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“Yes. Yes, of course.”

I didn’t see Elizabeth for months after that. I thought she’d visit Evie and me regularly, particularly given her love for midwifery and her (rash, I think) decision to leave it when she got married. But apart from one letter, which did little more than detail the strangeness of living on a rural property, I didn’t hear from her. Not a dicky bird. Evie thought she’d be busy getting settled into married life. I expected she was right.

The world kept ticking along. Babies were born. Evie and Jack got engaged. A month passed, then another. When I still didn’t hear from Elizabeth, I began to worry. What if Bill had told Elizabeth about what happened the night of the wedding, but twisted things to make it look like I’d been the one to try it on with him? Had I been the one to try it on with him? The whole thing had been so strange. Sometimes I wasn’t even sure it happened at all.

Finally, I decided to ride out to their property on my bike. Even if the worst turned out to be true and Bill had told untruths to Elizabeth, it couldn’t be more terrible than the torture of not knowing. On my next day off, I was wheeling my bike down the front path when I passed Evie. A wad of envelopes was tucked under her arm and she waved a sheet of cream stationery under my nose.

“Elizabeth is coming to my engagement party,” she said. “So you needn’t worry your dear head about her anymore.”

“Oh,” I said. “That’s … wonderful news.”

It was wonderful news. And I was certainly relieved that she was all right. But I was confused. If Elizabeth had responded to Evie’s invitation, why hadn’t she got in touch with me? Still holding the bike, I hesitated, then returned it to the shed.

The engagement party came around before I knew it. Evie’s family was from East London, so the celebration was a good deal less formal than Elizabeth’s pre-wedding functions. Everyone was ready for a good time. The room was decorated with nothing more than balloons and streamers. The food was good and hearty, not an hors d’oeuvre in sight.

“Floss! There you are.”

Before I saw her, I was choked by a faceful of auburn hair. “Don’t hate me,” she said into my ear. “I’m a terrible pen friend. I got your letters. I’ve just been so busy, you know, getting settled and all. I’m so sorry.”

In her arms, I blinked, then softened. “Of course I don’t hate you, Elizabeth. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I am,” she said. “I’m fine.”

When she pulled away, I did a visual assessment. She certainly looked fine. In a pretty white sleeveless dress with a wide, red sash and a full skirt, she looked demure and fashionable. Her lips were fiery red and her hair, which had a tendency to become flyaway, was thick and shiny. She gave me a sheepish smile. With it, I realized how much I’d missed her.

“So tell me,” I started. “—Oh, goodness!” A whirl of air went by, and suddenly I was flying. I was in Bill’s arms—I recognized his scent: booze and smokes and country air. He spun me in a little circle. “Floss, old girl. Long time no see.”

He set me back on my feet and I patted down my blouse, which had become untucked. “Hello, Bill.”

“Look at you.” He whistled. “A sight for sore eyes. Are you well?”

Bill smiled as he awaited my response. Most of the people I’d spoken to that night had the curse of the wandering eye—continually glancing over my shoulder for someone better to talk to. Not Bill. His gaze didn’t waver. I felt a surge of warmth toward him, and in an instant, my worries melted away. “Very well, thank you.”

“And there she is … the beautiful bride-to-be.”

Bill greeted Evie in the same way he’d done me, swinging her about in circles. Elizabeth raised an imaginary glass to her mouth. He’s full, she mouthed.

I chuckled. “What can you do? He’ll be embarrassed tomorrow.”

“If he remembers,” Elizabeth complained. But her smile was tolerant and she seemed every inch the happy, understanding wife. I suppose anyone would be tolerant, with a husband like Bill.

As the evening progressed, I began to enjoy myself. Everyone was happy and Elizabeth didn’t have a bad word to say about Bill or marriage. Not even a regret about leaving midwifery. It was unexpected. I’d thought an adjustment period would be normal for anyone. Not for Elizabeth. Perhaps marriage with Bill was enough to cancel out any feelings like that? I couldn’t help feeling a little jealous that I didn’t have a relationship that fulfilling.

A spoon chinking against a glass stole our attention. Bill, red cheeked and smiling, was standing on a wooden barstool. “Ladies and gents, if I can have your attention, please. I’m sorry to hijack the celebration. This is Evie and Jack’s night, but I’ve an announcement to make as well.”

I looked to Elizabeth. She was watching Bill. Her smile was wide but stiff; it seemed to be fixed in place.

“My bride and I have been blessed,” Bill said. “Just when you think life can’t get much better … we’re going to have a baby!”

The room fired with gasps and claps on backs. I drew in a breath. That explained Elizabeth’s glowing skin and thick hair. I pasted a smile to my face, but my heart felt heavy. Elizabeth smiled back guiltily. “Sorry. I was about to tell you.”

My eyes drifted over her, looking for any other sign of pregnancy that I might have missed. But she was thin as a whippet, even thinner than usual, and as flat-chested as ever.

Bill beckoned her. “Come up here, darling.”

The crowd parted and Elizabeth made her way to where Bill stood.

“Here she is,” he said. He reached for her, pulling her up onto the stool. I watched uncertainly. The chair, inadequate even for one person, wobbled, but Bill didn’t seem to notice. He was grinning like a fool. “Now. I’ve only been married a few short months, but already I’m a changed man. And when this one comes along”—he patted Elizabeth’s flat stomach—“life will be perfect. And so I’d like to make a toast to my wife. Now, where has my drink got to?”

Bill reached behind him in search of his beer, and the stool rolled with him, going up on two legs. Elizabeth started to fall. A gasp rippled through the room. Men stepped forward, arms extended. I stepped forward too. Somehow, Bill managed to tighten his grasp on Elizabeth’s waist with one hand and, with the other, steady them against the bar. Collectively, the room exhaled.

“That was close,” Bill said with a laugh. “You all right, darling?”

Elizabeth nodded. She started to get down from the chair, but Bill held her tight. “I’ve got you,” he said. “Don’t worry.”

Elizabeth looked nervous. “I really think I should—”

Bill shook his head almost imperceptibly. I had no idea what it meant. I did know, however, that Elizabeth immediately stopped protesting.

“Let. Her. Down.”

The room hushed and people looked to where Evie’s father, a tall man with a ruddy face and a no-nonsense attitude, stood. His tone was affable but firm. Given his height and stature, I wouldn’t have wanted to argue.

“She shouldn’t be standing on chairs in her condition, and you’re in no condition to hold her up, young man.” He nodded at one of his sons, a man who shared his father’s stature, who lifted Elizabeth to the ground. “All right,” Elizabeth’s father said to Bill. “Continue your toast, if you must.”

The room stilled, apart from a few snickers at the back of the room. Elizabeth also stilled. Bill locked eyes with Evie’s father. He looked as though he were carefully contemplating his next move. I was overcome by an urge to leave, to flee the room, but another part of me couldn’t look away. What was going on? What was he thinking?

Finally Bill’s lips curved up—the signature half smile. “You’re right, we can’t be too careful.” His face brightened, as if a switch had been flicked. “As I was saying, I’d like to raise a toast to my new bride. I’m going to need at least four boys to help me run the farm, and Elizabeth has done a great job of getting things started. To Elizabeth.”