“You don’t have to say anything.”

Sarah nodded and kissed Emory’s shoulder, needing a few moments with her thoughts.

They lay there quietly for several minutes, Emory gently stroking Sarah’s hair, only the sound of the fire crackling nearby. Finally, she tilted Sarah’s face upward, searching her eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that I’m not able to think…in a really good way. I don’t even know if that sentence made sense.”

Emory grinned. “A positive review?”

Sarah shook her head. “The word positive would be left in the dust by what that just was.” Sarah pushed herself up onto her forearm, looked down at Emory and, for the first time in a while, registered that it was still storming outside. She loved the glow from the fire just beyond Emory and the way it haloed her golden hair. “You look so, I don’t know. Like some sort of beautiful painting.”

“I do?”

“You do. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.” Sarah couldn’t resist any longer. She tenderly brushed Emory’s hair back from her forehead and allowed her mouth to descend slowly to Emory’s. It was time for the tables to turn, and Sarah couldn’t have been more ready. She slid on top, hearing the small hitch in Emory’s breathing when their breasts touched once again. Pulling her mouth from Emory’s, she moved it to her ear, sucking gently on the lobe, taking her time. She reached down between them and trailed her fingertips across the inside of one thigh. Emory inhaled sharply. “Tell me what you want,” she whispered.

“Just touch me. It’s that simple.”

“Like this?” She touched along the inside of the other thigh, teasing. But this time her touch was more firm.

“Yes,” Emory hissed. “God.”

Sarah answered with a firm stroke through liquid heat, a feeling she would never forget as long as she lived. She looked up in surprised response and met Emory’s eyes. The vulnerability looking back at her was almost her undoing. Nothing she had experienced had ever felt so right.

Emory gasped as the fingers returned to where she needed them and she threw her head back against the rug in utter submission. It was the most wonderful torture, but she didn’t know how much more she could take. Sarah’s touch increased in intensity and she rocked her hips harder in response. Somehow, Sarah seemed to innately know what she needed, insistent strokes that brought her just to the brink and then lighter ones that held her there. At long last, and with one final thrust of her hips, she surrendered to Sarah’s touch with a moan of ultimate pleasure. She tossed her head back and felt the intensity of orgasm wash over her in a tidal wave of feeling. She closed her eyes and rode out the last remaining waves. Finding herself once again able to process cognizant thought, she opened her eyes. “Sara,” she whispered, using the original pronunciation of her name. “How did you know?”

Sarah looked down at her reverently. “It felt right.”

“Then you’re the most intuitive person I’ve ever met.”

Sarah grinned proudly and leaned down for one more nip. “I think we just have good chemistry.”

“Off the charts.”

Emory placed her hands on Sarah’s hips and pulled her down so that she rested more fully on top. While usually preferring the top herself, she couldn’t deny how much she loved the feel of Sarah’s weight on her body. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re sexy as hell?” She traced the outline of Sarah’s hips. “Your body has the most amazing curves.”

“That’s funny because my whole life, I always wanted a body just like yours.”

“That would have been a travesty.”

“You really feel that way?”

“I really do.”

“Thank you,” Sarah answered shyly.

“Will you stay tonight? It’s rough out there so you can’t say no.”

Sarah rolled to the other side of Emory and considered the question. “On one condition.”


She stole a kiss. “I seem to remember you promising me a game.”

Emory laughed and gathered Sarah into her arms. “Are you serious? Okay, but I told you I’m good.”

“You’ll have to prove it.” Sarah grinned back wickedly and captured her mouth yet again. “But maybe we could do some more of this after?”

“Hard bargain.”

Outside, the storm raged and the waves crashed violently against the shore, but inside, they sat together, wrapped in blankets in front of the fire, engrossed in a lively game of Scrabble. In the midst of her laughter, Emory regarded Sarah across the board of letters and marveled at how her life had taken such a fortuitous turn.

Later, their bodies would find each other once more, this time in the warm expanse of Emory’s bed. As slumber at last crept over her, Emory dreamily listened to the sounds of diminishing rainfall. She sighed into Sarah’s soft embrace and knew inherently, that no matter what happened between them, no one could ever take this night away from her. And because of that, her life would never again feel the same.


Sarah cruised the 805 the following morning and smiled at the gorgeous day before her. Even the weather seemed happy. The morning after the big storm was shaping up to be quite a contrast to the past twelve hours. The sun shone warm and the sky shimmered its signature San Diego blue. She was headed home where she had plans to rendezvous with her cousin who’d drop off Grace sometime within the next hour.

Admittedly, she hadn’t gotten much sleep the night prior, but as thoughts of her evening clouded her consciousness, she knew she wouldn’t trade a moment.

She’d woken first that morning and spent the initial twenty minutes of her day watching Emory sleep while being serenaded by sounds of the sea. Awake, she was the most beautiful woman on the planet; asleep, she was an angel. Unable to resist the urge, Sarah reached out and traced her cheek delicately, moving on to her slightly swollen lips, then placed a soft kiss on her temple.

Emory stirred then, her eyes fluttering open, before a slow grin took shape on her face. “You’re here,” she whispered. “Hi.”

Sarah slid down so they were face-to-face on the pillow. “I didn’t mean to wake you. You were so peaceful.”

Emory wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled Sarah in. “Just so we’re clear, you can wake me anytime you want, for anything you want.”

Sarah traced the outside of Emory’s breast, causing her to hitch in a breath. “Dangerous declaration.”

“I’m a risk taker.”

They hadn’t had much time to spend together that morning, but a quick breakfast with Walter followed by an impromptu make-out session against the kitchen counter had gotten the day off to a promising start.

Emory was off for a run, and Sarah looked forward to spending the rest of the day with Grace. They would first go school supply shopping and then head to the mall so Grace could pick out an agreed upon three new outfits for the first week of school. Sarah knew she needed to broach the subject of Emory with Grace soon, especially since she’d already hinted at an early understanding. It wouldn’t be the easiest conversation to have, and admittedly, she was nervous, but it needed to happen.

“So how was the slumber party?” she asked Grace, who twirled her straw around her cup to thin out the consistency of her milkshake. They sat at a table nestled in the bustling mall’s food court, on short hiatus in their day of shopping.

Grace took a swig of her shake. “Kind of lame. Millie made us all play Chutes and Ladders for two hours and cried whenever anyone wanted to quit. We had fun once she fell asleep though.”

“Oh yeah, what did you do then?”

“Truth or Dare.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Uh-oh. Aren’t you a little young for that?”

“All we did was dare each other to prank call Uncle Danny until Millie’s mom made us stop. What about you? Did you have fun with Emory?”