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Allie didn’t think she could ever love him more than she did at that moment.

“Did that address your concerns?” he asked. His tone was gentle and warm, perfectly matching the look in his eyes.

She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat.

“Very well.” He smiled, then checked his watch. “Then for now, Madam CEO, I’d like to make a motion that we table any discussions pertaining to business. I have a surprise for you and it’s set to begin any minute.”

He stood, and with their hands still clasped, led her to the window. When they reached the glass he tugged her to stand in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist. As if on cue, two rockets of light soared into the air, exploding in a canopy of red and gold over Navy Pier.

Allie gasped. “Fireworks?”

“Do you like them?”

She turned in his arms. “I love them.”

Hudson dropped a soft kiss on her lips. “Then watch,” he said, nodding toward the glass. His hand splayed across her belly, pulling her tight against him, his erection prodding her backside.

“You’re hard for me,” she said.

“Always,” he murmured, his lips drifting up her neck. When he reached her ear he nipped at the lobe. “And you, are you wet for me, Allie?”

“Maybe you should feel for yourself.” Her soft voice sounded desperate and needy, but she didn’t care. His breath in her ear, his lips on her skin . . . it was too much after hours of foreplay and dinner sans panties. She needed his hands on her and she didn’t care who might walk in and see them.

His left hand slipped into the open V of her wrap blouse, kneading her breast, while the right slid down the front of her skirt. A low, sexy sound vibrated through his chest when his fingers encountered her slick flesh. “You’re soaked for me and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He teased her, tugging her hardened nipple between the fingers of one hand while circling her quivering opening with the other. “Do you want me inside you, Allie? Are you aching to feel my fingers and my cock?”

“God yes,” she moaned. She wanted him to take her right there, to fuck her hard from behind with her bare breasts pressed against the cold glass.

“You’re a naughty girl, Alessandra.”

“Only for you,” she panted, her breath fogging the glass in front of her. “Only for you.” It was true. For her entire life she’d been the quintessential good girl. But being with Hudson brought out a side of her she never knew existed. With him she was wild and wanton. No one could elicit the reaction from her body that he did. They were made for each other.

He eased a finger inside. “You’re so ready for me.”

She was. She was on fire for him, her body responding to every skillful stroke of his finger. But it wasn’t enough. Turning her head, she pressed her cheek to his. “More. I need more.”

He squeezed her swollen breast and added a second finger. “Is this what you need?”

“Yes,” she hissed. She was so close. Her hips churned, riding his hand as she chased the orgasm building inside her.

On the other side of the glass, sparkling canopies of blue-and-green light reflected over the dark lake. While inside the room her body trembled, clenching around his fingers as he pumped them in and out of her, again and again.

The buzz from the champagne mixed with her overwhelming desire. In front of her, the finale began. One explosion after the other filling the night sky with a kaleidoscope of color. She leaned her head against Hudson’s shoulder, surrendering to the rhythm of his unrelenting fingers.

His teeth grazed her neck. “Don’t come,” he breathed against her ear. “I want to be inside you when you do.” The sky above the lake grew dark as his movements slowed, bringing her back from the brink. When his hand fell away she nearly whimpered. “I think it’s time I take you home.”

The man was evil. Pure, sexy as hell, evil.

But she knew he was just as turned on as she was, and as she retied her blouse, she wondered if they’d actually make it back to his penthouse. In the elevator, with their fingers entwined as they undressed each other with their eyes, she was pretty sure they wouldn’t. And when the limo door swung shut, cocooning them in total darkness, she knew they didn’t stand a chance.

Before she’d even settled in on the seat, his mouth was on hers, kissing her fiercely. As if he had to. As if the past few hours had been excruciating to endure. She loved it when he was like this, so raw and untamed in his lust for her. It made every cell in her body come alive. She moaned, and when her lips parted he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking hers with expert skill.

As far as Allie was concerned, all bets were off. She climbed into Hudson’s lap, pulling her skirt high enough to straddle him and revealing her garters in the process. His hands smoothed up her thighs while hers ran down the contours of his chest. She could feel the hard ridges of his abs beneath his dress shirt and the urge to have his bare skin sliding against hers was more than she could bear.

The traffic on Michigan Avenue flowed around them, cars and pedestrians alike, but it didn’t matter. In that limo, nothing else existed but the two of them, their lust, their need. And what Allie needed more than anything was to feel the connection she’d longed for all night.

But when her hands dropped to his belt, he caught her wrists. “I thought we agreed to wait until we got home,” he murmured against her lips.

She kissed and sucked a path along his stubbled jaw. “That was before you turned me into a quivering mess during dinner.”

Hudson wrenched open her blouse and dipped his finger into the lace cup of her bra, freeing her breast. “It’s only two blocks. Surely you can make it that far,” he teased, just before sucking her nipple into his mouth. She swore she felt him smile against her skin.


“Enough is enough, Hudson. You’ve wined me and dined me, now fuck me . . . please.”

He chuckled. “Ever the romantic, Miss Sinclair.”

Allie took his face between her hands and lifted his head to look at her. The light from a passing car flashed across his blue eyes. They flickered with amusement but reflected the same carnal intent she felt. “This has been the most romantic night of my life, Hudson. And I promise, we can make love till the sun comes up. But I need you inside me. Right here, right now.”

As if to make her point, she rocked against him, his breath hissing as she stroked herself along his hardened length. This time when her fingers went to his buckle he didn’t stop her. He merely reached for the button on the panel above them.

“Take the long way home, Max.”

“Sir?” came the reply. Allie looked out the window. The limo was half a block from the Palmolive Building. No wonder he was confused.

“He thinks you’ve lost your mind,” Allie whispered.

“Not far from it,” Hudson muttered under his breath before hitting the intercom button again. “Take us up Lake Shore. To the end and back, please.”

The light turned green and the car sped past Hudson’s building. “Seems I’m all yours for the next fifty-eight blocks and back.” He smirked. “Whatever will you do with me?”

Allie bit down on her lip. “I can think of a few things,” she said, lowering his zipper and freeing him from the confines of his boxers. He groaned as she caressed him, velvet soft and yet hard as stone. His hips flexed against her hand and instinctively she tightened her grip, stroking him from root to tip. Her thumb brushed over his sensitive head, collecting the evidence of his arousal. Holding his gaze, she brought her thumb to her lips, slowly licking his taste from her skin.

“Fuck, Allie. Put me inside you. I want to feel you riding my cock.”

Rising up on her knees, she positioned him at her entrance. Her body ached for him, but she took her time, wanting to make the moment last. Wrapping her hand around his length, she rubbed him back and forth between her slick folds, teasing them both as she coated him with her wetness.