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“It will be,” I answered honestly, trying to gauge Rex’s reaction, hoping this wasn’t going to be a short attempt at revenge.

He sat back and studied me as his hand stroked his chin. Why did it take me so long to figure out that the man sitting in front of me was just an awful, awful man? He was manipulative and he emotionally fucked with people. I could see it plain as day in his eyes. He didn’t care about my well-being; he cared about himself and that was it.

While looking me up and down, Rex asked, “Why are you really here, Goldie?”

Oh, shit.

If I answered wrong, were there going to be dogs popping out of a secret doorway to tear me to pieces? Rip my lady bits apart for a possible loin harvesting company Rex might be secretly working with? I wouldn’t put it past him to have such a connection…the man was straight up frea-kay!

Taking a deep breath, I looked Rex straight in the eyes and said, “I’ve been used my whole life, and I am just realizing now that I can’t live my life like that anymore. I need a new start, a fresh one, and you’re the only one I know that will be able to help me.”

Twisting his lips, he thought about my answer before saying, “No, you won’t be one of the girls. You’ll be a manager of sorts, but you will have to wear more revealing clothes.”

“I have no problem with that,” I responded, feeling a weight of relief fly off my chest.

“You will receive a decent salary and will be required to work more than forty hours a week at first, until we get everything started up. We are currently training in a location that will work for us, but if we are awarded Lot 17, we will be building a whole new club. You will live here with me, in my bed, and if I’m housing you, I will be requiring something in return.”

And there it was, the one thing I wanted to avoid. I would give Rex credit for having a good set of balls and coming right out with it. If I was living under his roof, I would be paying him with sexual favors, aka, suck my dick, bitch. Yup, not something I was okay with.

Knowing my next words were either going to make or break this secret operation I’d put myself on, I chose wisely what came out of my mouth.

With a sad smile, I nodded and said, “I can understand that.”

“Then, why do you look so sad? We were great together, Goldie.”

“We were,” I answered. “But…” I took a deep breath and placed my head in my hands. “I’m sorry.” I waved my hand in front of me. “I don’t mean to get so emotional. It’s just…I was really hoping for a fresh start. Ever since I lost my parents to Hurricane Katrina, I’ve been selling my soul to stay afloat. I let men use my body in Kitten’s Castle, I let you use my body to help pay my rent, and I let Jett use me as well. I don’t want to be that girl anymore. I don’t want to be the girl who sells her body for money or possessions anymore. I’m at a breaking point in my life, Rex, where I’ve been passed down from man to man to a point where I don’t think I can do it anymore. I need a break. I need some time to think. I need some time to find myself and figure out what I want.”

“Do you still want Jett?” Rex asked, looking a little angry. I didn’t blame his anger; I’d denied his cock.

“No, I don’t want anything to do with that pitiful man. You were right, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.”

“Then, do you see me in your future?”

I glanced down at my hands and then looked up at him through my eyelashes, preparing for the biggest lie of my life.

“I can definitely see a future with you, Rex. I want to have a future with you, that’s why I came here, but before I see that future, I would like to build a friendship first.”

A small smile spread across Rex’s face as he nodded his head and said, “I think I can wait then.”

Bless all the crying vaginas in the world. I just bought myself a few sex free weeks with Rex, but I didn’t foresee him waiting terribly long. He was going to want something from me; I was on borrowed time, meaning I had to act quickly.

“Thank you,” I replied, while gripping his hand and squeezing it.

“You know, Goldie. You deserve to be treated well, to be given everything you’ve ever wanted, and in due time, I will be the man who gives you that.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Good enough,” he replied while standing. “Come, I will show you to your room so you can get settled. Tomorrow, we will go to the club so I can get you acquainted with some of the girls and your new surroundings. I have great hopes for this new relationship we’ll be starting.”

Such a fancy fart.

We walked back out to the main hallway, where Rex grabbed my suitcase and led me up to the second floor. To the left, I could see the master bedroom, it was hard to miss with the French doors and immaculate four post bed that stretched the length of one of the walls. Luckily, Rex guided me to the right side of the second floor and into a more modest room. It had beige walls, an oak sleigh bed, and red comforter, shock alert…wasn’t expecting that color scheme.

“This will be your room.”

“It’s lovely,” I lied, as I made eye contact with a picture of Thomas Jefferson that hung over my bed. I knew he was dead, but I was pretty damn sure he was reincarnated to live in the picture that hung above the bed I would be sleeping in, because the former president was staring at my breasts, pervert.

“Are you hungry?” Rex asked, as he set my suitcase on a padded bench that sat at the foot of the bed.

“No, just tired. It’s been a long night.”

“I’m sure,” Rex said, while he looked at his watch. “I’ll let you get to sleep. The door to the right is your closet and the door to the left is your private bathroom. I will be up around eight for breakfast, and then we can head on over to the club. Does that sound alright with you?”

“Yes, perfectly fine.”

Rex took a step forward to, what I could only assume was going to be a kiss, but mid-step, he backed off and gave me a small wave. “Good night, Kitten.”

“Good night,” I replied, as he walked out of my room and shut the door softly.

The minute he was gone, I exhaled a long breath that I felt like I’d been holding in ever since I walked into Rex’s house. I flung my body on the bed and was surprised when I found the mattress was as hard as a rock.

“Jesus, Rex. Invest in some mattresses not made in the 1920’s,” I mumbled, as I tried to soften the sturdy rock that lay beneath me by trying to channel my inner pussy cat and knead the fuck out of it. But there was no use, I was slumming it with Thomas and all of his other historic friends.

Overall, I thought I’d done a good job infiltrating the enemy’s lair. Actually, it wasn’t that hard at all. All I had to do now was do a little video work with my phone, interview some of the girls, and then send the video off to the police. Simple. No one was going to stand for a brothel in this town!

Feeling happy about my success, I opened my suitcase and started to unpack my things. I only brought limited items because I really wanted to make it look like I had nothing, even though I had everything back at the Lafayette Club, and when I say everything, I mean Jett.

The itch to call him, to hear his voice ran through my body, but I knew that would be a bad idea. For all I knew, Rex would be able to see who I was calling by posting cameras in my room.


My eyes shot to Thomas Jefferson above the bed and his beady little eyes. With determination, I jumped on the bed and lifted the picture off of the wall while saying, “Ah ha!”

To my dismay, there wasn’t a secret peep hole or a camera, it was just a plain old wall and Thomas Jefferson just had creepy eyes.

Still not comfortable, I spent the next half hour scouring my room, bathroom, and closet for any kind of small camera or listening device, but came up short. There was nothing. Did Rex really trust me that much?