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My brows rose and I shrugged. “Okay. No hooker tux.” I walked into his laundry to place some of his tees into the washer. “We’ll go suit shopping tomorrow.”

He called out, “Love you,” but it came out muffled, and I just knew he’d placed a pillow over his face.

I chuckled to myself.


Quinn’s new tux was a three-piece and fitted him like a second skin. He wore it like he was born to, and secretly, I was glad he hadn’t worn the hooker tux.

We swayed from side to side, smiling into each other. He pressed a long kiss to my temple and uttered, “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”

I replied, “Only about a hundred times.” I closed my eyes, pressing my cheek to his. “Have I told you how handsome you look today?”

He sighed. “Not enough. Tell me again.” I smacked his stomach and he groaned before claiming, “Hey, I’m fragile. Tell me I’m pretty, dammit!”

I pulled back enough to look into those bright hazel eyes I loved with my heart and very soul.

My stomach flipped as it hit me.

I was now Mia Quinn.

Now, I wasn’t sure that I’d bloomed into the beautiful butterfly Quinn had drunkenly predicted all those years ago, but my life had flourished in a way I’d never thought it could.

I owed it all to Matt Quinn, and we were going to live happily ever after.


A note from Belle:

Hi there,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read ABOUT LAST NIGHT. I hope you loved Mia and Quinn as much as I do. It would help a great deal if you would please take the time to leave a review :)

Here’s a very small excerpt from AND ANOTHER THING, Harry’s book (no assigned release date as yet).


I looked across the table at the little girl sitting by her mothers side. My mind went blank a moment before it started to do the math.

She was four.

The conversations around us went on, but Grace kept her eyes on me as I watched Faith closely. She looked pale, uneasy.

Faith was four.

My bet was that she was almost five.

A chill went down my spine.

Suddenly, I felt as though I couldn’t take in a single breath. Standing so abruptly that my chair damn near flung back, I absently rubbed at the ache in my chest. “When is her birthday?”

The table went silent around me.

Mia’s brow furrowed and she asked a confused. “Whose birthday, Har?”

My eyes landed on Grace. “When is Faith’s birthday?”

I knew her answer before she even spoke. She stared at me a long moment, petrified, before mumbling a shaky, “February.”

My eyes closed and I let out a harsh laugh. I didn’t need to ask the next question but as my entire life had just imploded, I dared to ask, if not for anything but confirmation. In dead calm, I spoke, “Is she mine?”

The entire table stayed quiet, apart from Terry’s loud gasped, “No!”

All eyes turns on Grace awaiting her answer.

Her response would change my life forever. Eyes shining, she swallowed hard, body trembling and whispered, “Yes, Harry. She’s yours.”

Terry snorted a laugh, mock-whispering, “Well, that’s some Jerry Springer shit right there. Cheers!” before raising his glass then downing his wine in one large gulp.

I stood tall, fury raging through my body, and looked into Grace’s beautiful green eyes. I was livid, but somehow managed to hide it. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

My feet took me as far as the parking lot before I started to hyperventilate.

What the fuck just happened?