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‘What did you make of it all?’

It was Sam who answered. ‘I don’t know, but I’ve never been so frightened in my life. It was so scary down there I kept thinking that I don’t get paid enough for this and that you two were all right because you have your spray and batons. What were we supposed to do if something had grabbed you two “use harsh language”?’

Cathy started laughing again and had to wipe away a tear from the corner of her eye. ‘Give me strength. What are you lot like? We just got caught up in the moment, you know, the atmosphere, and the old dear was quite convincing. There’s no more a monster down there than there is Brad Pitt waiting in my bed for me at home.’

All four of them laughed and before long Annie pulled up in front of the police station, parking the van next to Cathy’s battered old Clio.

‘Watch my car; you know it’s my pride and joy.’

This set the other three off laughing even harder and Annie spluttered, ‘Now who’s delusional?’

All four of them climbed out and began to walk into the station, not noticing the amount of bluebottles that seemed to be landing on the boot of Cathy’s car. They went inside. Tracy went to put the kettle on and the others went into their respective offices. Just as Annie sat down Cathy shouted down the hall, ‘Will you stick a log on for our missing man and then fill out the report?’

‘Yes, boss.’

‘Good. Put down everything that we’ve just done except for the bit where we ran out of the cellar screaming like a bunch of girls. You’ve my permission to leave that bit out.’

Annie smiled as she began to log on to her computer to input the details on the system. The next step would be to do a leaflet drop in the area just in case there was anyone they hadn’t spoken to. It was going to be a long day. The door slammed. Annie smelt Jake before he actually entered the room and she let out a sigh of relief. She always felt so much safer when he was around. He walked in, chatting on his phone and getting quite animated.

‘Yes, I don’t care. No, I didn’t say that, did I? You’ll have to come to my house because Alice goes to bed at seven and I don’t want to get her out of her routine. Right, okay, yes, that will be fine. See you then.’

He sat on the corner of Annie’s desk and patted her head as if she was a pet dog. She shrugged his hand off.

‘I’ve got good news and bad news from your other half. Which do you want first?’

‘Is he okay? The bad news…why? What’s happened?’

‘He’s fine, probably a bit smellier than usual, but you should be used to that by now. Will is convinced that those two bodies Stu discovered earlier are the work of your friend Henry. He said that he’s convinced Henry has dumped the head for us to find. Which means it could be anywhere. As from now you are no longer allowed to be without your special bodyguard, who if you ask me deserves a shiny new Mercedes as danger pay.’

Annie had been doing her best to try and talk herself out of the fear that Henry was stalking her again, but if Will thought it was Henry then there was a good chance it was. Which meant that he was watching her and possibly Will, but definitely her. She shivered, and then groaned. ‘Why me? What did I ever do to that man to make him hate me so much?’

‘Let me think about that one. Well, for a start you didn’t lie down and die like he expected you to, did you? Nope, instead you had to pick a fight with him, stab him and almost burn him to death, so that could be the reason why he’s a bit obsessed and pissed off with you. How am I doing?’

She punched him in the thigh.

‘Ouch, see? Danger money. Seriously, Annie, I think Will is freaking out, although I do agree with him that you can’t be left on your own. Kav has suggested we meet at my house tonight, to see if we can come up with a plan of action, so to speak. None of us is willing to wait around and let him sneak up on us a second time.’

Jake lowered his voice and leant towards her ear.

‘Seriously, this time I’m going to catch him. I promise you, before he so much as gets a chance to hurt you I’ll take him out.’

Annie nodded, unable to speak; her stomach was churning so much she actually thought she might be sick.

‘What have you got to do now?’

‘Missing persons report and that’s it.’

‘Good. Because I’m finished in ten minutes and whether the boss woman likes it or not you’re coming home at the same time as me. Alex was going to drive up with Alice and we were going to go for an ice cream, but I’ve told him to stay at home and make sure everywhere is secure. I know Henry isn’t interested in me. He probably doesn’t know who I am, but I sure as hell know who he is and I’m going to be ready for him.’

Jake stood up to go and discuss what he’d just told Annie with Cathy. She heard her swear loudly and then her door was slammed shut. Annie tried to block it out while she typed up the report on the computer, but she could feel his hot breath in her face as he straddled her, whispering into her ear how he was going to kill her. Tracy walked in with a cup of coffee and almost made her jump out of the chair and spray her with CS gas.

‘Jesus, you gave me a bloody heart attack.’

‘Sorry, that kettle’s on its last legs. It takes for ever to boil.’

Annie thanked her and turned back to finish typing the details in about where they had searched and what other actions had been taken. Her hands were shaking so much it took her five times longer than usual. She could feel both Tracy and Sam watching her, wondering what was going on, but she didn’t want to tell them until she knew for sure. Why drag them into her nightmare? They both stood up to go outside and have a wander round the town for the last hour of their shift.

Jake came back in and grinned at her. ‘She’s not so bad is she, our old boss woman? I think she’s having kittens in there after what I just told her.’

‘What did she say?’

‘That I was to get you home, and she didn’t want to see you until the bastard is back behind bars. She also said she’s coming round to mine later on. She wants to help, but more than that she wants to kick Kav in the balls for passing you on to her. In her words, “No wonder he couldn’t wait to get shut of her. I’m about to have a bloody heart attack.” She’s not impressed by the sounds of it.’

‘Oh, you think so? I’m nearly done now. Please take me home. I want to get changed.’

‘Well, I would, but I haven’t got the car. You’re driving, remember?’

She nodded, typed the last sentence and then logged off her computer. She stood up to go and take her body armour off and grab her handbag. Jake followed her into the changing rooms.

‘I think we should take it all home.’


‘Body armour, CS gas, radio, baton, everything – just in case we need it. It’s no good up here. Cathy isn’t going to complain, is she? I’m sure she’ll turn a blind eye.’

Annie didn’t argue with him. It seemed like a good idea. At least it was some protection should they need it. Between them they carried armfuls of equipment out to her car. She clicked the boot, walked around and screamed at the swarm of bluebottles that were buzzing around the cars. Jake wafted them away with his hands. Annie opened her boot and they threw everything inside before any flies could get in. Then they ran to open the doors and get inside as fast as they could.

‘Urgh, did you see those flies? That was gross. Where do you think they’ve come from? I’ve never seen them swarm around like that before.’

‘Disgusting. Don’t open your windows until we get away from here. The drains are probably blocked or something.’

Annie nodded and reversed her car, neither of them really noticing that the boot of Cathy’s car was crawling with the flies and that they were all fighting to get inside. They drove to Annie’s house in silence, both of them wondering exactly what they were up against. As she pulled up outside she looked around. Henry couldn’t know that she lived up here now. That would be impossible. But he knew where her brother and his family lived because she’d been house-sitting for them when he began to stalk her.