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Welcome to space! was on the tip of Dinah’s tongue, but she managed to stifle it.

“While you were, uh, busy, we flew through the Cloud Ark again. We have about forty-five minutes now on its nadir side,” Ivy said.

“Should be enough,” Dinah said. She strapped herself into the other jump seat, wiped her hands on her thighs, and pulled her laptop close. Holding it down with the heels of her hands so it wouldn’t float away, she brought up the set of interface windows that she used to communicate with robots. Over the course of a few seconds, the laptop established communication with all the robots that were within range—which is to say, that were riding along on the outside of this Flivver.

Meanwhile she pulled down a folding arm with a mitten-like contraption on its end. This was the interface for the Flivver’s external robot arm.

“Pop the airlock for me, sweetie?” she said.

“Already done, hon,” Ivy returned.

In her peripheral vision she could see Julia’s eyes swiveling back and forth, reacting to this exchange. She tried to ignore Julia in spite of—perhaps because of—her weird talent for demanding attention, and focused on the video feed from the camera on the end of the robot arm.

The airlock’s round orifice grew larger as she reached toward it, revealing the device Tekla had stashed inside.

The Lamprey was a box with a blinking light on it. On the side facing the airlock door it sported a lug, or handle. With the hand on the robot arm, Dinah was able to grapple this easily and pull the device out into the light.

“Any reason not to just ’biner it onto the X-37’s arm?” she asked.

“Can’t think of any.”

“What is it you’re doing?” Julia asked.

“Deorbiting that piece of space junk before it kills someone.”

“That piece of space junk happens to be carrying the earthly remains of a brave man who gave his life in the name of—”

Dinah said, “Ivy, you want to take this or should I?”

“I’ll do it. You’re busy,” Ivy said. Dinah could hear her twisting around in the pilot’s seat to look at Julia. She spoke as follows: “Julia. Shut up. If you say another fucking word I’ll stave your fucking head in and put your corpse out the airlock. Nothing about this is acceptable. Starting with the fact that you are flapping your gums, posing a distraction to Dinah while she is carrying out a difficult mission-critical operation to protect the Cloud Ark. You just attempted to countermand a direct order from Markus, who is in charge of everything here under the PSAPS clause of the Cloud Ark Constitution. You are up here illegally. The Crater Lake Accord specifically barred the sending of national leaders to the Cloud Ark. You have violated that commitment and found a way to be launched up here anyhow, and judging from the looks of it there was no end of dirty dealing along the way. Your vehicle approached the Cloud Ark in a manner incompatible with our safety and security procedures, endangering the lives of everyone up here, and forcing arklets and Izzy itself to expend priceless and irreplaceable fuel to perform evasive maneuvers. We were sent here on an emergency basis, placing ourselves in harm’s way and expending more scarce resources to clean up the mess that you created by your cowardly and dishonorable act. For all of these reasons I am commanding you, by my authority as the commander of this vessel, to remain silent until we have docked safely at Izzy.”

“Very well,” Julia said.

Dinah looked up from her work to see Ivy and Julia glaring at each other.

“I’m sorry,” Julia said.

“You really are asking for it,” Dinah told her. And then she went back to work.

She had already accomplished much during Ivy’s soliloquy. The task at hand was to somehow attach the Lamprey to the X-37. The connection didn’t have to look good but it did have to be solid. Back in the days when every maneuver had been planned years in advance by NASA, this would have been a several-hours-long operation making use of custom-designed hardware. But lately the people of the Cloud Ark had been obliged to get good at lassoing random pieces of floating space junk, and so she ended up using a more highly evolved version of the trick that Rhys had come up with for reining in Tekla’s Luk. On that occasion, Dinah had fashioned a whip by chaining Siwis together. It had worked, but it was much heavier and more complicated than it needed to be. After the completion of T3 had left Rhys with some free time on his hands, he had begun tinkering with surplus Nats. Being old and obsolete, these were big, clunky, slow, and stupid compared to the new models—which was fine for Rhys’s purposes. He had turned them into a new kind of robot that he dubbed the Flynk, for flying link, and taught them to be really good at forming themselves up into chains and then doing the sorts of maneuvers in space that his great-great-great-great-uncle John, and Herr Professor Kucharski of Berlin, could only have dreamed about. There was much room for creativity here, but he had focused most of his efforts on problems that needed to be solved all the time.

Such as precisely the one Dinah needed to solve right now. The robot arm of the X-37 was sticking awkwardly out into space, an obvious target for grappling. A chain with a free end would whip around it easily, just as Rhys had once ensnared Dinah’s index finger with his necklace. All Dinah needed was a suitable chain. She happened to have one: a necklace of third-generation Flynks spiraled around the Flivver’s hull, ready for use. One end of it was already connected to the Lamprey. By invoking some computer code she was able to set the rest of it into motion, unwinding itself from around the Flivver and snaking out into free space, forming a U-shaped bend, or Knickstelle, that was aimed at the X-37’s robot arm.

“Ready to undock now,” she said.

Ivy had moved back to the port through which their guest had entered. “Undocking,” she said, and began running through the checklist that undocked the Flivver from the X-37.

Dinah meanwhile moved up to the pilot’s console and punched in a programmed series of thruster burns. As soon as Ivy confirmed separation, Dinah executed the program, effecting a small delta vee that made them back away from the X-37. The Knickstelle went into motion, as if the chain were passing around an invisible pulley, and began to propagate away from the Flivver and toward the X-37. Presently the chain’s end whipped around the robot arm and spiraled about it several times before grapplers on the Flynks found each other and engaged, lashing the chain into place for good.

Dinah released the Lamprey from the grip of the Flivver’s robot arm. The Flynk chain, still following a canned program, pulled the Lamprey in and made it fast to the X-37. The Flynk chain, the X-37, and the Lamprey were now a single object, and would remain thus until they were destroyed.

Dinah brought up the interface that controlled the Lamprey. This was a fire-and-forget device, but someone did have to fire it. She spun a control wheel that adjusted the box’s attitude, aiming its business end in a safe direction.

Getting things out of orbit was almost as complicated as launching them. Once a thing was in a legitimate, stable orbit, you couldn’t just drop it toward the Earth. It would stay in orbit indefinitely unless you slowed it down. Slowing it down generally meant using thrusters, which meant spending fuel. The Lamprey was a simple alternative.

“We’re undocked,” Ivy announced, moving back forward to the pilot’s chair. “Gonna nudge us free.”

A couple of pops from the thrusters signaled that they were gaining some distance from the X-37. Ivy spun the Flivver around so that they could see the X-37 perhaps a hundred meters away, floating upside down above the burning Earth, the elbow of its arm projecting toward the nadir, the Lamprey strapped to it and blinking.