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He drove it home, Annie following in her Escort. He left it in the driveway, got back into Annie’s car, and turned to face her as she pulled out of the driveway.

“I think we should get you a vest,” he said. “This guy’s determined.”

Annie glanced over at her husband. It would be a good idea if both of them wore bulletproof vests for now. Jake had one at home that had saved his life in an earlier case, and she would ask Hank if they had one small enough to fit her.

She turned her eyes back on the road. “I’ll wear one if you wear yours,” she said.

Jake agreed. “It’s a deal. We’ll talk to Hank.”

In a few minutes, Annie pulled into the precinct parking lot and eased into one of the guest spots. She stepped from the vehicle and looked around, half-expecting to see the gunman waiting. He wasn’t, and she and Jake went into the precinct.

Captain Diego watched them come through the front doors and called them over. He stood in the doorway of his office, his usual pleasant face twisted into a frown of concern. He smiled grimly and greeted them with a nod.

“I spoke to Hank yesterday about you two,” the captain said. He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame. “As if it’s not bad enough that someone’s out to get you, we don’t know who, or why.”

“We’re going to find out who,” Jake said. “And why.”

“I’m concerned about your involvement in this case,” Diego said.

Annie put a hand on one hip. “We’re already involved whether we like it or not,” she said. “It’s become personal.”

“And dangerous,” Diego said, his frown deepening.

Annie looked at Jake then back at the captain. “We’ll be careful. We appreciate your concern, Captain Diego.” She paused. “I have a favor to ask.”

Diego raised his brows.

“Can I borrow a bulletproof vest?”

Diego chuckled. “Of course.” He held up a finger. “Remember, these vests aren’t bulletproof, just bullet resistant. You can still sustain some damage if you get hit, especially at close range.”

“I’m aware of that,” Annie said. “Jake can attest to that first hand.”

The captain glanced toward the door and Annie followed his gaze. Hank and King had come in, and Diego called to Hank.

The detective nodded, beckoned toward them, and then went to his desk. Annie thanked Captain Diego and they approached Hank.

“It appears the captain wants us to back off,” Jake said.

Hank sat his briefcase beside his desk, sat down, and leaned back in his chair. “And you don’t want to, I assume?”

“We can’t,” Annie said, sitting in the guest chair. She leaned forward. “If we back off we become easier targets.”

“I’d better fill out a statement,” Jake said. “While I do, Hank, can you fit Annie with a vest?”

“Sure,” Hank said, standing. He beckoned toward Annie and she followed him across the room, through a door, and into the lower level of the building.

She heard some muffled shooting; someone was in the firing range close by.

Hank selected a vest and handed it to her. “This should fit you. Do you know how to put it on?”

“I do.”

“I’m not surprised.”

Annie had worn a thin cardigan over her t-shirt and she removed it, fastened the bulky vest in place, and put the cardigan over top. It was a little uncomfortable and rather awkward at first, but she felt safer.

“Make sure Jake wears his,” Hank said.

Jake had finished with his statement when they returned to Hank’s desk. The detective read it over. “There’s not much here,” he said to Jake.

“There’s not a lot to tell. He wore a ski mask, so I didn’t see his face, and I was too busy running to see much more.”

Hank dropped the paper on his desk and sat back. “King and I came from Smokie’s Bar. The owner attested Shaft and Norton knew each other. They were frequent visitors to the bar and entered all the tournaments. He confirmed, as far as he knew, neither of their wives ever came with them.”

“That fits with what both women told us,” Annie said.

Hank nodded. “I also got a list of everyone else in the tournament, so between King and me, we’ll see what they know about the relationship between Shaft and Norton. Or more important, where Norton might be hiding out.” He shrugged. “It’s a long shot, but it’s about all we have right now.”

“I’d love to get ahold of this guy that’s been shooting at us,” Jake said. “I’m sure he knows a thing or two.”

“There’s no proof it’s related to this case,” Hank said.

Annie spoke. “It is.”

Hank pointed a finger at Jake and frowned. “You guys be careful.”

Jake chuckled. “Of course, Hank. Have you ever known us to be anything but careful?”

“You’ve taken a chance or two in the past.”

“Calculated chances.”

“Just be careful,” Hank said.

Annie stood. “See you later, Hank. We’ll let you know if anything happens.”

Hank called to them as they turned and headed for the doors. “And wear your vests whenever you’re out of the house.”

Chapter 22

Wednesday, 10:55 a.m.

HANK TURNED and glanced across the precinct when he heard his name called. It was King, a rare look on his face, something halfway between a grin and a smirk.

He spun his chair to face the approaching detective. “Looks like you won the lottery.”

“Maybe I did,” King said, leaning against the desk. “One of my CIs might know who the shooter is. Won’t tell me over the phone. Says he’ll never get paid that way.”

“Does your source know where to find him?”

“He says no, but he has a name.” King shrugged. “It’s a start.”

Hank eyed the crass detective. King had never taken to the mundane matters, not excelling at the finer details of police work, but when it came to fitting in on the streets and obtaining inside dirt on local criminal activity, he was unsurpassed.

“Gotta go, Hank. I’ll be back before long,” King said, and strode away.

Hank turned back to his desk. He’d been putting together a few notes for a hurried press conference. The local and regional news outlets demanded something, and Diego always did his utmost to keep the public aware of anything affecting their daily lives.

He gathered up his notes and went to the doorway of Diego’s office. “All set, Captain.”

When Hank and Diego stepped from the precinct doors, people were already gathered in front of the podium at the bottom of the steps. There were fewer reporters than usual, as little notice was given, but Lisa Krunk could be seen at the front of the small group, Don at her side, the camera on his shoulder.

They descended the steps and Hank moved to the podium, consulted his notes, and cleared his throat.

“Thank you for coming.” His eyes roved over the gathering. “I’ll make a brief statement and then take questions.”

He glanced at his notes again before speaking. “As you know, Monday evening a brutal murder took place in this city. The victim was thirty-five year old Werner Shaft, a resident of Richmond Hill.” Hank held up a photo. “This man, Michael Norton, is a suspect in this case, and I urge you all to publish or broadcast this picture. We think he’s still somewhere in the city, but so far, he’s eluded our search.”

Hank looked at Lisa and continued, “In regards to a recent broadcast, we have no information leading us to believe the suspect’s wife has any knowledge of his whereabouts.” He paused. He didn’t have much else to say. “This case is ongoing and I’ll keep you up to date on any further developments.”

Hank looked at Diego then back at the crowd. “I’ll take your questions now,” he said, pointing to an upraised hand.

“Detective, it’s my understanding Lincoln Investigations is involved in this case and there was an attempt on Annie Lincoln’s life yesterday. What can you tell us about that?”