Administrative Control
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Оценка: 8.2 (15)

Administrative Control


Immortal Ops

Страниц: 14
Символов: 82567
Прочитал: 1
ID: 255900
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2014
Создана 2 июля 2015 06:01
Опубликована 3 июля 2015 15:49


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 Captain Lukian Vlakhusha is having issues with his newest target, Peren Matthews. Something about her has left him staring at her picture and wondering what it would be like to touch her soft skin. When the time comes for the team to strike, Lukian senses danger and aborts the mission. He makes an attempt at meeting Peren and is set in his place by an independent young woman who knows what she is, and isn’t, looking for in a man.

Lukian is having trouble telling Peren that he’s what she fears most, a werewolf. Can they make the passion that burns between them last, or will Lukian’s condition be too much for Peren?

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