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His kiss turned greedy with hurried roughness. Summer threaded his fingers through her hair, blindly guiding her to the bed. Their thighs brushing with each step.

Tearing her mouth free, she gasped, “Summer?”

“Yes, Red?” His lips and teeth grazed along the sensitive spot behind her ear.

“I’ve missed you…all this time. I’ve really, really missed you.”

“We’ll make up for time lost.”

A sexy smile spread across his face. His eyes gleamed mischievously, tossing her onto the bed with ease. A shaky giggle whooshed from her lungs, but quickly changed tempo as Summer climbed over her. Wedging a knee between her thighs, his mouth enclosed the tip of her breast, cupping the fullness in the palm of his hand.

The weight of his body, heavy and warm, settled over her. His tongue moved to the other mound, gently rolling her moist nipple between his fingers. She could feel the length of him, thick and rearing, against her thigh. Her body twitched and writhed beneath him. Carrie Ann was on fire.

Invasion now assured, she clenched relentlessly at the emptiness, welcoming the needed relief. He brought his face directly above hers, kissing her breathless. Clasping an arm securely beneath her, he scooted to the center of the bed. Summer moved over her, straddling her waist, stretching to find the black box. She lifted her head from the bed, laying a trail of wet kisses down his oblique’s.

The rip of foil drew her attention. A frown began to weave between her brows, but before her mind had time to contemplate, Summer adjusted the condom over the engorged head, slowly unrolling it over the length.

“Red,” he said in a quiet voice, pulling her from her thoughts.

Their gazes collided, mesmerizing her with liquid gold heat.

“I see that gorgeous mind of yours starting to work too hard. It’s okay. I promise, when I’m through with you…this will be the last thing that you remember.”

He eased over her, their bodies entwined in slow revolutions, rolling over the big bed. Their hands explored the heated terrain of the other’s body, lost in a lustful fascination. Carrie Ann couldn’t get enough of his mouth. She needed to feel his kisses, rough and aggressive. Summer took her moans into his mouth, matching her zealous kisses. Arms and legs entangled, sliding and stroking, teasing her until she was nearly out of her mind with lust.

“Now. Right now,” she begged, twisting her head, sinking her teeth into the thick dense muscle of his wrist.

He nudged at her entrance, pulling a hoarse cry from her throat. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes!” Her legs spread wide and her hips swiveled upward in a thrust.

Summer eased inside her, withholding full penetration. He took painstaking deliberations to be gentle. Entering her in slow measured increments, again and again. Allowing her time to yield and mold herself to the thick intrusion.

“Easy, Red. I don’t want you to hurt you.”

She shook her head wildly, flailing back and forth in an urgent disagreement. Wispy strands of hair sticking to the fine mist of perspiration on her face. He settled onto his elbows, palming the hair from her forehead. As she opened her mouth to protest or beg, her brain unable to differentiate, he pushed deeper, bringing excruciating pleasurable relief. She cried out.

Summer withdrew a little, taking her mouth in a primal kiss as he buried himself inside, filling her completely. Carrie Ann bucked beneath him. Her arms curled beneath his shoulders, gripping his back. His muscles flexing under the pressure of her nails. The onslaught of pressure surged forward with each long, slow, powerful, drive, building into a tireless rhythm.

Clasping her wrists, he pinned her to the bed, impaling her with controlled strokes. He searched for the perfect balance of force and speed, until she submitted to his tempo. Their bodies rocked in perfect unison. Rising and falling, opposing forces working together in some mysterious gravitational pull.

Releasing her mouth, their stares locked. Years of lost time faded away with each heavy thrust. Every movement began to translate into an emotion. Desire…need…trust…adoration, they all crashed down over her, penetrated her soul far deeper than the physical movements.

Her moans of satisfaction grew until she cried out his name. “Summer.”

“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he growled, burying his face in the crook of her neck. His mouth wandered hungrily over her throat as he filled her. “The way you say my name…Christ, Red, I have waited so long to hear the sounds you make when I’m inside you.”

She couldn’t hold back. The back of her head pushed against the bed. His name ripped from her throat in a voice sounding nothing like her own. “Summer…”

Her hands slammed against the mattress. Sheets mangled under the strain of her fingers. The wet slide and stunning invasion, bringing her to a near unbearable pleasure. The lids of her eyes dusted shut as she began to peak. Spasms rolled and rippled, quaking through her body. Her legs clamped to his hips, holding on, until the last twitches left her body.

Summer starved off his climax until she freed the linens from her death grip. Her eyes opened wide, witnessing the magnificent sight of sweet strain covering his face. Blood pulsing through his veins, flexing the powerful muscles in his neck as he found his release.

In that moment of passion, he staked claim to her heart.

As Summer peered down, she realized he’d never lost possession.

Carrie Ann had been his all along.

Chapter Eleven

Hitching her leg over his hip, Carrie Ann burrowed into the crook of his arm. The heated scent of Summer and sex filled her senses. Her hand roamed lazily along the stacked muscles of his abdomen, fingers playing in the damp trimmed tendrils below. His arm came around her, petting and coasting each dip and curve as he pressed a kiss into the silky strands of her wet hair.

It wasn’t even noon and they’d had sex twice, not counting the appetizer. He’d hauled her into the shower, washing her thoroughly from head to toe. They’d kissed a dozen times under the cascade of water, each desperately needing to replenish the void in time passed. Things got a little dicey when he hoisted her up against the tile wall, but they managed to pull it off without bodily injuries.

“What would you like to do today?”

“You,” she blurted playfully before he had a chance to offer any choices.

“I’m fairly certain that’s a given.” His tone was smooth and relaxed. Happy. “Has it ever been like this for you with anyone else?”

Twisting her face into his chest, she kissed the smooth skin, replying honestly, “No. It’s never even come close. You?”

His chin moved back and forth against the top of her head. “Never.”

Cuddling closer, her lids grew heavy. She drew in a deep breath which turned into a yawn. “How bout a nap?”

Summer eased them onto their sides, snuggling up to her backside. His hand turned lazy full circles over her hip. Cupping one cheek, he lifted, wedging his semi-hard erection between her thighs.

“I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.” A smile colored his voice, pulling the covers to their shoulders.

She tucked them beneath her chin, wriggling her body tightly to his, so all of their points connected. “I take it back. Can we just stay in bed all day?”

“I think I can handle that.”

An extreme state of relaxation slipped over her like the low clouds moving into the valley. Carrie Ann dozed off to sleep, swathed in the comfort and safety of Summer.


A detachable wine bottle holder locked to the side of an insulated backpack. Carrie Ann leaned against the kitchen counter, snooping inside the sophisticated canvas picnic basket, taking inventory of the miniature corkscrew, salt and pepper shakers, and cutting board. Digging further into a separate larger compartment, she found sandwiches, trail mix, and cut up fruit.