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Weaving his fingers through my hair and cupping the back of my head, he looks me in the eyes. “Maybe it makes me a callous bastard, but I like knowing you smell like me. I want every man in that room to take one look at you and know you belong to me.”

“You’re a caveman,” I laugh. Rising up on my toes, I kiss the underside of his chin.

“If I am, then you bring it out of me.”

My laughter subsides as I stare up at this man who continues to throw me off balance. “Every time I think I have a handle on you…” I shake my head. “I can’t figure you out, Rebel. You’re such a bastard sometimes, and then…” Then there’s tonight, when he’s not.

“I’m glad I can still keep you on your toes,” Rebel says, flashing me his perfect row of teeth. “What do you say we get out of here? I’m keen to make good on those promises.”

I’m reminded of what he said in the car, about taking me home and fucking me blind. I’m suddenly eager to find out what that feels like. Who needs all five senses anyway?

“Don’t you have to say goodbye?” I ask.

“It’s the polite thing to do, but I’ll just have my assistant send a note to everyone in the morning. Right after she books an extra seat on the plane.” His eyebrows lift up, challenging me to argue.

Lucky for him, he’s caught me in a vulnerable moment. I chuckle, unable to believe I am about to say this. “Fine, whatever. Set it up.”

“I knew you’d come around. A little dick always makes you more agreeable.”

“You’re so crude,” I say as I reach for my phone. I guess this means I have to call Kota and tell him I won’t be coming in. My hand hits air and my head jerks down to inspect the bare space where my purse should be. “Damn it, I lost my purse.”

Rebel’s brows pull down. “Where did you see it last?”

I think about it. “I don’t know. The bathroom maybe. Or the table. I might have left it back at my seat.” He whisked me away after his speech so fast, I hardly had time to think beyond my raging hormones.

“Come on.” Taking my hand, he pulls me along beside him. He’s walking so fast, I have to double-time it to keep up.

“What about your pants?” I ask, breathless.

“Stay in front of me.”

“Okay.” At least he’s not sending me in alone.

As we reach the main hallway, Rebel falls back, allowing me to take the lead. The men at the door eye us suspiciously when we return. At least that’s how it feels anyway. It could just be my guilty conscience, but I swear they can smell the sex on me. Smiling tightly, I hurry into the ballroom, Rebel hot on my heels.

“Scott,” Jack Donnelly calls out as we approach the table. “You’re just in time for dessert.”

Spotting my purse on the table, I release a sigh of relief. Rebel plants himself behind me as I bend to retrieve it, his hand resting lightly on my hip.

“Sorry, Jack. We’re going to pass on dessert. Josephine isn’t feeling well, so we’re going to take off early.”

Startled by his excuse, I shoot upright and pass him a bewildered look. His expression is stiff, unyielding, and silently informs me to play along. Clearing my throat, I scramble to catch up.

Mr. Donnelly and his wife send me matching looks of concern. “What’s wrong, dear? I hope it’s not the food.”

“Oh, no,” I hastily assure them. “I think it’s just a cold or something. Nothing that won’t pass with a little rest.” I wave my hand through the air dismissively. No big deal.

“You do look a little flushed,” Mrs. Donnelly agrees. “Well, I hope you feel better soon.”

“Take care of this one, Scott,” Jack Donnelly says sternly as he heaves himself from his seat to extend his hand to Rebel. “I expect to see the two of you in Maine tomorrow. Holly has a wonderful dinner planned and a special show scheduled. The tickets have already been ordered and are non-refundable.” The warning in his voice is clear. Much like Rebel, Jack Donnelly won’t take no for an answer.

I wonder if that’s where Rebel learned it from, but then, I have a feeling that it’s more of an inherent quality.

“No worries, Jack. I wouldn’t dream of missing one of Holly’s famous dinners. We’ll be there,” Rebel says, giving Donnelly’s hand two firm pumps. “Are you ready to go?” he asks me then, already steering me away.

Craning my neck, I raise my hand in a halfhearted goodbye. “It was nice meeting you both,” I tell the Donnellys as we turn to leave.

Once we’re tucked away in the back of his car, Rebel relates the directions to my apartment to Gerardo. This time, I choose the seat beside him, curling into his side and resting my head on his shoulder.

I’d intended for this night to be very different. Instead, I got roped into not only forgiving Rebel and throwing out my plans to make him miserable, but now I’m headed to Maine in the morning. I have no idea how I let that one happen, except to say that sex is my kryptonite. It makes me stupid. At least I put Florence on notice. If that bitch knows what’s good for her, she’ll keep her distance.

But for as sideways as tonight went, I’m coming to find that I kind of enjoy the unexpected. Like Rebel said, he keeps me on my toes, and a man who can keep me on my toes is definitely one to watch out for.


Rebel stands shirtless in my kitchen, leaning against the counter with a cup of hot coffee in his hand and a growing smile on his face.

“You look like hell,” he tells me as I stumble into the room and reach past him to pour myself a mug of the nectar-of-the-gods.

“Once again, you flatter me,” I remark flatly. The sun is barely up, so the fact that I am is mind-boggling. I’ve never been awake this early in my life, unless I failed to make it to bed the night before.

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing.”

“If you say that I wear hell well, I’m going to slap you. Fair warning,” I grumble, taking a sip of my coffee. I don’t have to look in a mirror to know that my hair is everywhere. After a night of endless sex, I’m sure I look a hot mess. It’s amazing how far we’ve come. Just a few short months ago, we’d be doing this in a hotel room, and instead of having coffee, Rebel’d be showing me the door. My how quickly times change.

Rebel chuckles as he turns to refill his mug. “The plane takes off at noon. After you shower, pack a bag, and then we’ll head over to my place so I can gather a few things.”

My face scrunches as I consider this. “I’ve never been out of the city before,” I tell him. “What does a girl pack when she’s going to Maine?”

Setting his cup aside, Rebel takes ahold of my wrists and pulls me over. “She packs light. Dresses. No panties. Bras are optional.”

“Why don’t I just go naked and save us the trouble.” Tilting his head, he purses his lips thoughtfully. Slapping my hand against his chest, I laugh. “I was joking!”

His mouth splits into a wide grin and he drops a kiss to my lips. Turning me away from him, he gives my shoulder a gentle push and slaps me on the ass. “Grab that shower. The car will be around to pick us up in twenty.”

As I’m showering, it dawns on me that I never got around to calling Kota last night. I was so wrapped up in the events of the evening that it completely slipped my mind. Once I’m dressed and ready, I locate my purse.

Digging through it, my fingers touch on four shades of lip gloss, a half-empty tube of lotion, a pair of tweezers, a comb, a handful of loose change and the mints I stole from the conference bathroom, but no phone. Instant panic sets in. Where the hell is my damn phone?

Couch cushions go flying as I jamb my hands into the sides of the sofa. I crawl around on my hands and knees, flattening my cheek to the floor to peer beneath the furniture, but I can’t find it anywhere. Muttering a slew of foul curses that would make a sailor blush, I fail to notice that I’m no longer alone.