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Carrie Ann spun to face him head on. Summer held out his hands on either side of her, cautiously, corralling her so she wouldn’t escape. Ignoring the erratic heartbeat slamming against her ribs, she bolstered every ounce of infuriated pigheadedness she could muster.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Summer?”

“Cheating…a little,” he said softly. A mock smile tipped the edges of his full mouth…as if that would soften her explosion.

“Yeah, well, we all know you’re pretty good at that.”

He laid a palm to his chest, melodramatically suffering from the blow to his heart. “Come on now. We’re not going to hash that over again, are we? Play nice, Red.”

“Play nice?” she snarled through clenched teeth. “How about you go fuck yourself?”

Tiny laugh lines whisked outward from the corners of his eyes. “I’m more interested in fucking you.”

“Oh, give me a break!”

“I’ll give you just about anything you ask for.” His voice riddled with insinuation.

“Perfect. Get out of my face.”

“Sorry, that’s not gonna happen. We need to talk, Carrie Ann. I don’t plan on going anywhere until we do.”

A muffled round of hoots and hollers indicated that bachelor number one had just found a date. Urgency gathered in her gut.

“What do you want, Summer? Is this part of some sort of twisted therapy program for past mistakes?” He started to step closer, but she threw out a hand as a warning. “You’re invading my space!”

His eyes twinkled as if weighing the consequences of his answer. He whispered in a soft growl, “I’m gonna invade your personal space with my cock as soon as you come to your damn senses.”

She went scarlet. The provocative remark fired off a round of clenches, low and deep, striking a tender place hidden inside. She needed to escape him, but her legs felt encumbered and heavy, unable to carry her away from the lunacy taking place in front of her. The man melted her insides. He turned her to a withering mess with a simple smile. He also had a way of pissing her off more than any other man she’d ever known. It wasn’t fair or easy.

And neither was she.

“In. Your. Dreams.”

“Every night, Red. Every night.”

“Well, thank you for stopping by to lighten your wallet. The HAHF appreciates your generosity,” she riddled. Candor doused her hostility in formality. The air surrounding them was becoming saturated with resentment.

“Did you really think I’d let him outbid me? I don’t like that guy, Jason. I don’t like him one bit.”

Her eyed beaded. “You don’t get a say…now do you?”

“I did tonight.”

Despite her fists being pulled into tight balls, ready to take aim at any moment, he dared to ease closer. The scent of him filtered through her labored breathing. The spicy fragrance noticeable on her tongue, inflicting havoc on her palate.

Summer slipped his fingers into her closed hands. Every tiny muscle in his face softened, the seriousness severe, exposing a small porthole view into a matured, settled man. His handsome features verging on gloriously striking. Her lashes fluttered taking in the sight.

“This wasn’t my intent.” His chest expanded, pulling in a deep breath. Peering down at their locked hands, he jiggled her fingers. “I didn’t come here to do this. It just happened, Carrie Ann. I saw you…and you look so…”

Summers voice trailed off as he looked her over, almost as if he could hardly believe she was real. His examination was slow and sweet, and laced with ravenous greed, drifting over every inch of her. The fine hairs on her arms rose to sharp points. She could scarcely breathe.

His haughtiness faded, leaving only a vast display of raw emotions. The man had the distinct capability of casting a sensual spell over her with just one look. A rush of adrenaline struck low in her belly, but her heart strings constricted, tightening around old wounds.

“You look stunning.” Breaking into familiar territory, he eased in, their thighs brushing as he hovered above her. He added, “I’d tell you I’m sorry, but I’m not. I miss you.”

Refusing to look up at him, she stared at his shirtfront. It was a good shirtfront. Just enough imperfection to make her want to reach up and tweak his collar. Which was attached to his tan throat. Which led to his thick head of hair. No! No way! Not gonna happen!

“I’m not sure what you’re expecting for your million dollar donation, but—” The sound of footsteps walking off the stage, captured her attention. She continued in a whisper, “I need to get out there. I’ve gotta go.”

“I want one day, Carrie Ann. A chance to talk.”

Without any explanation or rationalization, she complied with a curt nod. Carrie Ann didn’t dare lift her chin to look up at him, knowing he’d have no hesitation taking advantage of the proximity of their mouths. She gathered her hands from his and skirted from behind the wall, heading for the platform.

“Red,” he called out in a low voice. She cast a half-glance over her shoulder attempting to hide the blush on her cheeks. His smiling eyes cruised around the room. “Great job. You’re totally rockin’ it.”

Pride swelled deep within, spreading heat throughout her chest and limbs. She couldn’t stop the stupid grin erupting from her face…which irritated the shit out of her. Sauntering up the steps, her hips swayed more than normal.

Shayla crooned, “Bachelor number two is a firefighter from New York.”

Gathering her wits, she reached for her mic, “Or at least he plays one on TV.”

Carrie Ann didn’t need to turn, she knew Summer’s eyes were glued to her ass.


As the after party began to wind down, the DJ took control of the energy level, transitioning into a smoother beat. Even without Summer’s ridiculous contribution, the generosity of others blew away prior donations, setting a new record for the auction. An accomplishment that proved her mettle and an achievement she could be very proud of.

Carrie Ann ignored the hushed rumors and quiet whispers of guests speculating what went down between her and Summer. Are they a couple? Did you know they dated? He’s getting laid tonight! She’s so lucky. Thankfully, Summer kept his distance, but she sensed his eyes on her all night long. An indescribable tickling feeling that blanketed her body drawing goosebumps to her arms and neck. The anticipation robbed her of her breath, waiting for him to show up at her side at any given moment.

Jason reverted back into friend mode. They chatted several times throughout the evening, but the hopefulness that had previously shone brightly in his eyes, faded. She assumed the cooling change in his expression was either do to Summer’s stunt or perhaps he shared the same lack of intimate interest. Regardless of the reason, there seemed to be no awkwardness between them.

Carrie Ann shared a couch with Shayla and John, as well as several others. Stiffness in her neck and shoulders began to subside, indulging in a sip of champagne.

“We gotta get going, Shay.” John raised from his seat and helped his wife to her feet. Everyone followed suit. “Carrie Ann, if you change your mind and want to join us on vacation, we’ll be on the beach in Hawaii.”

“I appreciate the offer, John, but I have to pass. As much as I adore those two boys of yours, that’s not exactly the kind of relaxation I had in mind for my vacation. Plus, the last thing I need is a raging case of hormonally induced maternal-itis.”

Smothering his laughter, he added, “I just thought since you have a million dollar date to fulfill…”

“Ha, ha. Screw you, John.” She jabbed him in the side. “Have a fantastic vacation. I’m sure you’re going to miss my babysitting assistance.”

The smartass grin fell from his mug. “I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty nice when you travel with us. Shay and I get to go on dates, the two of you get to spend time together, I get to go golfing…”