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Midnight, Texas

Страниц: 65
Символов: 399721
ID: 260219
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Издательство: Ace
Создана 13 августа 2015 14:34
Опубликована 13 августа 2015 14:34
Нецензурная лексика (мат) в тексте книги: Отсутствует


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There is no such thing as bad publicity, except in Midnight, Texas, where the residents like to keep to themselves. Even in a town full of secretive people, Olivia Charity is an enigma. She lives with the vampire Lemuel, but no one knows what she does; they only know that she’s beautiful and dangerous.

Psychic Manfred Bernardo finds out just how dangerous when he goes on a working weekend to Dallas and sees Olivia there with a couple who are both found dead the next day. To make matters worse, one of Manfred’s regular — and very wealthy — clients dies during a reading.

Manfred returns from Dallas embroiled in scandal and hounded by the press. He turns to Olivia for help; somehow he knows that the mysterious Olivia can get things back to normal. As normal as things get in Midnight...

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