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Simply being near him was excruciatingly difficult. Summer cast a spell on her, an easy charm that worked its way into every fiber of her being. She’d been through several relationships, more short term than long, and not one had been capable of replacing that feeling of complete captivation. He possessed the kind of powerful fascination and sex appeal that literally stole the breath from her lungs at times. The attraction carried far more weight than just sex. Summer held all the cards for Carrie Ann. He’d been the one man in her life who’d checked all the boxes. Including the box marked heartbreak.

Being stuck in the middle of nowhere with Ryan Summer for days on end would be more than challenging for too many reasons to list. It would require much more than just good sense and practical reasoning to survive his presence. It would involve a severe case of unyielding stubbornness to survive.

Deplorably, the rich, pleasing tone of his voice, all tender and sweet, poked holes in her armor. Carrie Ann struggled to fill her lungs with air. The knowledge of such fierce pleasure, warm and inviting, sitting within reach of her fingertips proved too much to bear. She wasn’t nearly as well-armed as she’d like to think, so she did the next best thing. Escape.

“I’d tell you that I feel bad about bringing you here, but it would be a lie.” She heard him say rising to her feet. Feeling a bit lightheaded from hyperventilating, she stumbled over her feet. Summer’s long arm crossed in front of her, cradling the dip near her hip for support and to block her departure. “Where you going? You okay?”

“I’m going to bed, Summer,” she said, keeping her stare straight.

Without any effort whatsoever, he tugged her into the crook of his lap. Her bottom nestled into the pocket between his muscular thighs filling her with sizzling heat. Unable look at him, fearing she’d cave, Carrie Ann stared over his shoulder at the orange flames licking around the barked edges of the round logs.

“We need to talk, Red.” His strong fingers swept down the length of her arms, circling his thumbs over the soft flesh of her palms. She remained rigid, refusing to soften. “We shared a bed last night. You can sleep with me, if you’d like. I promise I’ll behave…if you’d like.”

The fire felt as if it was scorching her face from across the room. Her eyes beaded precariously, locking on his like daggers.

“I take it that’s a no.”

“That’s a hell no.”

Glimpsing the painful sting she’d just delivered, hidden in his eyes, her heart swiftly rocked from anger to remorse.

“Look, it’s been a long day or night or whatever the hell time it is. I’ve been drugged, flown to who knows where in the middle of I don’t know. I’ve thrown up in front of you…how special is that? Apparently, we slept together and I’m fairly certain at some point in the very near future you’re going to inform me of some very…embarrassing, horrifying decisions I’ve unconsciously made over the last twenty-four hours. I’m exhausted and mortified and confused and I just want to sleep.”

He continued to sweep his hands up and down her arms, pausing to lift her from his lap bringing both of them to their feet. “The only thing I would call horrifying about last night was the fact that someone drugged you, and it’s not the first time I’ve seen you puke. Everything else was…beautiful.” His eyes glazed over right before his lids dusted shut, reveling in the recollection.

Carrie Ann raised both hands in pleading fashion, pressing an index finger to her lips. Perspiration gathered beneath the cotton fabric of her shirt. Without saying a word, she ducked her head and ambled toward her room.

“Red,” he called out as she headed to her room. “You’re in Montana.”

Chapter Seven

“Ugg,” she groaned, catching a whiff of Frito scented puppy paws shoved in her face. Aspen stretched with a shiver taking up half her pillow. “You’re gonna get me in trouble, girl. You’re not supposed to be up here.”

Carrie Ann climbed out of bed and Aspen turned a few circles before settling into the pre-heated comfy spot. Rain streaked across the window horizontally. The sound of water pouring off the roof and pummeling the ground beyond the glass, filled her quiet room. She gave a quick kiss to the top of Aspen’s nose, before leaving her to shower and get dressed.

Soft bluesy music lingered throughout the empty cabin as she made her way toward the kitchen. All remnants of her drug induced hangover were gone, replaced with famished hunger. Opening the mirror-finished fridge, she found a note taped to a mini blender.

Morning, Red

I made your favorite

It’s ready to drink just give it a quick blend

Help yourself to whatever you’d like


Flipping the single serving container atop the blender, Carrie Ann noted three ripe pineapples lined up along the counter next to a canister of vanilla protein powder. Heat flushed her cheeks. Her pulse picked up pace as her mind flew straight to the gutter.

“Pineapple? Arrogant little prick.” Her head bobbled back and forth sassily, recalling the look on his face when she’d told him of an article she’d read that identified the delicious golden fruit as the number one way to make a man’s cum taste sweeter. Peering down at Aspen, she scoffed through gritted teeth, “He’s out of his mind if he thinks I’m giving him a blowjob.”

A loud ruckus coming from the patio caught their attention. Aspen barked twice, making a beeline for the door. Slipping into her shiny black rain boots beside the door, she grabbed a jacket hanging on an antler rack and stepped outside. The smell of smoky cedar rising from the chimney mixed with earthy rain reminded her of a beach bonfire. Thick ominous clouds hung low over the valley, shrouding the mountains beyond the tall evergreen trees.

Carrie Ann paused, listening for direction. Following the whack, thud, thud she moseyed beneath the wraparound porch. Aspen’s lanky body still held onto its puppy plumpness, trotting alongside in a smooth well-coordinated gait.

Rounding the far side of the cabin, she spotted a t-shirt draped over the branch of a tree. Summer stood, shirtless and glistening, chopping wood beneath the bows of a huge evergreen. Dark denim molded perfectly to his hips and thighs, hanging low around his waist, exposing a sun-kissed tan line and obvious lack of boxers.

She turned away from the gorgeous sight. It hurt too much to look at him, but she found it impossible not to turn back. Elongated muscles flanking his spine, flexed and corded, as he swung the axe over his head in one smooth move, slicing through a log perched on a tree stump. The log split in the center, flying off the stump into two piles. The compelling scene of rugged masculinity made her toes curl.

Aspen grabbed hold of a deflated football lying on the wooden porch and darted toward him. Her bark filled with gusto, behind a mouthful of brown leather. A lazy smile slumbered across his face, reaching down giving her a head rub before tossing the ball.

Catching a glimpse of Carrie Ann, he stuck the blade of the axe into the stump with a loud whack. Summer wiped the remnants of loose bark and splinters of wood from his forearms and stomach, leaving a trail of smeared grime along his wet glistening skin.

The vision of his well-exercised body, wet and dirty, weakened her tenacity one cut ab at a time. Bending to gather an armful of firewood, his stomach contracted, showing off yet another row of defined muscle. She couldn’t stop the goofy grin from gathering at the edge of her lips as he approached.

“Morning,” she said breathily.

He ambled by her, adding the freshly split lumber to a large stack of firewood lined up against the cabin. “Morning, beautiful.”