"Still a tiger," he told her firmly. "Or I wouldn't be here."

For some reason, that made her feel warm with acceptance. She'd never seen this side of Vic. He'd never told her that he didn't care how much tiger blood someone had running through their veins. She'd always felt like such an outsider. But, looking at his determined face, she wondered how much of it was truly real and how much of her insecurities she had projected on the others.

She couldn’t know. "Thank you," she said softly again.

"Don't thank me. Just keep me away from that matchmaker woman before she signs me up for another event."

Estrella smothered the laugh bubbling in her throat, because she knew Vic wouldn't appreciate it. "So Ryder talked you into speed dating?"

"Speed mating," he corrected. "And that woman doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'no'."

"I'm sure it comes in handy for her job." Estrella could just imagine the small, perky blonde trying to deal with the assortment of customers the agency probably saw over a regular basis. "Cheer up, Vic. Maybe you'll find yourself a nice mate."

He gave her a look of disgust and put his hand on the empty spare wine glass at the table. "I'm not here for me."

"But you're not mated."

His face grew hard. "Like I said, I'm not here for me."

“You’re sure taking this baby thing seriously.”

The look he gave her was tense. “I take the welfare of everyone in the clan very seriously.”

“Yeah, but do you supervise all of them? Hey, you want to come and supervise the actual consummation? You can pinch hit if the guy I pick can’t perform. I—“

The words died in her throat as Vic’s hand clenched on the wine glass and it shattered in a spray of glass. He released it and shook his hand off, then glared at her so fiercely that it made her pause, mid joke.

All right. That was a 'back the hell off' look if she'd ever seen one. Estrella raised her hands, admitting defeat. Silence fell between them, seconds ticking past as a waiter rushed over with an apology and gathered up their glass covered tablecloth.

“Sorry,” she told him. “Bad joke.”

“Very bad.”

Silence again.

He gave the restaurant a derisive look, as if the white linen tablecloths seemed out of place instead of the other way around. After another uncomfortable moment, he flared his nostrils. "There is apparently a harpy here."

She smiled. Safe territory - back to mocking the speed mating. "Well then, that should make me look pretty good in comparison. I'm glad she's here."

He gave her an odd glance. "Estrella, you always look good. If these idiots can't see it, I--"

The bell clanged loudly.

"Time's up," Ryder called out in her high pitched voice. "Everyone please move to the next station!"

Estrella stared at Vic with wide, wondering eyes as he got up from the table and left. "Have fun," he muttered. "Pick someone good."

She gazed at his retreating back, still stunned into silence. What had he been about to say? Did he really think she looked good or was he just humoring the broody female about to go into heat? And why did that make her entire body tingle with awareness? She stood up, intending to follow him to his next station, find out exactly what he had been about to tell her.

A man moved to her table, and the scent of were-badger filled her nostrils. He was short, rotund, and had a thick shock of black curls that stood up from his head. He looked like more of a hedgehog than a badger. She towered over him by at least a foot.

He wore a name badge that read, "Hello, My Name is ***5" and he was blinking up at her, slightly aghast.

"Hi," she said flatly, dropping back into her seat. "I'm number six."

"T-tall," he mumbled, putting his hand out to shake.

She bared her teeth and gave a feline snarl and was somewhat pleased to see him jerk backward. Good. She stopped snarling and forced a polite smile on her face. "Nice to meet you, too."

He stared at her in uncomfortable silence. Estrella scowled back, not wanting to put the effort into talking with the guy. After all, they both knew at a glance that this match-up would never happen. As she regarded him, he reached into his jacket pocket and patted the card, as if double-checking it, and she knew he couldn't wait to write down a 'hell no' next to her name.

She was too scary. Too predatory. And too tall. That was fine. Her baby deserved better than a were-badger for a daddy anyhow. She needed someone stronger and more her type. More protective and open-minded toward whatever her child would be. Like Vic.

Her eyes widened. Oh god. Why had she just thought about Vic again? It was simply nesting instinct, right? He'd told her that her child would be safe with him, so her brain was automatically filling in the blanks. That was all.

The waiter returned with a new tablecloth and more wine, which she was glad to see. Estrella wasted no time in refilling her wine glass and chugging the contents.

She emptied her glass and refilled it again. And then again. All the while the badger sat there and stared at her.

The bell rang again a short time later, and Estrella wasn't sad to see Number Five move on. She'd had just enough wine that she was feeling pleasantly tingly and just a little bit bold.

The next guy sat down. He was almost six foot - almost - and seemed decent looking, with sandy blond hair and tanned skin. Not bad. Not bad. She sniffed the air. Feline breed, though he was wearing enough cologne that it was hard for her to determine which one. This one had potential.

"Hi," he said with enthusiasm. "I'm #4 tonight. You must be #6. It's nice to meet you."

She took another sip of her wine and decided to skip all pretense. "I'm going into heat in less than a week," she told him baldly.

His face lit up like he'd just seen Christmas.

"And I've decided to have the baby," she added. "Want to be a daddy?"

His face fell. "Um..."

She snorted and poured herself another glass of wine. Why were these speed dates a whole five minutes long? She didn't need more than thirty seconds to take care of business.

* * *

By the time the bell rang the final time, Estrella had polished off the entire bottle of wine (plus the refill bottle they’d brought her) and was feeling pretty good. Every single man who had sat at her table was a big fat dud, but at least there was the wine.

As Ryder came by, Estrella hiccuped and waved the card in front of Ryder's face. "Don't even bother with mine," she said, and was amused to find her words slurring just a bit. "It's blank."

"You didn't find anyone you wanted to mark down as a possible match?" Ryder asked, a bit dismayed as she snatched the card from Estrella's weaving hand. "The only way you can get a call-back on a date is if both you and the man select each other as potential matches."

"No match," Estrella said mournfully, tipping over the empty wine bottle in the hopes that there might be a hidden reserve. "They were all wrong for me." Except Vic, but god, everyone would think she was a weirdo if she put down her alpha as her only possible match. And if that ever got back to him, she'd never be able to look him in the eye again. "No match," she repeated. "Too bad."

Ryder tucked the card into the stack and shook her head. "Don't give up just yet. If you come in to the agency tomorrow, I'm sure we can find someone in the database that will be more appealing to you. We're just getting started on your dating journey," she finished with a perky, determined nod.