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I felt the bed move, and then his mouth was on me. Holy fucking shit. I couldn’t handle another orgasm, not yet, but boy was I going to try. It took all of four strokes of his tongue to send me soaring sky high again. That had to be a record. My whimpers were like silent pleas, begging for him to take me to that magical place again. One of my hands gripped the sheets, while the other ran through his hair as he had his feast. Yes, men had gone down on me before, but this was completely different. He wasn’t lapping at me like a dog the way other men had; no, Josh was feasting like I was his favorite food and he wanted to savor every single taste. After giving me my second orgasm of the night, he crawled up the bed and pulled me into his arms. My ragged breathing filled the air, while my mind went crazy. I’d succumbed once again. I had fallen for the charms and promise of distraction that he offered. So much for telling him that he wouldn’t touch me again; that was clearly a dismal failure. I felt myself crashing into much needed sleep, but I wanted to give him the relief his body clearly needed.

My hand ran down his stomach and made it to the top of his sweatpants, before his hand came down on top of mine. I looked up at him with confusion. He had just given me two orgasms, so I would definitely be repaying the favor, because I knew he was rock hard. Indecision flashed in his eyes as he reluctantly entwined our fingers and lifted my hand from his stomach.

“If you go anywhere near my cock I’m going to want to fuck you, and I can’t fuck you at my parents place, because, Ashy, when I have you again, you’re going to be screaming my name.”

Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about his parents.

“I forgot we were here,” I whispered in disbelief.

“That means I did a good job.”

“It was okay, I guess,” I said, teasing, and rolled to my side to face him. In the moonlight I saw him smile, and my heart fluttered.

“The bite marks gracing my shoulder tell me it was more than okay.” He matched my movements until he was on his side facing me, and his arm rested over my waist allowing his hand to fall to the small of my back. “We should get some sleep.”

“Thank you for whisking me away to my favorite place,” I whispered as exhaustion slayed into me.

His arms tugged me closer, until our bodies were flush and our legs tangled together. “Where’s your favorite place, Ashy?”

“Right here. Right where I am now. I like to call it Josh Land. The most enjoyable place in all of the lands, where incredible highs are guaranteed and orgasms are provided without question.”

His soft chuckle sounded like sweet music to my ears. “Well, Josh Land is open all year round to you, for whatever you need.”

“Even if it’s just cuddles on the couch and not anything that could lead to my panties ending up on the floor? Although, what we just shared was hands down the hottest moment of my life,” I said with a satisfied sigh.

“Even cuddles. Whatever you want,” he said softly.

He was going to ruin me for all other men at the rate he was going. I dropped my face to his chest and burrowed in as sleep was pulling me in. With my eyes shut and calm sweeping through me from the vibrations of his heart against my cheek, I whispered, “You truly are a girl’s favorite kind of friend.”

That night, I slept the best I had in a very long time, and it would seem it was all because of the guy that wrapped me in his arms all night.

My beautiful confusion.

My secret temptation.

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Be My Temptation _49.jpg


The sound of light knocking intruded my peaceful slumber. I opened one eye and glanced at the closed door. Evidence of a new day flooded the room since the blinds were left open, and warmth curled around me. My body was wrapped tightly around the curves of Ashlyn’s, and her light breathing ricocheted off my bare chest. Instinctively, I licked my lips, desperate for any lingering taste of her. Fuck, last night was incredible. Knowing that we could’ve easily been caught seemed to unleash the lioness within Ashlyn. Her reluctance came to a crashing halt the moment I touched her greedy pussy, and her fieriness came to life. Her pants and soft moans were like music to my ears. I’d be lying if I said I could wait to hear her screaming my name as she clawed my back while I thoroughly claimed her. Fuck, I was in deep.

Movement sounded from out in the hall and our solitude was about to be shattered. The door opened slowly and Dad appeared. His face was washed with hesitation before his eyes locked onto Ashlyn in my arms, then all hesitation fled.

“Bud, we are organizing breakfast. Will you and Ash be sticking around?” he questioned softly.

“Yeah, just give me a few minutes and I’ll wake her up.”

He turned to leave, before stopping and looking back to us. “Take care of her heart, Josh. She doesn’t deserve the shit she’s been handed.”

The door shut and I looked down at the blond hair splayed over my chest. A soft murmur echoed through the room, and Ashlyn started moving as the first signs of consciousness hit her. Slowly, she rolled away until her back was to me, and she snuggled deep into the pillow. I followed her lead until my chest was pressed against her back, and my hand disappeared under her shirt until it was resting on her stomach.

“Ashy, you’ve got to wake up,” I said softly into her ear.

She wiggled back until her hand rested on top of mine, and I entwined our fingers.

“Shh, just a little longer. I’m sleepy,” she whined in a baby-like voice.

“I really wish I could stay in here and have you rubbing your cute little ass against my hard on, but I really don’t think Mom will stay out of here for long.”

“Crap, I forgot again.” She rolled onto her back, and I finally saw her face. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with clear green eyes. Her pink pout was still slightly swollen from our attack on one another’s mouths and, as I allowed my gaze to roam over her features, her cheeks flushed rose.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Like a baby, I was exhausted.”

I couldn’t stop the smirk covering my face. She slapped my chest and rolled her eyes dramatically. At least she wasn’t fleeing the bed and claiming that last night was a huge mistake, so I’d take attitude and an eye roll over everything else.

“I cannot believe we did that, in your childhood bedroom, with your parents down the hall,” she said with a gasp as fear and concern tainted her face. “Was I loud? Josh, I’m always loud. What if they heard me? Oh my god, the shame.”

I ran my finger along her cheek and traced her lips. “You weren’t loud. But Ashy, I will make you scream . . . very soon.”

Her eyes changed from concern at being heard by my parents, to heat at the thought of me making her scream. The shift intrigued me, encouraged me, and motivated me not to stop until I got exactly what I wanted.

“I need to have a shower if I’m going to start feeling human,” she stated in a low tone as she began climbing out of bed and changing the subject. The shirt hung loosely on the top of her thighs and her hair hung over her shoulders. I couldn’t ignore the air of innocence that surrounded her. There were no words that needed to be said. Her eyes flashed to mine as she looked through her overnight bag and pulled out her toiletries and clothes for the day. “I’ll meet you downstairs,” she said softly as she slipped through the door and into the hall.

The second my bedroom door closed, I stretched, then got out of bed and pulled on some jeans and a tee. I opened and closed my hand to get some movement and stretch the annoying ache that continued to taunt me. The throbbing was evidence of just how hard I hit Lachlan, and I hoped the fucker was hurting this morning. The sound of the shower turning on caused me to smile. I stepped into the hall and headed to the kitchen as the soft sound of voices floated up the stairs.