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A hush fell over the audience as Ramsey stepped forward confidently. He started speaking when Lexi felt someone touch her elbow. She scooted over to accommodate the person as she listened to her boyfriend deliver the opening speech.

“Sorry I was late. I got held up,” Jack whispered into her ear.

A chill ran down her spine at his nearness, and she fought to keep her eyes forward.

“Where were you?” she whispered back. “I thought you’d be here with Bekah.”

“No, she’s been really busy with this stuff lately. Gone a lot. I came on my own,” he told her. “I already hate the parking situation.”

Lexi bit on her lip to hold back her laugh. Ramsey had talked all the time about how shitty the parking was, even with the underground garage.

“You shouldn’t have been late then.”

“Probably not.”

“What were you doing anyway?”

“Picking up some things for the party tonight. I should have gotten them earlier, but I procrastinated,” he said, nudging her in the side.

“Doesn’t sound like you at all,” she whispered in a scolding tone.

“Not at all.” He chuckled lightly and crossed his arms, effectively ending their conversation.

She probably should be paying more attention anyway.

Lexi stared up at Ramsey. Pride washed over every other emotion that had manifested. Even if she hadn’t been sure about this venture to begin with, she couldn’t deny how happy it made her that he had done it. He had accomplished this against all odds. A year’s time should not have been long enough, but somehow, it had been. Now, they were standing on the threshold of a new beginning.

A few more speeches later, Parker and Ramsey held out a pair of giant gold scissors, and together, they sliced through the ribbon blocking the entrance to the medical wing. And just like that, Atlanta had a new hospital. Knowing how much work they had put into it, the actual ceremony felt largely inconsequential. It was a photo opportunity with a whole hell of a lot of applause and congratulations.

The real test would be seeing how the building actually ran. But in that moment, they had succeeded, which was what mattered. Tonight, they were throwing an enormous party to celebrate. She had actually splurged on a killer dress. Because if she was going to walk into that ballroom after everything that had happened with Elisa the past two months, then she wanted to look damn good.

At the end of the ceremony, the crowd surged forward into the medical wing. Lexi held back and let the majority of the people follow Ramsey and Parker through the sliding glass doors. She had already been inside more times than she could count since the building had been constructed. She could let everyone else have a turn.

Jack squeezed her elbow lightly before disappearing with the crowd. She saw him catch up to Bekah. She was in conversation with someone else, and she barely acknowledged him when he wrapped his arm around her waist. Lexi took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. It was just something she’d had to get used to over the past year. It might make her blood feel like it was being pushed through sludge, but there was nothing she could do about it. She’d accepted that fact a long time ago.

The crowd dispersed, and Lexi moved over to the front desk where Cierra sat, staring wide-eyed at the large group. It was clear she had taken a lot of time to get ready that morning. Her black hair fell pin straight past her shoulders. Her caramel skin was highlighted with a shimmery bronzer, and her black eyes were rimmed with coal that made them pop. She had on a shiny burgundy lip gloss that was perfection. It never would have worked with Lexi’s complexion.

“Hey, Cierra!”

“Lexi! Phew,” she said, breathing out heavily. “Finally, a familiar face among the suits.”

Lexi laughed lightly. “You’ll get to know everyone as they come and go.”

“I hope not. I prefer working with real people. Big-time suits make me nervous.”

“I didn’t think anything made you nervous,” Lexi said, leaning against the desk.

“I mean, not physically nervous,” she said with a shrug. “I just feel like they’re always preparing to fire me.”

“What?” Lexi asked. “No one is firing you. You’re the best employee they have.”

“Lexi…be real. There are surgeons and shit who are irreplaceable.”

“Well, I told Ramsey that I like you. I doubt you’re going anywhere.”

Cierra’s eyes widened further. “You’ve talked to Mr. Bridges about me?”

“Don’t look so freaked-out. He’s just my boyfriend.”

Mr. Bridges. Ha!

“And my boss.”

“Well, I’m his boss, so we’re good.”

They both laughed pretty hard at that. Lexi missed having Chyna around so much. It was nice being able to talk to Cierra. The only real friends she had in Atlanta were Brandon and Jack, and it wasn’t like she could really talk to either of them about her relationship—not without getting serious looks at least. Krista lived too far out of the city for it to be practical to spend a lot of time with her, and Lexi hadn’t connected with anyone at her office. She hoped Bridges kept Cierra, if for no other reason than that Lexi really wanted a girlfriend.

“Speaking of the boss,” Cierra whispered, nodding her head and raising her eyebrows.

Lexi spun around and saw Ramsey standing there, waiting for her.

“There you are,” he said, striding toward her. “I knew I’d find you here.”

“Don’t act like you know me,” she said coyly.

“Oh, Lexi, I do know you.” He pulled her into him and kissed her little button nose.

She giggled. “When do we get to leave?”

“Soon. I have to talk to a few more people, and then we can head out.”

“Good. I’m ready to take you home.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Sounds like we’re going to have a night in,” he said, brushing his lips against her ear.

“Ramsey,” she said, smacking him on the arm and breaking out of his embrace. “Not here.”

He chuckled at her. “Yes, I figured we’d go home first.”

Lexi felt the blush creep up her neck. She was hardly prudish, but out in public like this at his work, she thought he would have had a bit of discretion. His gleaming green eyes told her that the last thing on his mind was discretion.

She heard a low catcall behind them, and she quickly swiveled around. Cierra was grinning from ear to ear at them, but she was trying to play it off like she had been working busily at her computer the whole time.

“Did you just whistle at me?” Lexi sputtered out.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cierra said with a smirk.

“They just let anyone work here, don’t they?” she asked playfully.

“Almost like they just let anyone stroll right inside,” Cierra said, winking at her.

“Y’all play nice,” Ramsey said, kissing Lexi’s forehead. “I’m going to go finish up.”

Lexi watched him walk away toward a crowd of people. She could see Parker chatting up a group of suits. She looked surprisingly uncomfortable. Lexi knew Ramsey preferred the spotlight, and Parker preferred the background work. She had still been working as a surgeon this past year, and as far as Lexi knew, Parker would be taking up that job here, too. Seemed like a crazy life…

Even after the stress Lexi had endured through law school and now while working for a prestigious company, she thought being a surgeon and helping to open and run a brand-new hospital just seemed…insane. It sounded like a person who wanted to run herself into the ground.

Whatever. Parker wasn’t any of her concern. If she wanted to run herself into the ground, that was fine…as long as she stayed away from Ramsey. Lexi had already had to deal with Elisa. She couldn’t deal with Parker, too, and not come out unscathed.

“I know we haven’t known each other very long, Lexi, and I might be overstepping…but you don’t have to worry,” Cierra said softly.