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Angelica hadn’t seemed agitated until they’d entered the pretty private dining room and she’d begun to pace its confines. “You know, I’m much more nervous about how Ginny is going to react to the news about Nigela Ricita than I was about you finding out.”

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because she and I originally got off to such a rocky start when I first came to Stoneham. It’s taken time to get her on my side. I don’t want to lose that.”

Tricia shook her head and continued to study the room, which was a delight. The walls were covered in a subtle rose-patterned wallpaper with a beige background, and original oil paintings of stately homes adorned each wall.

“Did you decorate this room, too?” Tricia asked.

“Of course. I did the refresh of the lobby and the guest rooms, too. It’s amazing what you can order online these days.”

Again Tricia shook her head, but this time in . . . wonder? Consternation? She wasn’t sure which. “Will you please sit down?” she implored.

“My nerves are so jangled. I’m not sure how I can explain it to Ginny. She’s going to hate me, I’m sure of it. I mean, doesn’t everybody hate their mother-in-law?”

“She’s not going to be happy, but I think hate is much too strong a word to describe her feelings.”

“You are so optimistic,” Angelica said, her face taut with worry.

The door handle rattled and Angelica jumped back, startled. The door opened, and Antonio ushered his very pregnant wife inside. “Ah, you’re already here,” he said.

“Oh,” Ginny said, sounding surprised at seeing the sisters. “When Antonio said we were coming to the inn for dinner, I never expected to see you two.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Tricia said.

“Oh, no, it’s not that,” Ginny hastily explained, but she didn’t go on. The three women looked at one another, all of them forcing smiles. “So, what’s the occasion?” Ginny finally asked.

Tricia looked askance at her sister, who stood there with her mouth open but seemed unable to speak. “Why don’t we sit down and have a drink before dinner?” she finally blurted out.

“Unfortunately, I’m only drinking sparkling water these days, but feel free to go ahead,” Ginny said.

“Here,” Angelica suggested, gesturing toward the most comfortable chair.

Ginny shook her head. “I might not be able to get up from there.” She allowed Antonio to settle her at one of the chairs at the table. He then turned and pressed a button on the wall, which Tricia presumed would summon a waiter. She and Angelica seated themselves at the table, as well.

“How are things going?” Tricia asked, hoping her voice sounded normal, while Angelica continued to wring her hands.

“I can’t wait to drop this kid,” Ginny said, and exhaled a long breath. “I want my center of gravity back. I want my body and my life back.”

“Ginny has had a long day,” Antonio explained, looking sheepish.

“If you don’t want to stay for dinner . . .” Tricia began.

“Oh, no!” Ginny said. “I’m here and I’m not about to give up a gourmet meal. If we were at home, we’d be having a bowl of soup and a sandwich or takeout.”

They heard a knock at the door, and a white-coated waiter appeared. “Hello, I’m James and I’ll be taking care of you this evening. Can I get anyone a drink?”

“A dry gin martini with olives,” Angelica said, sounding desperate.

“I’d like a Chardonnay,” Tricia said.

“Campari on ice, and a bottle of Pellegrino con gas for my beautiful wife,” Antonio said.

“Very good, sir. I’ll be right back with your drinks and a selection of appetizers.”

“Thank you, James,” Antonio said.

The waiter gave a slight bow and retreated from the room. After he was gone, the four of them looked expectantly at one another.

“It’s rather a surprise to see the two of you here,” Ginny said again, taking in the sisters.

Angelica forced a laugh. “Well, we thought you could probably use a break from cooking.”

“That’s the truth. I don’t think either of us has had a decent meal—unless we’ve eaten here—in the last month,” Ginny said. “And I have a feeling we’ll be eating yet more takeout for at least a week or two after the baby comes.”

Angelica nodded vigorously, reminding Tricia of a bobblehead doll.

Nobody said anything for a long awkward minute or so, their gazes dipping to the floor and various corners of the room. Finally, Tricia was about to take the initiative and introduce the subject of why they had gathered, when Ginny spoke. “Antonio mentioned we’d be eating here in the private dining room, so I kind of assumed we were going to have one last romantic evening before the baby arrives. I have a feeling it could be years before that will ever happen again.”

“Maybe not,” Angelica said. “What you need is a willing babysitter. Someone who loves you and is willing to watch over your little boy or girl as if it were her very own.”

“Have you got someone in mind?” Ginny said, and laughed.

Angelica forced yet another smile. “Well, yes. Me.”

Ginny’s smile faded. “And why would you want to do that?”

“Because . . . because . . . Because I’m your baby’s nonna.”

“Nonna? That’s Italian for grandmother,” Ginny said, her eyes practically pinning Angelica to the wall.

Again, Angelica laughed. “Yes, I guess it is. You see, I’m—I’m—”

“Nigela Ricita,” Ginny said without batting an eye.

Angelica swallowed, obviously taken aback. “Well, yes. I am.”

Ginny waved a bored hand and reached for her water glass. “I’ve known that for months.”

“You—you have?” Angelica practically squeaked.

Tricia frowned. “Has everyone but me known this not-so-secret secret forever?”

“Not forever,” Ginny said, “but I was doing the Jumble puzzle one day and somehow the words Nigela Ricita popped into my mind and just unscrambled themselves.”

“Me, too,” Tricia said.

“You never said anything,” Antonio said.

Ginny shrugged. “I assumed you were sworn to secrecy. And I know,” she said, turning her gaze on Angelica, “that people don’t cross Nigela Ricita.”

Angelica’s lower lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly Tricia felt terribly protective of her older sister. “She didn’t mean any harm, Ginny. Everything she’s done has been for the good of the village and its people.”

Ginny’s gaze softened. “And us.” She reached across the table, offering her hand to Angelica. “Thank you for taking care of Antonio all these years. You were only his stepmother. Most women wouldn’t have done what you did for him, especially after your marriage to his father broke up.”

“Well, just like you, I fell in love with him, and I’m very pleased to still be a part of his life.”

“A big part,” Antonio said, with a wave to take in the inn at large.

Angelica squeezed Ginny’s hand. “Well, will you take me up on my offer?”

“To babysit? Have you ever taken care of a baby before?”

“I have a dog.”

“It’s not quite the same.”

“I suspect at this very moment that you and I have the exact same amount of experience when it comes to child care.”

Ginny’s lips quirked into a smile. “I’ll bet you’re right.”

“Then perhaps we can learn together.”

“I’m game,” Ginny said, her grin broadening.

The waiter interrupted what could have become a love fest by arriving with a cart that not only held the drinks, but the promised appetizers, as well. He served them, pouring Ginny’s sparking water. He handed menus all around. “Just press the button on the wall when you’re ready to order,” he said, and retreated, closing the door behind him.

Antonio picked up his glass. “To family.”

“To family,” the women chorused, and they all clinked glasses and drank.

Ginny set her glass down first. “I’ve been dying to talk to my boss about new opportunities within the NRA organization. Do you think she’d be interested?” she asked Angelica.