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“Neither do you. You have absolutely nothing to be worried about. Every woman in the world could throw themselves at me, and the only one I’d want is the one I was lucky enough to marry.”

Touched by his words, Sam took his hand and spun the wedding ring around on his finger, remembering the matching inscriptions on their rings that hadn’t been planned. “I was pretty lucky that day too.”

“We both were and we continue to be.” He nuzzled her neck some more, setting off a surge of desire they had no time to accommodate. “Last night was so hot, babe. I’ll be thinking about that all day today.”

“You’ve got more important things to think about today,” she said even as a heated flush overtook her face when she thought of the things they’d done.

“God, I love when you blush. It’s the hottest thing ever. Well, second only to the sight of your sweet pink ass—”

Sam kissed him to make him stop talking.

He came up for air laughing. “What? Am I not allowed to talk about—”

She kissed him again. “Shut up about it or it’ll never happen again.”

“Oh, it’ll happen again. As soon as possible, in fact.”

“Don’t you have a country to run? Go away and leave me alone, you sex-crazed beast.”

He kissed the end of her nose and then her lips again. “To be continued. Don’t you have somewhere to be at seven?”

Sam groaned at the reminder of her TV date with the chief. “Me and my big mouth.”

“I love your big mouth.”

“Somehow I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing here.”

“I could show you what I’m thinking about.”

“I don’t have time for one of your demonstrations.”

“All right, if you’re going to be that way and send me off to my first day at the White House with an embarrassing hard-on.”

“You did that to yourself.”

“Um, I believe your bare-breasted hair thing did it to me.”

“What bare-breasted hair thing?”

“You sat there, bare-breasted, and gathered your hair into a thing.” He spun his hand around.

“A bun?”

“Yeah that. Again, with the bare breasts. That’s really all it takes. In fact, thinking about that later will have the same effect.”

“Are you really thirty-seven or seventeen?”

“A little of both when it comes to you.” Seeming resigned to his fate, he stood and held her robe for her.

“If I get up, all bare breasted and whatnot, is that going to lead to other things we don’t have time for?”

“You’ll have to do it and see what happens.”

Sam placed the mug on the table next to the lounge and got up slowly. Though her body ached in quite a few places, she felt languid and satisfied overall. She loved watching his gaze heat as she stood naked before him. Then she turned and he wrapped the robe and his arms around her.

“You’re a sexy vixen.”

She laughed. “I like that word.”

“You dazzle me.”

“Right back atcha, Mr. VP.”

“We need to do something awesome for our anniversary.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’m not sure yet. Let me think about it and get back to you.”

“I’ll await your reply.”

“Plan to take that week off, okay?”

“Can you do that?” she asked.

“I have no idea, but I’m doing it.” He pushed his hard cock against her bottom. “And doing it, and doing it and doing it for a whole week.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“Sometimes I still can’t believe I get to have this—you—every day for the rest of my life.”

He hugged her tighter and nuzzled his face in her hair. “Neither can I. I look at you and think, damn, I’m the luckiest guy in the history of the world.”

“I never thought anyone would feel that way about me. You may not know this, but I’m kind of a pain in the ass.”

“No! I had no idea.”

She pressed her elbow teasingly into his belly. “Hope you have an awesome first day at the White House.”

“It’s already an awesome day, no matter what else happens.” He held her for another minute or maybe it was two before he let her go.

Sam tied the robe around her waist, picked up the mug of coffee and took his outstretched hand. “You had to clean up all the clothes from last night, huh?”

“Of course I did. Do you know me at all?”

“You’re an anal-retentive freakazoid.”

“I’m neat. There’s a difference.”


“Speaking of anal...”

“Do not speak of anal. We have to go to work.”

“I want to speak of it.”

“No! There’re Secret Service agents at the bottom of the stairs and a boy sleeping in his room who’d be scarred for life if he overheard that. Now be quiet and behave like the second most important man in the free world, will you please?”

“I don’t like having to behave.”

She gave him a gentle shove toward the stairs. “Move it. I need to hit the shower and make myself presentable.”

“We’re going to talk about the A word later. I have needs,” he said with a teasing glint in his eye.

Needs that had been met in the past by someone else, not that he’d ever come right out and said that. He’d shrugged when she asked him if he’d done that before, and it had nagged at her ever since that he’d done it with someone else and not her.

He escorted her downstairs, past the agent outside Scotty’s door and into their bedroom, closing the door behind him. “Why did you just go silent on me?”

“Perhaps it was because you were attempting to have an inappropriate conversation that could be overheard by all the wrong people?”

“How is that conversation inappropriate? You went quiet. I want to know why.”

She turned to face him. “Because! It drives me crazy that you’ve done that with someone else and not me. But I don’t even know if I want to. I just know that I don’t want you to have anything with someone else that you haven’t had with me.”

He stared at her, an incredulous expression on his handsome face. “Samantha, for the love of God, I have never had anything with anyone else that could ever be compared to what I have with you.”

“You had that.”

“So what? Do you think I spend one second of my life thinking about people who never mattered to me a fraction as much as you do?”

“I don’t know. Do you?”

“Look at me, babe.”

It was easier to have this conversation with her back to him, but she did as he asked.

He looked her straight in the eye. “I don’t think about anyone but you. I think about you so much there’s no room for thoughts of anyone else.”

“But still, you want that.”

“I want that with you, because I think you’d love it, not because I’ve done it before and dream about the good old days.”

“I hate that you’ve done stuff with other people that you haven’t done with me.”

“Samantha! Baby, listen to me, I’ve never had anything like this before. Not even close.”

“You said you have needs.”

“I was joking because I love the way you get all red-faced when we talk about any kind of kinky sex.” With his hands on her hips, he tugged her into his embrace. “I can’t bear the thought of something like this bothering you so much.”

“It doesn’t bother me a lot,” Sam said, beginning to feel foolish for making an issue of it. “Just a little.”

“Please don’t let it bother you at all. If we get there, we get there. If we don’t, we don’t. You can’t possibly think that I find anything lacking in our sex life. For God’s sake, Sam, we’re like bunnies. There can’t be a more sexually satisfied husband in all of America than I am.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle at the emphatic way he said that.

With his hands on her face he gazed at her with those incredible hazel eyes that saw right through her. “You have nothing, and I do mean nothing to be insecure about where I’m concerned. I’m your slave, babe.”

Sam slipped her arms inside his suit coat and clung to him.

He wrapped his arms around her. “Please tell me you know that.”