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She nodded her head, then stood up and kissed him. She didn’t care that the staff or Martha were watching. She loved this brave, foolish man more than life itself.

Chapter Sixteen

Henry wondered what was happening right now, and who had been the lucky recipient of his gift. He had finally driven back to the caravan park after spending some time alone and was ready to see Megan. He parked the van and pulled his hood up as he strolled back down to his home. Megan flung open the door, jumped down the three small steps and threw her arms around his neck.

‘Where’ve you been? I was convinced you’d got caught. I’ve been so worried about you. Why didn’t you ring?’

‘I had to wait for the right opportunity to dispose of our package. Do you have any idea how busy Windermere is at this time of day?’

He was secretly pleased that she had been worried about him. Relationships had never been his strong point in life and his psychiatrist, Doctor Grace Marshall, had commented several times about his lack of female companionship over the years. She’d asked him if his frustration was sexual, which he’d found far too much of an intimate question to ask someone she barely knew. He went inside and Megan followed, shutting the door behind her then turning the lock. He sat down and she walked over and sat down on top of him.

‘Jesus, Henry, I have needs, you know. I like sex and you’re almost turning me into a nun.’

He smiled, then grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her mouth towards his. She pulled away from him and grinned.

‘Now that’s more like it. Oh, before I forget, there were a load of coppers at the house next door earlier.’

The passion left Henry as soon as it had come. He sat up and pushed her off his lap, turning to look out of the small window that looked onto his hole in the hedge.

‘What were they doing?’

‘I don’t know, but there were four women and that young woman who helps the old bird out. They were looking into the boathouse windows and all the outhouses.’

‘Shit, shit, why didn’t you phone me and tell me?’

‘What, and have you drive straight past them? I’m not totally stupid.’

‘No, you’re not. I didn’t mean that. What were they doing that for?’

‘I don’t know but it didn’t look serious. They were all laughing when they drove away in the van.’

‘How do you know that? You can’t see the drive from here.’

‘I snuck through your hole in the hedge and watched from the corner of the boathouse to make sure. They didn’t go inside it. In fact they spent longer in the house than they did outside.’

Henry began to pace up and down, making the caravan rock slightly.

‘Are you mad at me, Henry?’

‘No, of course not. Why would I be? I’m just a little bit puzzled as to what they wanted.’

‘Well, whatever it was, it couldn’t have been important or they’d still be there. Maybe they were looking for that freak I saw last night.’

She stood up and took hold of his hand. She led him to the bedroom and he followed her. She was right. They had nothing to worry about. If they knew he was here they wouldn’t be searching the house next door. This place would have been crawling with plain-clothes officers. He let Megan undo the buttons on his shirt and push him down onto the bed, trying to stop worrying if this was the beginning of the end.


Will and Cathy watched as the recovery truck drove away with her daughter’s car for a full forensic search, which would be carried out first thing in the morning by whichever CSI was on duty.

‘Christ, it was a pile of shite anyway, and I certainly don’t want the bugger back now. I can’t get rid of the image of that head rolling around, thudding against the boot every time I turned a corner.’

Her daughter had been driven away by her father, who had dropped her off at her friend’s house. Cathy knew he wouldn’t be bothered mollycoddling Georgia all night so he’d have been glad to get shut of her. She went inside her house and made sure it was locked up then went back out. She’d got changed into some joggers and a T-shirt. Will was just putting the screwed-up ball of crime-scene tape into her bin.

‘I didn’t think you’d want that left across your drive for the neighbours to gawp at.’

‘No, I don’t. Cheers. Come on, let’s get to Jake’s. I’m starving and I need a glass of something strong. I’m still in shock, you know.’

‘I can imagine, and I think I need a glass of something as well.’

She got into his car, which smelt of his aftershave and peppermint chewing gum.

‘Annie’s a lucky woman. You always smell so damn good.’

He laughed. ‘I suppose she is, but then again she could say that I’m a lucky man.’

‘Yes, you are, but I won’t hold it against you. Now get me to Jake’s and feed me because I’m like one of those little mogwais from that film Gremlins. If you feed me too late I turn into a monster.’

They arrived at Jake’s less than five minutes later and he’d opened the front door before they got out of the car.

‘All right, Will, boss?’

‘If you have something for me to eat you never have to call me boss again. I’m starving.’

They followed him inside to be met by the smell of Chinese takeaway and Cathy squeezed his arm.

‘I bloody love you, Jake Simpson. Did I tell you that I think you’re one of my best officers?’

‘Ha-ha, yes, you did…never. But flattery gets you everywhere. I wouldn’t have thought you’d have much of an appetite after seeing that…’ He left the word hanging in the air.

‘No. Well, an hour ago I wouldn’t have, but a girl’s got to eat. I have to keep my energy levels up if we’re fighting serial killers.’

They laughed, but it wasn’t funny and they all knew it.

In the kitchen, sitting around the dining table, were Kav, Alex and Annie. There were trays upon trays of food laid out and Cathy groaned.

‘Remind me to get invited round here more often.’

Jake opened the fridge door and pulled out some bottles of lager and a bottle of wine, then he set about flicking the caps off and pouring wine into both Annie and Cathy’s glasses. They all sat down and did nothing but eat for the next twenty minutes. When the plates had been cleared and the table was empty it was Kav who started the conversation.

‘Plan of action from what I can see is: Annie, don’t try to be a hero. It’s gone past that shit. I think we’re talking about a life or death situation here. I’m sorry, but you are not to be left alone at any time. You are no match for Henry Smith and I think that the nurse, Megan Tyler – the one who helped him escape – has now become his accomplice, unless that head in Cathy’s car belonged to her.’

Annie nodded and sipped her wine. ‘I agree, but why are you so sure that it’s him? We don’t know that and there isn’t anything that ties him to the scenes as yet. How could a nurse go from being a caring person to a killer’s sidekick. What if it’s some copycat?’

‘If it’s a copycat they would be doing exactly what Smith’s done in the past, Annie – slitting throats, not severing heads. Think about it. He wanted you dead and you almost killed him. He’s had almost two years to think about his revenge and, all of a sudden, he’s dropped off the radar.’

Will nodded. ‘I think Kav’s right. We can’t afford to take any chances. If it isn’t Smith and it’s someone who isn’t remotely interested in you, then there’s no harm done, is there? But if we don’t take precautions and something were to happen…’

Annie finished, ‘Then none of you would be able to live with yourselves. I get it and I’m touched that you care enough to want to help, but I don’t expect anyone to put themselves at risk for me.’

Cathy tipped her head back and downed her wine, holding the empty glass out to Jake. ‘Look, it’s a complete pain in the arse. You’re a complete pain in the arse, Annie, but I’d rather be prepared and look an idiot if nothing happens. So you all have my permission to keep your radios, CS gas, tasers, body armour, batons – whatever you think will help at home – on you at all times.’