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Somehow, she thought there’d be more foreplay, that he’d do a lot more to her before they got to this part. Maybe he’d bring out his tote of naughty treasures. She’d imagined him taking her roughly, spreading her wide then plunging in her with force. Instead, he lay down gently over her, bringing those lips that would be the death of her and began kissing her just as gently as he slipped into her. The one thing he did that was different from anything she’d ever experienced was he brought her hands over her head and held them there with both his hands.

The only time their lips parted from that moment on was when he was inside her completely, and she gasped at the incredible feeling of fullness it gave her. She’d been right. Having him inside her was amazing. He slid in and out in the same rhythm as his kisses for a very long time. Even as he began to rock into her harder and faster, holding on tighter to her hands still above her head, she got the distinct feeling that he was getting just as much arousal from kissing her as he was from fucking her.

Shifting his body ever so slightly, she felt him smile against her lips as his erection began to slide over that perfect spot, making her entire body quiver in reaction. Regina moaned as each time he slid in and out, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She cried out as the sensation began to peak, but even that didn’t make him release her mouth. He slammed into her harder—faster—and she lifted her hips up to take him as deep as possible. Regina didn’t just climax; she erupted. Even as the explosions of pleasure went off again and again, she felt him bury himself in her, and not once did his tongue ever stop.

She closed her eyes tightly, and the mixture of her continued throbbing climax and his enthralling deep kisses had her climaxing for so much longer than she ever had. Long after they’d both come, he continued to kiss her and slide in and out of her until she felt him harden again. Feeling him slowly fill her again as he slid in and out, she lifted her good leg around him, suddenly wanting to—needing to—relive the best sex she’d ever experienced. There’d been nothing out of the ordinary about it. She and Ryan had done it almost just like that every time, minus the amazing marathon-long kissing. Something as simple as her hands being held her over her head coupled with the perfect positioning and timing when he’d driven into her near the end, had made for such a profound climax. Or maybe it was just him. He was so different from anyone she’d ever been with this felt so different—so incredible.

To her disappointment, Brandon pulled away, moving her leg down. “I’d go on, but this condom’s had it.” He chuckled as he pulled out of her, leaving her feeling incredibly empty and yearning to have him inside her again. “Damn, this thing is done.”

Climbing off the bed, she watched as he walked off into the bathroom then came back with a towel. Almost ashamed that her eyes had gone directly there, she smiled when she saw he was still as ready as she was to go at it again. The moment he was done cleaning her up so gently it drove her nuts, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Again,” she whispered in his ear, and in the next second, she was flat on her back again, giggling in delight as Brandon pulled out another condom.



No way would Brandon have believed it if anyone had told him this would happen just a week ago. The little princess from the airport was his girl now, and they were making incredible love day and night. For years, Brandon hadn’t allowed himself so much as a distant acquaintance with any girl. He’d gone to great lengths to make sure any interaction he had with women remained safely unemotional. Now just like that he was in a formal relationship with a girl he already felt crazy about. He was completely helpless to remain unemotional. Everything he said or did to her overflowed with emotion, an emotion he’d been afraid to give into for years. Now he couldn’t imagine going even a day without hugging her, kissing her, and making love to her the way he’d been doing for such a short time. He had a girlfriend now, and he’d been the one to suggest it.

As scary as the thought was when he’d decided to put it out there, Brandon knew he’d made the right decision. There was no way he would’ve been able to remain just friends with her, no way he would’ve ever agreed to the idea of not having the right to protest the other men in her life. That was one of the most pressing reasons why he needed things this way. And now that he’d felt what it was like to make love to a woman—felt what had been written about in poems and songs for centuries—he was damn sure he’d made the right decision demanding exclusivity so early on.

Over the course of the past week, they’d talked about a few things, and one of them was how they’d be introducing each other to friends and family.

“Are you really going to introduce me as your girlfriend?” she’d asked a bit skeptically.

“Of course,” he’d answered, trying not to sound as terrified as the thought had made him.

He hadn’t even thought that far ahead when he’d made his all-or-nothing declaration last Saturday night. Being holed up in her apartment that whole weekend then having her in his bed all week, the entire thing felt a bit surreal still. But it didn’t get more real than going out and introducing her to his colleagues as his girlfriend and meeting her friends and family.

At first, he’d wondered if he was going to regret this. But once he heard her introduce him to Antonio and the other guys as her boyfriend, as weird as it felt, he was glad they’d had that conversation.

Fortunately, Brandon had one less thing to worry about when it came to this sudden enormous change in his life. Rodriguez had been sent out of state to cover for another sergeant. He’d be gone at least a month. He knew how hypocritical that would look. Although Brandon was very hard-nosed about the rules being followed at work and Rodriguez’s comments about being willing to risk his job were off the charts stupid, Brandon’s reaction had been a bit over the top. So while he’d had no intention of keeping his relationship with Regina a secret from anyone, he certainly wasn’t looking forward to that conversation with Rodriguez.

To his relief, Regina had been right about one thing. His not having friends in his life was not for lack of personality and being able to hold a conversation with someone. He was way more comfortable having her in his life and even staying in his place than he’d ever imagined he would be.

Saturday morning, Brandon started to slip out of bed to go make her coffee. As much as he hated the stuff, he loved seeing that smile on her face when he brought it to her. Since being on the receiving end of Regina’s grateful and breathtaking smiles, he was beginning to understand what the allure was for her daddy and possibly most of the men she’d ever met to want to spoil her. Making her happy and taking care of her had quickly become his first priority. It was the weirdest phenomenon. He’d always heard that giving was so much more satisfying than receiving, and this entire past week had been proof of that. He’d never felt as satisfied as when he saw that content smile on her.

Just as he got up, her phone rang by the chair where she’d left it, and it woke her. Frowning, he walked over to pick it up and bring it to her. He glanced at the name on the screen. C. Devereux.

“Your friend Chris from New York,” he said, making sure she knew he remembered what the “C” stood for.

Her eyes widened, and she took the phone but didn’t answer him. Brandon waited for her to comment, say something, anything that might explain her strange reaction to this guy. But she offered nothing, so he had to ask. “Aren’t you gonna answer?”