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“Co-CEO,” Allie corrected. “And you cannot start hanging out with my assistant.”

“Why not?

“Because my personal and professional lives are complicated enough.” Allie yawned before she could even finish the sentence.

“You must be exhausted,” Harper said. She stood and started gathering the paper cartons.

“Leave it. You cooked, I’ll clean.”

“Yeah, I slaved all day over a hot stove.”

“You know what I mean,” Allie said. “And thanks again. This was just what I needed.”

“What are friends for if not to binge on Chinese food and borrow your designer handbags?” she said with a laugh. “Hey, do you want me to spend the night?”

“No, I appreciate the offer, but I’m a big girl—I need to start acting like one. But there is something you can do for me.”

“Anything. Name it.”

“My mother was supposed to be presented with some humanitarian award at a black-tie gala at the Art Institute Friday night and they’ve asked me to accept it on her behalf. Will you go with me?”

“Not sure if I can get a tux on such short notice,” Harper teased.

“Oh wait, what night is your date with Doctor Hottie?” Allie asked, using the opportunity to tease Harper with a nickname for once.

“Friday, but I’ll just see if we can reschedule for his next night off.”

“No way.”

“Yes way. Chicks before dicks and all that.”

“Well, this chick has let you sacrifice enough of your own time to sit and hold her hand at some miserable event.”

“Fancy hors d’oeuvres and an open bar? You’re right, that does sound miserable.” Harper rolled her eyes. “You can’t uninvite me. It would be rude.”

“Watch me. I’ll take my new assistant. Technically it’s a work event anyway.”

Harper cocked her head to one side. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” She pulled Harper into a hug.

“If you change your mind about the sleepover . . .”

“Go.” Allie pushed her friend out the door and closed it.

“Fine, be that way,” Harper said with a laugh from behind the door.

Allie waited till she heard the outside door open and close before making her way back to her bedroom. It was barely nine o’clock, but after the day she’d had a hot shower and an early bedtime sounded like heaven.

On her way to the bathroom she noticed the duffel bag she’d taken to Lake Geneva still sitting in the corner of her room. With all that had gone on since the night she’d returned, unpacking a bag of hiking clothes had been last on her list of things to do.

No time like the present.

She hauled the bag onto the bed and began dumping items of clothing into the laundry hamper. The bag was almost completely empty when she pulled out a pink lace nightgown.

This is definitely making the trip. A survival necessity.”

Hudson’s words echoed in the very room where he’d first spoken them. Allie closed her eyes and just like that, unbidden and unwelcome images flooded her mind. They were in the bedroom of his cabin and he was behind her, sweeping her hair to one side as his lips found the curve of her neck.

“Put this on.” He held out his arm and her baby-doll nightgown dropped down from his hand. “And when you return, I want to tie you to my bed.”

A soft moan escaped her lips as he ran the tip of his tongue up the column of her throat.

“Look at the bed, Allie.” Her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “Imagine yourself completely at my mercy. Now go change.”

Turning, she met his heated gaze, so full of dark, delicious promise that her knees went weak.

“Don’t make me wait.” His voice was gentle but commanding.

Allie took the lingerie from his hands and made her way to the master bathroom. She changed quickly, her fingers trembling from the thought of what lay ahead. She would have never considered it a turn-on to surrender control, but there was no denying she loved it when he was like this.

When she stepped into the room, she paused at the doorway, taking a moment to enjoy the view. Through the French doors Lake Geneva shimmered in the distance, but that wasn’t the sight that held her totally spellbound. It was Hudson, standing with his back to her wearing only his faded jeans, that held her gaze. His stance was relaxed as he stared out across the water, and in that moment Allie realized that this cabin was more than just a vacation destination—it was the one place he considered home. Hudson was a man of few words when it came to his feelings and emotions. But the fact that he’d brought her here, that he wanted to share this side of himself, told her all she needed to know.

Hudson turned and his lips parted on a sharp intake of air. “Allie . . .”

Her mouth watered at the sight of him, lit only by the moonlight filtering in through the arched windows above the doors. Everything about Hudson Chase set her blood on fire, from the way his blue eyes burned bright with excitement to the way his impressive erection strained heavily against the fly of his jeans.

“Do you trust me?” he asked. His voice was gentle but firm.

Her pulse raced but her breathless answer was honest. “Yes,” she whispered, because it was true. She trusted Hudson not only with her body, but more and more with each passing day, her heart.

He approached, pulling something out of the back pocket of his jeans and holding it up for her to see. Allie recognized it immediately as the airline sleep mask Hudson had used on her the day she’d been cuffed to the beam in his game room. Heat pooled between her thighs at the memory of that afternoon. He’d teased her relentlessly with his fingers and tongue, bringing her to orgasm again and again. Being bound and helpless against the onslaught of pleasure had been an experience unlike any she’d ever known. And even though she had no idea what he had planned this time, she already knew it would be a night to remember.

Hudson led her to the bed, where she noticed the blue silk necktie that had been placed on top of the duvet. Once she was seated, he slipped the mask over her eyes. Almost instantly she became keenly aware of everything around her. The sound of her own breathe, coming much too quickly. The feel of the cool air, making her nipples harden against the rough lace of her negligee. And the masculine scent of Hudson’s skin, all the more intoxicating given the current state of his arousal as he stood mere inches in front of her.

“Your other senses will be heightened this way, but I only want you to focus on what you feel.” His hands were on her hips, gathering the fabric of her lingerie before sweeping it over her head. That didn’t last long. She almost smiled at the thought but then his fingers cupped her jaw, tilting her face toward his, and the only thought that remained was how badly she wanted him to kiss her. “As much as I like the nightgown, I prefer you naked.”

She licked her dry lips, eliciting a noise from Hudson that was more growl than groan. In a heartbeat he sealed his mouth over hers. There was nothing gentle about the way he kissed her. It wasn’t slow and savoring but hungry and raw, and made her restless for what was still to come. He hadn’t even touched her and yet she felt as though she were already melting in his hands. She wanted to reach for him, to pull him down to her, to feel the weight of him against her. But this was Hudson’s game, and as much as her body silently begged for more, she couldn’t deny the thrill she felt from being under his control. So although her heart hammered against her chest, she let him set the pace, kissing him back with the same passion he showed her but taking it no further.

When he finally broke the kiss she was more than ready to do whatever he commanded.

“Lie back on the bed.”