So we can talk theoretically and itll just stay between you and me?

Chandler shook his head. Cant promise it willstaybetween you and me. Not if it becomes a fact.

Fiske looked down at his coffee cup. Sensing he was losing him, Chandler tapped his spoon against Fiskes cup.

John, the bottom line here is finding out who murdered your brother and Wright. I thought thats what you wanted.

It is. Thats all I want.

Really? Chandler suddenly doubted that. Then whats the problem?

The problem is you can hurt people at the same time youre trying to help them.

Just your brother? Or somebody else?

Fiske knew he had already said too much. He decided to go on the offensive.

Okay, Buford, lets discuss theories for a minute. Lets suppose that somebody at the Court took an appeal before it was put into the Courts system.

Why and how?

Apparently thehowis easy. Thewhyisnt.

Okay, go on.

Now lets suppose that somebody else at the Court saw this appeal, discovered that it wasnt on the system, but didnt say anything about it.

I take it thewhyon that is also complicated?

Maybe not. Lets further assume that the person who took the appeal did so for a good reason. And that this person went somewhere, to visit the person who had filed the appeal.

The eight hundred miles on your brothers car?

Fiske stonily eyed the detective. Thats a fact, Buford, Im not discussing facts.

Chandler took a drink of coffee. Go on.

And lets suppose that the person filing the appeal was a prisoner.

Is that a fact or just speculation?

Im not prepared to say.

Well, Im prepared to ask. Where is this prisoner?

I dont know.

What do you mean, you dont know? If hes a prisoner, he has to be in some prison somewhere, doesnt he?

Not necessarily.

What the hell does that Chandler abruptly closed his mouth and stared across the table. Are you saying this person escaped from prison? Fiske didnt answer. Please dont tell me that your brother got all suckered by some cons BS plea for help, went to the prison, helped bust him out and then the guy killed him. Dammit, please do not tell me that. Chandlers voice rose in his agitation.

Im not telling you that. Thats not what happened.

Okay. This appeal . . . do you know what it says?

They had gone well beyond theories now, Fiske knew. He shook his head. Ive never even seen it.

So how do you know it exists?

Buford, Im not going to answer that question.

John, I can make you answer that question.

Then youre going to have to.

You know youre taking a risk here.

I do. Fiske finished his coffee and stood up. Ill grab a cab back to pick up my car.

Ill drive you. I do have other cases Im working, even if this is the only one the world cares about right now.

I think it would be better for both of us if you didnt drive me.

Chandler pursed his lips. Suit yourself. Your cars in the back lot. Keys are on the front seat.


Chandler watched Fiske leave the cafeteria. I hope shes worth it, John, the detective said quietly. *����*����* Chandler had put some inquiries of his own into play, and when he returned to his office he found a stack of paper on his desk. One standard line of investigation had been to obtain the phone records of Michael Fiskes office and home phones over the last month. The results were catalogued in the ream of paper. The phone call to his brother was on there. There were others to family. A dozen of them to a phone number that had been identified as Sara Evanss. That was interesting, he thought. Had both Fiske brothers fallen for the same woman? When Chandler got near the end of the list, his pulse quickened. After all the years on the job, that rarely happened anymore. Michael Fiske had called Fort Jackson in southwest Virginia several times, the last only three days before his body had been discovered. Fort Jackson, Chandler knew, housed a military prison. And that wasnt all. Chandler scattered the piles on his desk until he found what he was looking for. The telex had been sent nationwide asking for assistance on apprehending the man. When he had seen it earlier, Chandler hadnt thought much about it. Now he intently studied the photo of Rufus Harms. He picked up his phone and made a quick call. Chandler needed one piece of information and he got it within a minute. Fort Jackson was approximately four hundred miles from Washington, D.C. Had Harms been the one to file the appeal John Fiske had mentioned? And if he had, why, according to Fiskes theory, had his brother taken it? Chandler looked back at the list of phone calls. His eyes flitted over one number without registering, perhaps because it was to some law office and there were several law-related calls on the list. But the name Sam Rider would have meant nothing to the detective even if he had focused on it for some reason. Chandler put down the phone list and contemplated bringing in Fiske and Sara Evans, and making them tell him what was going on. But then the instincts built up over thirty years kicked in with one precept clearly emerging: You cant trust anyone. *����*����* Come on, John, Sara pleaded. They were in her office near the end of the workday.

Sara, I dont even know Judge Wilkinson.

But dont you see? If someone at the Courtisinvolved, this would be a perfect opportunity to find out some information because practically everybody from the Court will be there.

Fiske was about to protest again but then stopped. He rubbed his chin. What time does it start?

Seven-thirty. By the way, have you heard from your JAG friend?

Yeah. There are actually two files that are applicable. Harmss service record, which contains not only his record of service, but also evaluations, personal info, enlistment contract, pay and medical histories. The second file, the record of his court-martial proceedings, would be with him at Fort Jackson. His lawyers work product would be maintained at the JAG office that handled Harmss defense. That is, if theyve kept it all these years. Jansens checking. Hell send what he can.

As Sara started gathering her things to leave, Fiske remained sitting. So what can you tell me about the Knights? Their pasts and all that?


Well, were going to a party that theyre hosting. Shes a big part of the Court and hes a VIP in his own right. That qualifies them to be part of our investigation, dont you think?

You probably know more about Jordan Knights past than I do. Hes from your hometown.

Fiske shrugged. True. Jordan Knight is big business in Richmond. At least he was until he entered politics. He made a lot of money.

And a lot of enemies?

No, I dont think so. Hes given a lot back to Virginia. Besides, hes a low-key, nice guy.

Then hes an odd match for Elizabeth Knight.

I could see how shed bruise a few egos on the way up.

More than a few. It came with the territory. Tough federal prosecutor turned tougher trial judge. Everybody knew she was being groomed for a seat on the Court. Shes the swing vote on most of the major cases, which drives Ramsey crazy. Im sure thats why he treats her the way he does. Kid gloves most of the time, but every once in a while he cant resist jabbing her.

Fiske thought back to the confrontation between the two justices at the conference. So thats what it was.

How well do you know the other justices? You seem to know them well enough to believe they couldnt commit murder.

Like in any other large organization, I know them mostly superficially.

Whats Ramseys background?

Hes the chief justice of the countrys highest court and you dont know?

Humor me.

He was an associate justice before being elevated to the top spot about ten years ago.

Anything unusual in his background?

He was in the military. Army or Marines, maybe. She caught Fiskes look. Dont even think it, John. Ramsey is not going around killing people. Other than that, just whats in his official bio.