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“Why am I waking up without you next to me?”

I jumped at the sound of Josh’s voice, still laced with sleep, the second I walked back into the bedroom.

“Because someone decided he needed to claim my body repeatedly, so I had to shower.”

His hand shot out and grabbed mine, and he pulled me back to the bed. I collapsed next to him with a thud, then his hands immediately went to work on the towel and I was soon naked.

“That’s much better. I want you naked all night. All day. Fuck, I want you naked forever.”

“You want other people seeing this body?” I teased.

“Fuck no. You’re mine, and for my eyes only.”

I moaned as he pressed his growing erection into me, and my body shuddered with need. No matter how many times he had me, I always craved more. My arms tightened around his shoulders as I gripped hold of him in silent plea to take me. “Show me that I’m yours,” I whispered into the ignited air.

His mouth crashed to mine and my lips immediately felt bruised in the most beautiful of ways. I opened my mouth, and our tongues battled, demanding, owning, and caressing one another. With every seductive sweep of his tongue, he ground his body against mine. I moaned as the ache and desperation for relief grew between my legs. This was a new beginning kind of kiss, the kind I’d always dreamed of. Our tongues danced the most intense kind of waltz, and he took the lead with possession.

“I’ll never get enough of kissing you, of touching you, of fucking you,” he murmured against my lips as our bodies continued to torment one another with the incessant grinding. Our eyes met as we moved, and our breath combined as one. “I want you to give me all of you. Let me treasure you, devote myself to you, and cherish you. Please give me everything.”

“I need you,” I whispered as I felt my eyes begin to swim with tears. My words held more meaning than I would ever know or believe, and his made me feel everything I had always wanted. He made me feel needed, like I had the ability to alter his world. “Please, Josh, I need to feel you. Make us become one.”

Without saying a word, Josh thrust deep inside me, and suddenly all I saw were bright lights. His groan of satisfaction filled the bedroom, and he dropped his forehead to mine. Deep breathing caressed the air around us as we both came to terms with our admissions. My legs wrapped around his hips, and my heels dug into his ass as I tilted my pelvis in silent invitation of what I wanted. With each movement, Josh entered me with the passion of a hundred lovers, thrusting deeper and filling me completely, and hitting my perfect spot every time.

“There will never be anyone as perfect as you, Ashlyn.” His voice was strained and profound. His eyes penetrated so deeply into my soul and feasted on my very being. This was a Josh Crawford and Ashlyn Hart kind of romance; the kind that left you constantly breathless and craving more. It was unpredictable, yet so right. It was crazy perfect.

“I need to see your eyes when you come.”

My eyes shot open. The hiss emitting from between his teeth as I clenched my muscles only added fuel to the fire burning within me. The intensity and deepness of his thrust increased, until I couldn’t take it any longer. Pleasure like I’d never felt before shot through me, and I bit down on his shoulder to halt the scream I wanted to unleash. I didn’t have a moment to recover, and I shook in unforgettable delight as we flipped over until I was straddling him.

“Ride me, Ashlyn.”

I sucked in a breath at the sound of his voice, so deep and dominate when he was moments away from his own release. I stared at him, taking in the wetness of his lips and the twinkle in his eye. His arm shot out and gripped the back of my neck, then he pulled me down toward his face. When Josh got rough, I knew I was in for a life-changing moment of pleasure. “Ride me like you’ve never ridden me before. It’s time for you to make me ache, baby,” he said in a growl, then he wrapped my hair around his fist and tugged on it. After pulling me to his lips, he grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth in a show that he wanted everything I could give him. His hand released my hair and fell to my hips, and I gasped as his fingers dug into my flesh. Leaning back, I laid my hands on his thighs and tilted my head back until my hair was grazing my lower back. While I slammed my body up and down, I took him as deep as I could with vigor and determination.

My skin was glistening with sweat, and I could feel myself soaring to another almighty high, when Josh grabbed my hips and took control. The sound of our bodies connecting, the slapping of skin, the broken breathing, and the chants of each other’s names were too much to handle.

“You are so tight, fuck, squeeze my cock.”

His eyes never left mine. They spurred me on as I gave him everything I was capable of. Our breathing became a vortex of pants and moans. His name fell from my lips, and mine escaped his mouth every time I would push onto him.

“I’m going to come,” he grumbled out, his fingers digging deeper into the flesh of my hips.

“Give it to me.”

Josh’s hands shot up from my hips and wrapped around my back, then pulled me until we were chest to chest, skin to skin, and heart to heart. We didn’t kiss, but our mouths hovered so close that it felt like we were breathing as one. At that moment, only Josh and I existed. The world could be spinning out of control, but nothing else mattered.

His hands disappeared into my hair, and his face went into the concave of my neck. He stilled, and muttered my name against my skin as I felt him flood me with warmness. I slowly continued riding him as we lay connected, and I felt him shake below me. Finally, he lifted his face. His hooded eyes locked with mine, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him.

He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen, and it would seem that he was all mine.

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LOS ANGELES WAS RIDICULOUSLY busy, so it made time go quickly, but I knew the flight home was going to go ridiculously slow. The week had been full of text messages, phone calls, and emails, but it didn’t compensate for being without her.

“I still can’t get my head around the fact that my best friend and brother are fucking,” Ky said as he flipped his phone over in his hand.

“For the last time, don’t refer to it as fucking. We are together,” I said, and shot him a frustrated look.

“I think my little brother is growing up,” he said overdramatically, and held his hand over his heart.

“You’re an asshole.” I laughed and pulled out my phone. “Now, can I please text my girl, or do you have something else you’d like to discuss?”

“I’m sure I’ll think of something later.”

Ky diverted his attention to his phone, and moments later he spoke softly, so I assumed he’d called Eden. I opened my last text to Ashlyn and began typing, and I couldn’t stop the smirk that covered my lips.

I hope you are ready for me. A week is too long to be away from you, so tonight I’m burying myself inside of you after I play with that gorgeous pussy of yours.

Instantly, the bubble appeared on the screen showing that she was replying. Her name flashed in front of me, and I eagerly opened her text.

Now I have to go and change my panties, thank you very much. Just so you know, I haven’t touched myself all week because I only want to come with you, and I am getting desperate. I might jump you as soon as I see you, so make sure YOU are ready.

“What did you just text to Ash?” Ky asked beside me, while still holding his phone to his ear. “Eden said she just started blushing and giggled.”

“Do you really want to know?” I smirked and dropped my eyes back to my phone, and decided on one last text before I started working during the flight.