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I WOKE TO THE sound of the ocean and the scent of salt water. When Eden’s mom announced that she was paying for us to spend the night before the wedding in an oceanfront penthouse, there was no way we would refuse. After a night of pampering and gossiping, I was now lying in bed with Eden, and we were both in a silent bliss. Today I’d be standing beside my best friend as she married the man of her dreams and became Mrs. Ky Crawford. It was an honor I didn’t take lightly. After everything that went down with Tori, Eden had surprised us all by announcing that Tori would no longer be in the wedding party and that Josh and I would be the only ones standing beside her and Ky. Tori took it better than expected and actually apologized to Josh and me. I was in an amazing place and accepted her apology without question, although I knew if she tried anything again in the future, I’d be more than willing to put her in her place…for the second time.

“I can’t believe I’m getting married to Ky Crawford today,” Eden said wistfully.

Chuckling, I rolled to my side and tucked my hands under my head to look at her. “You make him sound like a rock star.”

She rolled to her side and mirrored my body language. “Well, he does rock my world.” Eden sighed in obvious contentment.

I knew exactly how she felt. “It must be a Crawford thing.”

“Do you know how happy it makes me to see you and Josh together? I’ve always thought Ky and I were perfect for each other, but you and Josh were made for each other. The way he looks at you, Ash . . . I’ve never witnessed anything like that before. Fuck, it leaves me breathless, so I can only imagine the effect it has on you.”

“A lot of swooning, heart-stopping moments, and every single day he indeed leaves me breathless—that’s the effect he has on me. He has ruined me for all men.”

“So, I need to ask.” She smirked. “What is he like? I know it probably seems really strange that I’m asking what my future brother-in-law is like in bed, but come on, you’re my best friend, it’s best friend code to share.”

“I ache for days. He always makes sure I come first, and I’m guaranteed multiple orgasms. So he is phenomenal.”


“Yep, I say that every time.”

Our giggles filled the bedroom and, after lazing around for an hour, we knew we had to get up and start getting ready. Eden’s mom was rushing around downstairs, and with the banging and blending we knew we were going to walk down to find way too much food and a nervous mother of the bride.

After showering and putting on my customized Maid of Honor gown, I headed downstairs for breakfast. An assortment of fruit, croissants, and freshly-blended juices lay before me. The nerves of standing beside my best friend on the happiest day of her life caused my stomach to flip flop, so I snacked on grapes and slices of watermelon.

As I popped a grape in my mouth, my thoughts were invaded by Josh. My Josh. My future. My forever. Mine. I protectively placed a hand over my stomach and smiled. I couldn’t wait to meet our baby, and I was already so incredibly in love with my little girl or boy. I tried my hardest to find a way for him to be here, because I didn’t want to deal with the thought of being away from him, but I knew I had to do it. My separation anxiety was insane. The thought of not seeing him again had completely unraveled me, and now with the baby coming it had stepped up a notch. When faced with the thought of never seeing the love of your life again, you reach a turning point like no other. Your life is suddenly lived, not just for you, but for them. Your every thought is consumed by them. Josh gave me the kind of love that I read about in my favorite novels. He allowed me to live my own kind of fairytale, and there was so much more to come.

A knock on the door echoed through the room, and Eden yelled from upstairs asking me to see who was there. I tightened the belt on my gown and headed to the door. The moment I opened it, the scent of fresh flowers smacked me in the face, and a burst of color was the only thing I saw.

“I have a delivery for Ms. Hart.”

Hearing my name came as a complete shock. “Um . . . ah, that’s me,” I stuttered, and he smiled at me with a cheesy grin while thrusting the luscious flowers into my hands.

“Ash, who’s at the door?” Eden sang from the dining room.

I floated back into the room like I was on cloud nine, and Eden’s gasp rung through the air.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the beauty in my hands. My heart already knew who they were from, and that thought alone caused a lump to form in my throat.

“Josh sent these,” I whispered, as I continued to get lost in their exquisiteness. My eyes started to water as soon as I held them, and now it was only a matter of time before the first tear would fall.

“You should open the card.” Eden pushed back from the dining table and was soon standing beside me.

With shaky hands, I unattached the card from the wrap and gave the flowers to Eden to hold. The usual attack of butterflies that occurred when I thought about Josh fluttered in. My eyes clouded over, and I couldn’t tell you if I was breathing or not, but I never wanted these feelings or emotions to ever leave me.

Breathing in deeply, I opened the card and let my eyes wandered over his words.


You are the meaning of love.

You are my girl.

You are my happily ever after.

You are my forever.

I can’t wait to see you.

Josh x

There was no hope for me. My cheeks were wet within seconds as emotion spilled out. How had I gotten so lucky? The card was ripped out of my hand, and the instant I heard Eden sigh I knew she had fallen for Josh’s words.

“Those Crawford brothers sure know how to treat a lady.” Eden swooned, and shot me with a look of contentment. “I’m marrying Ky, and you and Josh are madly in love. I feel like things are finally right in the world.”

“It’s pretty remarkable,” I replied wistfully as I looked at the flowers again.

“Let’s go get prettied up for our guys.” Eden’s smile was infectious, and I couldn’t stop myself from bursting out into delightful laughter. Everything was perfect, and I couldn’t wait to get to the church so I could be reunited with my man and spend the entire night in his arms.

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His eyes never left me. The intensity of his gaze alone made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. The purple dress I wore fit my torso like a glove and fell to the floor in waves from my hips. Josh’s heated stare and smirk told me he liked what he saw. My eyes freely roamed over him, and I sighed as I walked down the aisle toward my tuxedo-wearing knight in shining armor. The thoughts I was having of him should have had me struck down, seeing I was in the house of the Lord. Forgive me, Father, for I am going to sin.

The ceremony was stunning. It was swamped with candlelight, and the aroma of sweet vanilla saturated the air. Eden looked like a princess in her custom-made ivory dress that shimmered with beading and a pearl-covered bodice. The emotion in Ky’s voice as he declared his lifelong love to Eden was awe-inspiring, and when he said the words “I was only half a man until I found you” he set the majority of female guests into fits of sobs, me included.

I was overcome with happiness and bursting at the seams with excitement at what the future held for them. As soon as the minister informed Ky that he could kiss the bride, Josh crossed the front of the church behind the happy couple and pulled me against his body. I fell into his arms and rested my head over his heart. My arms snaked around his waist, then I grabbed hold of the back of his midnight black tuxedo jacket and held him close.

“Prettiest girl in the world,” he whispered into my ear, saying exactly what he had written on his Facebook page all those months ago. “And all mine.”