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‘I’ll try my best to send two of the lads over but I can’t guarantee it. It depends how busy we are.’

‘If you don’t send two then I’m afraid I won’t be able to let anyone down there; I will of course pay for them both.’

‘Look, I’ll send two of them over as soon as I can. We’ll sort something out.’

‘Thank you.’

Martha replaced the receiver and felt her heart slow just a little. She couldn’t be responsible for what would happen if anyone was to go down there alone and didn’t come back up. She didn’t want another missing person on her conscience; it was getting too much to bear.

Chapter Three

Henry waited in the small silver van down the tiny side street behind the coffee shop for Megan. It had been her idea to get a job in the busy tourist town of Bowness. She was bored of his home town, Barrow, and said it was too small. She was right. In fact, most of the time she was right, but she never gloated when she was. It was always just a matter of fact.

He still didn’t quite believe that little nurse Megan was on a par with him when it came to their personalities. She was equally as sadistic and had enjoyed the thrill of their first kill together. They had lived in a caravan since she’d so boldly helped him escape from the mental hospital. They had sold their former caravan for a good price. Well, Megan had, using her fake name of Rosie Dance, and then bought a much older one on a site close to Bowness. Henry was able to wander around more freely up here. There were still the odd articles in the newspapers about him but he’d kept a very low profile. There had been no reported sightings of him as far as he knew and he never left the caravan unless he was dressed like a twenty-year-old rapper with his jersey tracksuit, baseball cap and dark sunglasses on.

He’d seen her a few times and felt his heart race so much with excitement. He had wondered if this was how it was going to end for him. Would he drop dead before he had the amazing Annie Graham in his arms? He hoped not because years of pent-up frustration were coming to a head. He smirked. He’d almost forgotten about the head. Watching his dream team of police all working the crime scene yesterday, he knew it had been worth the risk.

The icing on the cake had been watching him turn up. Henry had squirmed when he’d kissed Annie in public like that, as if she was his, but apart from that it had been pretty perfect. It would have been better if Annie had found the head. He would have quite liked to see her face, but that clown she worked with had found it before he’d even had a chance to ring up anonymously and report it. Still, all in all, it had gone well. They had watched from the small boat on the lake, drinking a cheap bottle of wine and sharing the crappy binoculars. Megan had got so excited she’d wanted Henry to video it all, but there was no way they could. It would have been far too risky.

The door opened and Megan threw herself into the passenger seat. ‘I fucking hate that place. I stink of ground coffee.’

‘Hello, Megan, how was your day?’

‘All right, Henry – it was as good as it can be scalding yourself to death over a red-hot coffee machine. How about you? What did you get up to?’

‘Not much. I spent most of the day inside bored out of my head, waiting to come and collect you.’

‘Guess who called in this morning? The boss was all over her – was a bit sickening to watch actually.’

Henry sat up straight and felt his skin prickle. ‘I don’t know, Megan. Why don’t you tell me?’

‘That Annie woman you like so much. Can I just ask you something? You don’t have to answer because it’s none of my business and I understand that, but why do you like her? What is it about her? It might be because I’m a woman but I don’t really get the attraction.’

Henry considered his reply. He didn’t want to upset Megan in any way and he thought he had hidden how much he really liked Annie from her – obviously not enough. Then again Megan knew everything. She was very astute.

‘I can’t really say. She entered my life at a time when it was absolute madness and I guess I felt sorry for her. She was all alone and had a terrible injury to the back of her head; she looked like a victim but didn’t act like one. I suppose I just clicked with her.’

He didn’t say how much he wanted her, how he’d spent hours watching and fantasising about being with her, because he didn’t want to piss Megan off. She was good to him and he owed her big time.

‘Oh okay, I get that. I mean, who would have thought I’d fall for you, Henry? But I did.’

She reached out and ran her hand along his thigh, squeezing it tight.

He smiled at her; she was so much like him it was a little bit scary, and it made him wonder how many other seemingly normal people were killers at heart if they were given the right opportunities. He drove away, careful to stick to the speed limit and not draw attention. He wished that he’d seen Annie close up, heard her talking, but she would have recognised him straight away.

It was almost two years since he’d managed to drag her down to the cellar in the abandoned mansion to kill her, where she’d well and truly got the better of him, fighting to save herself and that police detective she seemed to be so in love with. She had fought so well that she had managed to stab him so hard in the thigh he’d thought he was going to bleed to death. And then he’d panicked and thrown the damn petrol all over. If only he’d kept calm, his reflection wouldn’t now resemble Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street. She had left him for dead and he hadn’t quite got over that. The fact that he had wanted to slit her throat and leave her for dead didn’t matter. In his mind she had betrayed him and now he was destined to wear hats and sunglasses in public for the rest of his life, to make sure he didn’t scare any of the nice little children who might see him.

‘What do you want to do this afternoon then, my little flower? It’s a nice day. Should we take the boat out and people-watch?’

‘We could do, but first I want you to take me to bed, and then I’m going to have a shower, and then we could talk about what we’re going to do next. We didn’t discuss whether this was a one-off.’

She was talking about the woman they’d abducted between them and killed, a practice run to see if the lovely Megan was up to killing another person. Henry had needed to see if she really was serious and if she could cope with the enormity of what they had done. Megan had not shown one ounce of guilt, even after they’d left the woman’s body in a barn and kept her head in the freezer for a couple of months until the time had been right to put their plan into action.

‘The boathouse is almost ready. That old woman never leaves her house. I’ve been watching her for weeks now. She doesn’t have any family except that woman who turns up twice a week carrying a mop bucket and polish. She sits in her bedroom staring out of the window, but never in the direction of the boathouse. I doubt she even knows we use her boat. She might not even realise there’s a boat in there; it’s been so long since anyone has been inside it. I wonder why she lives alone in that big house and never comes out? Still it’s very lucky for us, because otherwise we would have nowhere to take our next victim. Plus it’s right next door to the caravan site. It’s very convenient.’

‘So what’s the plan then, Henry? Are we going to take another woman and let you cut her head off or are you waiting for the woman you love?’

She poked him in the ribs and he felt a brief flare of rage, so bright and red inside his chest that he didn’t speak. He didn’t like Megan being sarcastic about Annie and she must have sensed something.

‘Sorry, I’m only joking, you know. It’s just I really enjoyed the last time – well, except for having to keep her head in the freezer. It was a bit off-putting having that in a plastic bag next to the frozen sausages every time I looked inside.’