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Once he was out he’d decided he couldn’t get very far away. He was still light-headed from the concussion and didn’t want to risk moving around too much in the dark in an area he didn’t know. He would put himself in danger of stumbling across more grown-ups.

Once he was sure nobody was on his tail he’d chosen this place to hide out. It was an old industrial building that had been turned into modern flats. He was hoping that any strangers in the area would congregate with the others inside the stadium, but he was still very careful when he broke in. Normally this would have been just the sort of place where they build their nests. He still had a box of matches in his pocket and he’d gone straight down to the basement to thoroughly search it by their juddering light. Then he’d worked his way up to the top. Any doors that were firmly bolted he’d ignored. Strangers didn’t use locks. The whole of the top floor was a large studio apartment that must have been quite swanky in its day, with polished wooden floors and exposed brickwork on the walls that were hung with abstract art. The door had been hanging open, however, and the place had been ransacked. When the disease had first struck, when half the police force was off sick, and law and order had broken down, hordes of looters hit the streets. Their frenzy didn’t last long, though, as they themselves had quickly fallen ill. In a few short weeks it was over.

This apartment hadn’t escaped the vultures. Anything useful and usable and valuable had been carried off. There was broken glass everywhere, smashed furniture. He was pleased to see that there was no evidence of recent use by grown-ups, however. Like the rest of the building it was deserted, so it suited his purposes perfectly.

First he’d secured the door and wedged it shut. After that he’d tidied up a little and found some old bedding in a cupboard. Together with the cushions from a sofa he’d made a bed by the window and settled down. He figured that if he could stay close to the strangers it would give him an advantage. He would know where they were and what they were doing, and with any luck he could stay hidden from them. The air was full of smoke and the bitter stink of burning rubbish, which would mask any scent he might be giving off. He would learn their movements, study their behaviour, and when he was strong and rested he would set off back to civilization. He hoped that would be sooner rather than later. He mustn’t rush it, though. He felt pretty terrible. There was a big lump on his forehead where Jester had hit him that was round and hard and shiny, and his head thudded in time with his heartbeat.

He had dozed off and on through the night. Waking to squint out through his little spyhole and follow the progress of the fire. It had lit up the whole sky, illuminating the streets as well as any floodlamps. The stadium was set back far enough from the surrounding buildings for the fire not to spread, and it seemed to be reasonably well contained, so Shadowman found it comforting rather than frightening. Now and then strangers would spill out and mill around in the road, not sure what to do. Some of them fought each other in their frustration.

It was quiet now. The sun was riding high in the sky. He warmed himself in the little patch of light that was spreading across the floorboards. He didn’t think he would sleep any more. He was stiff and aching all over. His neck felt like it had seized up. He hoped Jester hadn’t done any permanent damage.

Jester. Just to think of him made his headache ten times worse. How could he have deserted him like that? Left him there to be eaten by strangers?

He’d always known that Jester was self-centred and hard-hearted – that was how he’d survived for so long, after all. But he’d never expected his friend to just dump him. If he ever met him again – and how likely was that? There was no saying that Jester had got away himself – Shadowman thought that he could easily kill him. He really thought he could do it. He pictured himself shoving his knife into his belly.

Only he’d lost his knife, hadn’t he. His knife and his precious pack. He was completely defenceless. He’d need to find a new weapon before he strayed very far from his den.

He coughed. Felt a harsh rasp in his throat. He was very thirsty. He had his precious canteen still fixed to his belt, but it wouldn’t last long. He had to think about finding more water. He could go a few days without food if necessary, but more than twenty-four hours without water and he’d be in serious trouble.

All in all, the message was clear.

He couldn’t stay lying here any longer.

He slid back from the window. There didn’t seem to be any strangers about, but it was best to be careful and never let his guard down.

He did a few exercises to loosen up his muscles. Tried rolling his head on his stiff neck. Groaned. Massaged his temples. Then he took the A to Z out of his pocket, glad that he’d stuffed it there the last time he’d looked at it, rather than into his pack, and looked up the Arsenal stadium.

There it was, just off Holloway Road. When he felt up to it, the walk back to the palace, if he was left alone, could be done in two or three hours, probably.

If he was left alone.

Who knew what waited for him outside the doors to the building?

A haze of smoke hung in the air, even here inside the apartment, and it made him cough again. He had to find water before he could think of doing anything else.

Shadowman had explored enough of the city to know that a building like this would be likely to have water storage tanks in the roof. These could be a useful source of drinking water, so long as it hadn’t gone stagnant. He searched for a hatch of some kind and eventually found one in the ceiling at the top of the stairwell. He stood up on a chair and pushed it open. An access ladder slid out. He pulled it down then climbed up into the roof space. He sat for a while to get his breath back. He found even the smallest movements tiring. Then he lit a homemade torch that he had constructed out of a chair leg wrapped in strips of torn-up sheet. There was just room enough to stand here, and the roof space was enormous. He soon spotted a couple of large water tanks, protected by plastic covers. He eased the cover off one of them and waved his torch over it. It was three quarters full and there was no smell. The water looked clean – no animals had crept in and drowned, or used it for a toilet. He drank the last of the water in his bottle then refilled it from the tank. It would be better boiled, but his guts had got used to eating and drinking all sorts of things that they would have rejected before the disaster.

Feeling more confident he set off back towards the hatchway, and that was when he saw them.

Three wooden boxes behind an old chimney breast. He opened them to discover they contained a secret emergency stash that someone had hidden up here.

They were filled with cans and packets of dry food, another box with a pair of binoculars, a tool-kit and an emergency medical kit, including water purification tablets, and, next to them, a large holdall packed with weapons. Three knives, a machete, two baseball bats, even a crossbow with twenty steel bolts.

He shouted in triumph and punched the air, shouting, ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes …’ over and over again, tears running down his face.

This was salvation.

Forget Jester.

Forget that loser. The Shadowman was back on track.

He could hardly believe it. It was as if some God with a warped sense of humour had decided he’d had enough for a while, and it was time to give him a bit of good luck.

He was reminded of playing computer games. Just when you were out of ammo there’d be a bonus to collect. Something to keep you going through to the end of the level.

He snuffed out his torch and sat down among the boxes, overcome with emotion. He hadn’t realized just how strung out he was. He’d been running on nothing more than adrenalin and fear for a day. He’d been that close to breaking.