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To my kids—because they are the cutest, sweetest little devils on earth.


K.A. Tucker published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. Today, she remains a voracious reader, and resides outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.

Also by K.A. Tucker

Ten Tiny Breaths

There’s always more to the story. . . .


The first novel from K.A. Tucker

Four years ago Kacey Cleary’s life imploded when her car was hit by a drunk driver, killing her parents, boyfriend, and best friend. She’s still haunted by the memories of being trapped inside, holding her boyfriend’s lifeless hand and listening to her mother take her last breath. Desperate to leave her past behind and armed with two bus tickets, Kacey and her fifteen-year-old sister, Livie, escape Grand Rapids, Michigan, to start over in Miami. They’re struggling to make ends meet at first, but Kacey’s not worried. She can handle anything—anything but her mysterious neighbor in apartment 1D.

Trent Emerson has smoldering blue eyes, deep dimples, and perfectly skates along that irresistible line between nice guy and bad boy. Hardened by her tragic past, Kacey is determined to keep everyone at a distance, but their mutual attraction is undeniable, and Trent is determined to find a way into Kacey’s guarded heart . . . even if it means revealing an explosive secret that could shatter both of their worlds.

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Kathleen Tucker

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Atria Paperback edition January 2014

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tucker, K. A. (Kathleen A.), 1978–

One tiny lie : a novel / K.A. Tucker.—First Atria Paperback edition.

pages cm

1. Promises—Fiction. 2. Life change events—Fiction. I. Title.

PR9199.4.T834O54 2014



ISBN 978-1-4767-4047-8

ISBN 978-1-4767-4048- (ebook)


Chapter One: Too Perfect

Chapter Two: Jell-O Shots

Chapter Three: The Beast

Chapter Four: Regret

Chapter Five: Diagnosis

Chapter Six: If versus When

Chapter Seven: Small World

Chapter Eight: Man Whore

Chapter Nine: Games

Chapter Ten: Jealousy

Chapter Eleven: Attraction

Chapter Twelve: Homesick

Chapter Thirteen: Falling

Chapter Fourteen: Just Spit It Out

Chapter Fifteen: Thoroughbreds

Chapter Sixteen: Mediocre

Chapter Seventeen: October 31

Chapter Eighteen: Letting Go

Chapter Nineteen: Choices



About the Author