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‘Oh just the usual. I was wondering if that freak of a man is going to take away everything I’ve worked so bloody hard for over the last twenty years.’

He smiled. ‘You know that you don’t need to be involved in any of this, don’t you? In fact, I’d prefer it if you weren’t. I’d rather not be worrying about the woman I’m falling in love with getting hurt.’

She looked at him. For the first time in a long time she didn’t have a sarcastic comment to reply with. ‘And I’d rather the man who I find incredibly fuckable didn’t either, but I don’t think we have a choice. I can’t sit back and watch those two fight this on their own. Shit, I didn’t think I even liked anyone, but Annie has a way of getting under your skin without you even realising it. How does she do that? It’s not as if she tries. It just happens.’

‘I know what you mean. I feel as if she’s the daughter I never had. The scrapes she’s been through and she always comes out smiling, wanting to help everyone else and apologising for the mess. I want to see her live out the rest of her life as normally as Annie can. I can’t imagine a world without her in it.’

They got out of the car and Cathy opened the front door. ‘Look at us, we’ve turned into the soppiest and probably the oldest bloody swingers in town.’

Kav shut the door behind him, locking them inside. ‘Less of the old, I can swing with the best of them.’

Cathy leaned forward on her tiptoes and kissed him. He kissed her back then scooped her into his big, strong arms and carried her to the bedroom. ‘Let’s make this a shag to remember, just in case.’

He silenced her with another kiss. Tonight was going to be a long night. They might as well fill it doing something to take their minds off the morning.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Henry didn’t sleep. He was so wired that he couldn’t even close his eyes. The images he saw when he did made him open them again. He had killed a lot of people – seven lives taken and they didn’t normally bother him, but tonight he felt as if each one of them was standing around his bed watching him. He knew it was the thought of finally making his move that was unsettling him. He’d waited so long for this day, but he was terrified that it might not go to plan.

What he needed to do was lure Annie to Beckett House. If he could get her there, then he could ambush her and take her into the boathouse, or better still the cellar. Yes, that would be for the best. It would be just like the last time. The old woman wouldn’t be a problem. He thought about killing her first so she wouldn’t interrupt, but technically he had no issues with her and he kind of liked her. Maybe he could get her to phone the police and request a visit from Officer Graham. He stopped himself. No, Officer Ashworth, you idiot. If she asked for Annie Graham it might set alarm bells ringing. He didn’t like her married name. It didn’t have the same ring as her own.

If she turned up with that hulking big pain in the arse he would reassess the situation, but it might just work. Megan could take care of him. As long as she took him by surprise, all she had to do was stick a knife into his side and puncture his liver. He’d bleed to death before an ambulance came. Surely she could manage that. Henry felt a little sick at the thought of finally having Annie in his arms because he knew that she wouldn’t come without a fight, but he would be ready this time.

When the small clock on his bedside table flashed six he threw back his covers and got out of bed. He knocked on Megan’s door, expecting her to be asleep, but she opened it straight away. Judging by the dark circles under her eyes she hadn’t slept all night either.

‘Morning, Megan. I trust you’re feeling a little bit better than you did yesterday?’

‘Morning, Henry. Yes, thank you.’

‘Good, because I need your help today. Things have come to a head. I feel that we need to put an end to this once and for all. Once you’ve helped me, you’re free to go and do whatever you want. I won’t come looking for you and I won’t tell tales should it all go wrong. I appreciate everything you did for me and I owe you more than I could ever repay. Are you ready to finish what I started two years ago?’

For a split second he thought she was going to say no and slam the door shut in his face, but she was obviously working out her survival chances if she didn’t agree, so she smiled at him.

‘I’m ready, Henry. I’ve always been ready.’

He reached out and took hold of her hand. ‘Good girl. That’s what I’ve been longing to hear. Between us we will be invincible and those two won’t know what’s hit them.’

‘I’ll get ready. Are you still mad at me, Henry?’

‘No, of course not. Yesterday was a bit of a revelation for me. I’ve been hiding who I really am and it all came to a head. I suppose it was going to come out sooner or later. You can only pretend to be something you aren’t for a short while before it all comes out anyway.’

He leant forward and kissed Megan’s forehead as if she was his daughter or a family friend. It wasn’t the kind of kiss that you gave your lover and equal.

Megan knew this. She knew that, after whatever happened today, she needed to get away from him, because his view of her had changed drastically in the last twenty-four hours. She could have kicked herself. If she hadn’t teased him about that stupid bitch they would still be living in relative happiness – even if it was a seriously messed-up relationship. She just hoped that he didn’t want to kill her first, but he said he needed her help. Once he had Annie he would be totally preoccupied, so she would discreetly slip away. She had packed a small bag with what few clothes and books she owned. She had left everything in her poky flat when she’d helped Henry to escape.

Maybe once she got away from him she could begin to rebuild her life – that was if she got away. The police might have her arrested before dinner time, but whatever happened, she would walk away with her head held high. After pulling on her black leggings, black T-shirt and black hoodie, she looked like any other goth. Megan stared at herself in the mirror. She missed her blonde and pink hair. She missed the heavy make-up she always used to wear. She had sacrificed everything for him and she hoped he remembered this when the time came.

The smell of bacon frying wafted under the gap in the small, plastic-coated door and her stomach groaned. She hadn’t eaten yesterday after their little spat because she’d been too worried, but she was starving now. She went out and smiled to see Henry cooking away and humming to himself. He was different but happy, and she supposed that was a good thing, for now.


Annie woke up still wrapped in Will’s arms. She lay there and stared at him. He was perfect. She loved the way his hair flopped to one side when it got too long, loved his clear blue eyes that crinkled at the corners when he laughed. She even loved the stubble that was growing on his normally clean-shaven chin.

Her stomach felt as if there were butterflies fluttering inside, but she put that down to what she knew might be in store for her today. Although the thought of the next twelve hours made her feel ill, she also felt as if a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Should anything happen to her, God forbid, at least she wouldn’t be alone. She was pretty sure that Sophie and Alice would be waiting for her on the other side to show her the ropes. It made her eyes fill with tears at the thought of it, but this was out of her control now. What will be will be. She leant up and kissed Will’s slightly parted lips and he opened his eyes. He pulled her closer to him.

‘It’s not too late to grab our passports and go to the airport.’

She giggled. ‘I think it is, but I’ll tell you what – after this is over you can whisk me away to somewhere hot and exotic to recover, because I think we’ll both need it, and you keep teasing me with thoughts of a holiday.’