man or woman, though, he said. Fiske squinted and then nodded in confirmation. They had devised a plan of sorts on the way up. Now that the lay of the land had been established, they could implement that plan. He pulled ahead a little until they passed a bend in the road that took them beyond the line of sight from Saras car. Fiske pulled to a stop. The back door of the car opened, and Rufus quickly disappeared into the surrounding trees and headed through the woods toward the parking lot. Fiske drove into the parking lot and pulled up a couple of spaces from Saras car. He looked over and was relieved to see her in the drivers seat. He pulled his gun and slowly got out. He looked over the top of his car. Sara?

She looked at him, nodded and smiled tightly. The smile disappeared when the man next to her rose up and pointed a gun against her head. They both got out the drivers side. Dellasandro locked one arm around her neck, his free hand holding the gun tightly against her temple.