You got a business card where you can be reached? Chandler asked. Fiske passed across his card after writing his home number on the back. In return, Chandler handed him a card with a series of phone numbers on it. Office, home, beeper, fax, cell phone when I remember to carry it, which I never do.

Chandler opened a file on his desk and studied it. Reading upside down, Fiske saw his brothers name on the label. I was told he was killed during a robbery.

Thats what the prelim indicated anyway.

Fiske caught the odd tone in Chandlers voice. And has that opinion changed?

It was only a prelim to begin with. He closed the file and looked at Fiske. The facts of this case, at least what we know so far, are pretty simple. Your brother was found in the front seat of his car in an alleyway near the Anacostia River with a gunshot contact wound to the right side of his head and an exit wound on the left. Looked to be fairly heavy caliber. We have not found the slug, but that search continues. The killer could have found it and taken it with him so that we couldnt do a ballistics test, if we ever get a gun to do a match.

It would take a cool hand to root around in an alley looking for a slug while a dead body is sitting a few feet away.

I agree. But again, the bullet may still be found.

I understand his wallet was missing.

Lets put it another way. No wallet was found on him. Was he in the habit of not carrying one?

Fiske looked away for an instant. We havent seen each other much the last few years, but I think you can assume he was carrying a wallet. So you didnt find it in his apartment?

Give me a little slack, John. Your brothers body was only found yesterday. Chandler opened his notebook and picked up a pen. The alley where he was found is a high-use drug area, among other things. To your knowledge was he a drug user? Casual or otherwise?

No. He was not a drug user.

But you cant be sure, can you? You just said you hadnt seen much of each other. Right?

My brother set the highest goals for himself with everything he did, and then he surpassed those goals. Drugs did not enter into that equation.

Any idea why he wouldve been in that area?

No, but he could have been kidnapped somewhere else and driven there.

Any reason why someone would want him dead?

I cant think of a one.

No enemies? Jealous boyfriends? Money problems?

No. But again Im probably not the best source for that. Do you have a prelim on the time of death?

Pretty vague. Im waiting on the official word. Why?

I just came from the morgue. I felt my brothers hand. It was soft, supple. Rigor had long since passed. What was the condition of the body when it was found last night?

Lets just say he had been there awhile.

Thats surprising. From what you said, its not an isolated area.

True, but in that area dead bodies in alleys arent all that uncommon. Then again, about ninety-nine percent of the homicides in that area involve black victims for the very simple fact that whites just dont frequent the place.

So my brother should have stood out, youre saying. Any ATM withdrawals? Credit card purchases?

Were checking all that. When did you last speak with your brother?

He called me over a week ago.

Whatd he say?

I wasnt in. He left a message. Said he needed my advice on something.

Did you call him back?

Not until recently.

Whyd you wait?

It wasnt high on my priority list.

Is that right? Chandler twirled his pen between his fingers. Tell me something. Did you even like your brother?

Fiske looked at him squarely. Somebody killed my brother. I want to catch whoever did it. And thats really all Im going to say about it.

The look in Fiskes eyes made Chandler decide to move on. Maybe he wanted to talk about something to do with work? See, what makes this case intriguing is your brothers occupation.

Meaning, is his murder related to something at the Supreme Court?

Its a long shot, absolutely, but what you just told me about your brothers phone call might just make it slightly less of a long shot than it seemed a minute ago.

I doubt if he wanted my two cents on the latest abortion case.

Then what? How to pick up women?

You must not have seen a picture of him. He never needed help with that one.

I have seen a picture of him, but the dead dont photograph all that well. But he said he wanted some advice. Maybe itwaslegal.

Well, you can always make a trip to the Court to see if there are any conspiracies going on up there.

We have to tread lightly, you know.


Im sure your brother has personal effects there, and it would not be unusual for next of kin to visit his place of work. Im assuming youve been there before?

Once, when Mike first started. My dad and I.

And your mother?


Sorry to hear that.

Any other developments?

In answer, Chandler rose, took down his jacket from a hanger on the back of the door and slipped it on. Id like to take you down to your brothers car.

And after that?

Chandler checked his watch before looking up and smiling. Then well have just enough time to go to Court, Counselor.


Rufus watched the door as it slowly opened. He braced himself for the sight of a mass of men in green fatigues moving in on him, but then his apprehension slid away when he saw who it was.

Time to check me again?

Cassandra came and stood next to the bed. Now, isnt that a womans plight in life, always checking up on men? Her words were funny, her tone was not. She looked at the monitors and made some notations in his chart, glancing at him as she did so.

It feels good. I aint used to that. He took care not to rattle his restraints as he sat up a little.

I called your brother.

Rufuss expression grew serious. Is that right? Whatd he say?

He said hed be coming to see you.

He say when?

Sooner than later. Today, in fact.

What all did you tell him?

I told him you were sick, but getting better fast.

He tell you anything else?

I found him to be a man of few words, Cassandra remarked.

Thats Josh.

Is he as big as you?

Nah. Hes a little guy. Six-three or so, not much over two hundred pounds. Cassandra shook her head and turned to leave. You got time to sit and talk? Rufus asked.

Im supposed to be on my break. I just came to tell you about your brother. Ive got to go. She seemed a little unfriendly.

You okay?

Even if Im not, there isnt anything you can do about it. Her tone was now edgy, rough. Rufus studied her for a moment. Is there a Bible around here?

She turned back, surprised. Why?

I read the Bible every day. Have for as long as I can remember.

She looked over at the table next to the bed, went across and pulled out a Gideons Bible. I cant give it to you. Cant get that close. The people from the prison were real, real clear on that point.

You dont have to give it to me. If you would, Id appreciate if you could read a passage to me.

Read to you?

You dont have to, he said quickly. You may not even be interested, you know, in the Bible and churchgoing.

She looked down at him, one hand on her hip, the other closed around the green Bible. I sing in the choir. My husband, God rest his soul, was a lay minister.

Thats real good, Cassandra. And your kids?

How do you know I have kids? Because Im not skinny?


What, then?

You look like youre used to loving little things.

His words startled her, a smile quickly breaking through the cloud over her features. Iamgoing to have to watch you. She noted that he looked at the Bible like he was thirsty and needed a drink, and she was holding the freshest, coldest glass of water in the history of the world.