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In the water was a swollen sack. From a small opening, a purplish human hand protruded, one finger bearing a ring that shone in the sun — a small, delicate hand of a girl or a woman. He also could not look at the floating sack and kept looking in front of him, rowing frantically to get as far away as possible. When he arrived at the docks in Nuzha, he thought she was conscious and only leaning on him and looking at the bank of the canal. He had not looked at her while he was rowing. As soon as he stood up at the dock, though, she fell to the side where he had been seated; she had been unconscious the whole way without his knowing ¡t. She needed several minutes to come to. Dozens of girls offered her bottles of cologne and cheap perfume. She needed a whole hour of rest before she could stand and return home with him. That day she was out too late for a girl like her. At home there was a firestorm waiting: the school had sent her father a letter informing him of her repeated absences. Yvonne could not lie any more to her parents. She told the whole story, crying and shaking the whole time.


If they divulge the secret, their lives would he forfeited

As would be the lives of lovers.


The spring offensive started in Europe. The ice had begun to melt on the mountains, and the fog had dissipated over the land. Fires burned, and Berlin and Hamburg suffered devastating air raids by the British. English cities in turn were devastated by raids as Germany began to carry out a new offensive against ports. British ports were subjected to intensive raids, some of which lasted three consecutive nights, as happened in Portsmouth and Manchester, where casualties reached more than two thousand. At the same time, German submarines began to use the wolf-pack method: a group of submarines would simultaneously attack a single target and destroy it. Lieutenant Guenther Prien, one of the most famous German U-boat captains, and others followed this horrific method developed during the previous world war. But Prien and all the other men on U-47 were drowned when the British destroyer Wolverine sank their submarine. U-99 and U-l 00, whose captains, together with Prien, were the most influential leaders in the German navy, were also sunk in heavy fighting, thus handing German U-boats a serious blow. Focke-Wulfe 190 planes, better known as ‘Condors,’ were even deadlier than the U-boats, as they flew great distances over the ocean in search of British ships. The United States began to export military equipment to England, in accordance with the lend-lease program. The States sent Britain seventy-five destroyers and a fleet of boats together. Roosevelt addressed the American people, declaring that no race had the right to subjugate another and no nation to enslave another. There were heavy raids against Cairo and Giza; Alexandrians were no longer the only target. The trains carried large numbers of Indian soldiers coming by boat from their country to Suez. They were mostly under twenty, happy with their uniforms and equipment, unmindful of what it meant to die away from home. Cinema Metro in Cairo screened Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton. Cinema Studio Misr in Cairo screened The Triumph of Youth, starring Farid al-Atrash and his beautiful sister Asmahan. People in Alexandria continued to complain about adulterated flour. The young men in Karmuz and other native quarters discovered that small military cars were roaming the streets at night during the raids and shooting their anti-aircraft guns at the raiding planes. They realized that those cars were the reason the native quarters were singled out for bombing. Their purpose was to divert the attention of the raiding planes away from the English camps in the suburbs and away from the harbor, where British destroyers and French boats, seized by the British without a fight before the surrender of the Vichy government, were anchored. Groups of patriotic young Egyptian men formed to chase those cars, first with Molotov cocktails, then with hand grenades — an action that limited their appearances during the raids, until they completely disappeared. After that, the raids on the center of Alexandria and Dikhayla and Maks in the west and Sidi Bishr and Bacos in the east diminished. The defeat of Graziani, whose army completely collapsed, contributed to the diminishing scope of the raids. Graziani’s defeat was too big to hide. Il Duce gave a speech in which he admitted defeat: “We do not lie like the British. A whole army, the Fifth Army, with almost all of its units, has been overrun, and the Fifth Air Force has been almost totally obliterated, but we were able to offer strong, sometimes violent resistance.” Mogadishu, capital of Italian Somalia, fell into the hands of the British, then Berbera, winter capital of British Somahland, also fell. Graziani was ousted from all his posts, General Cavallero was likewise removed from his command of the Albanian front after the sweeping victories of the Greeks. General Italo Gariboldi was appointed to the command in Libya. Britain threatened Bulgaria not to give up its neutrality as the Germans amassed troops at its borders. British paratroopers landed in southern Italy, and Genoa was bombed from the sea. The English paratroopers were captured. King Idris al-Sanusi, in full Islamic regalia and round beard, visited the camp of the Libyan battalion made up of Libyan refugees in Egypt. In Libya, the new military governor’s warning was broadcast: “I, Henry Maitland Wilson, commander in chief of the British forces in Libya, hereby warn all inhabitants of the region formerly under Italian control to cease and desist from any action that disturbs public security.” Haille Selassie entered Ethiopia and spoke to his people, congratulating them on the victory. The Nile boat Puritan hosted a party for RAF pilots returning from the battlefields on a one-night furlough at its anchoring place in Gezira in Cairo. During the party Hikmat Fahmi, the number-one dancer in Egypt and all of the east, danced, and Abbas al-Bilaydi, Muhammad Amin, and Aqila Ratib sang. A charity gala party was held at Studio Misr Cinema to raise funds for the Egyptian Red Crescent and Red Cross. Her Royal Highness Queen Nazh and Her Royal Highness Princess Fayza attended, in the royal box seats. The name of the armored division commander who led the attack on Sidi Barraní the previous December, wreaking havoc on the Italian forces and defeating them, was disclosed. It was Lt. General Richard O’Connor. Yugoslavia joined the Axis, but demonstrations erupted, and a coup d’état ended the monarchy there. Yugoslavia declared its neutrality. In the month of February, Italy lost 364 planes. Yusuf Wahbi celebrated the nineteenth anniversary of the establishment of Ramses Theater by showing the play The Madman, in which the brilliant actress Rose al-Yusuf co-starred with him. The British foreign secretary Anthony Eden came to Egypt and met with Egyptian leaders as well as the Eighth Army.

Usta Ghibriyal announced that the railroad authority needed two workers to work at the al-Alamein railway station. He had been summoned to the administration office that morning and was charged with the task, to be completed within a month. “So, whoever wishes to go should come to me, and I will convey his name to the administration.” Then he added, “I know that you’re all married with children, and that you don’t like to stay away from home for a long time. But you have time to think. I hope to find someone who volunteers to go because if that doesn’t happen, I will make the choice myself and, I am told, my decision is final.” Magd al-Din and Dimyan felt they might end up being chosen for that. If no one stepped forward, Ghibriyal would choose them to minimize the problem as much as possible, for they had the least seniority.