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She reached across the limo bench and gave Hudson’s hand a gentle squeeze.

“Are you excited?” he asked.

“Very.” The same goofy grin she’d worn for the past few days stretched across her face. “I still can’t believe you were able to arrange this so quickly.” They’d only been back together for a little over two weeks, and yet during that time he’d somehow managed to plan a whirlwind trip aboard the Orient Express while simultaneously running two multibillion-dollar corporations. Not to mention indulging her every holiday whim.

“I’m a very resourceful man, Alessandra. Especially when there’s something I want.”

They pulled onto the tarmac, and after presenting their passports, boarded a white Gulfstream with the Chase Industries logo emblazoned on the tail. A flight attendant greeted them the moment they stepped onto the plane. She was a pretty girl in her midtwenties with jet-black hair pulled back in a scarf that matched her navy suit.

“Good evening, Mr. Chase, Miss Sinclair,” she said with a wide smile.

Hudson greeted her with a curt nod. “Evening, Natalie.”

“May I bring you something to drink before takeoff?”

“Pinot Grigio for Miss Sinclair, and I’ll have a scotch. Three fingers.”

“Right away.” She waited while Hudson helped Allie out of her coat, then shrugged off his own. He’d no sooner handed them over to Natalie when his phone began to ring. He glanced at the screen and frowned. “My brother,” he said before pressing the button. “Give me a minute.”

Hudson wandered toward the rear of the plane, allowing Allie a quiet moment to take in her surroundings. Unlike the Ingram jet, which was purchased with mainly corporate travel in mind, the Chase Industries plane was the pinnacle of sophisticated luxury. The décor was neutral with navy-blue accents and warm wood trims. A cream-colored leather sofa ran the length of the left side of the plane, while matching club chairs sat clustered around a flat-screen television on the right. Everything about the spacious interior was a statement of tasteful elegance. And whereas Ingram’s plane featured a long conference table in the back room, Allie was willing to bet the doorway Hudson had disappeared through led to a bedroom. One they’d no doubt make use of seeing as it was an overnight flight. A thrill shot through her at the thought of the two of them spending the night a mile high.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Hudson was behind her, powering off his phone.

“Just thinking about our flight plan,” she answered with a smile. “Everything okay with Nick?”

Hudson’s brow knit together. “Seems my brother is entertaining your friend in my home theater.”

“Oh?” Thoughts of the afternoon she and Hudson spent in that theater flashed across her mind. “Oh . . . ,” she said again.


“They’re probably just hanging out together since everybody else they know is out of town.”

The blizzard had backed up flights at O’Hare so badly that Harper had ended up canceling her trip home altogether versus spending three days on standby. The last Allie had heard she was considering driving down for New Year’s if the weather allowed. And now she was hanging out with Nick? Surely she would have said something if the situation between them was turning into more than she’d first claimed. Seeing as how turnabout was fair play, Allie had thoroughly grilled her friend on the topic of their all-nighter. But Harper had insisted that nothing had happened between them on Christmas Eve, even going so far as to swear on her one and only pair of Jimmy Choos. Then again, Allie thought, Nick was exactly Harper’s type. Big brown eyes, lashes that wouldn’t quit, and dark hair worn just a little bit too long. Add that to the lost puppy look Nick was currently sporting and . . .

Oh shit.

She made a mental note to text Harper as soon as they landed, then turned her attention to the commotion at the front of the plane. Natalie had returned with their cocktails just as Max boarded the plane with their luggage.

“Any problems with the runway?” Hudson asked him.

“No sir, and the pilot informs me we’re good to go.”

Hudson took the squat tumbler from Natalie and passed Allie her glass of wine as he continued his conversation with Max. “How’s the weather looking?”

“Clear skies tonight. Plus our cruising altitude will be 51,000 feet, so we’ll be well above most turbulence or commercial traffic.”


“I’ll be with the crew if you need anything,” he said before ducking through a door that lead to what appeared to be the galley.

“Max is coming with us? “

“Yes, he’ll be coordinating with local authorities,” Hudson said matter-of-factly.

Someone on the outside closed the cabin door. Natalie secured it before heading off in the same direction as Max. Allie didn’t say a word, but she knew the look she was giving Hudson spoke volumes.

“Alessandra, you didn’t think I would take you to Europe without some sort of security in place, did you?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I thought this was a romantic getaway, so yes, I thought we’d be traveling alone.”

“It will be romantic. You won’t even know he’s there.”

“Might be a little crowded in the sleeper car, don’t you think?”

“We have a suite. But nonetheless, I assure you Max won’t be sharing it with us.” He smirked. “Now, come get buckled up. We’re cleared for departure.”

Clearly the conversation was over as far as he was concerned. Allie had a lot more she wanted to say on the subject, but she knew Hudson’s overprotective instincts stemmed from his almost overwhelming need to keep her safe. And the more she’d thought about it, the more she was convinced it was all tied to whatever haunted his sleep. So despite the fact that she found a personal bodyguard unnecessary, much less an entire European team, she decided to let it go and simply enjoy the time with the man she loved.

When Hudson offered his hand she took it and let him lead her to two leather captains’ chairs facing a polished marble table. Hudson waited until she’d secured her seatbelt, then raised his glass and clinked it against hers. “To the first of many trips.”

“I like the sound of that.” Allie sipped her wine while the plane taxied to the runway. “How long will the flight take?”

“All night.” It was impossible to miss the carnal intent in Hudson’s eyes as he gazed at her over the rim of his glass.

The plane surged forward, hurtling down the runway. Allie’s stomach fluttered as the wheels lifted from the ground, but she suspected the sensation had less to do with gravity than it did with the man seated next to her. She watched him as he stared out the small oval window, his handsome face reflected back to her in the glass, thinking just how lucky she was to have Hudson Chase back in her life. And for good this time.

When the holiday season began, Allie had assumed it would be six weeks of misery leading up to a new year of more of the same. And while there was still so much about her life that was in utter chaos, with Hudson by her side she felt a sense of peace and contentment she would have never thought possible just a short time ago.

As if sensing the weight of her stare, Hudson turned and met her gaze. Without saying a word, he reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips. His eyes roamed over her face for long moments before he finally spoke. “I’m grateful for you every day,” he murmured.

And just like that she fell even deeper.

The pilot announced they’d reached their cruising altitude and Natalie served a light supper of grilled chicken and vegetables.

“More wine?” Hudson asked, hovering the bottle over Allie’s glass.

“Mr. Chase, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to get me drunk. Planning to take advantage of me?”

Hudson’s mouth curved into a wicked grin as he refilled her glass. “I have a few things in mind to pass the time.”