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“Very good.” He couldn’t tell if she’d even heard him because his voice was little more than croak. When her eyes closed again, he sank his teeth back into her.

Her moans escalated as he drew from her. He steadily lost control, could feel it slipping away like he was slipping on ice. He told himself not to do it, to wait and get what he needed later but fuck he couldn’t. He reached down, yanked her dress up, and cupped her pussy. Hot, wet, so soft over the silk. Her shiver was one of the hottest things he’d ever felt.

The grip on his cock tightened reflexively and then she stroked him up and down. He groaned, and though he rarely made sounds during sex, he couldn’t stop to think about it because the pleasure she gave him was about to make him come harder than he ever had.

She pumped him, slowly at first then steadily faster, tightening his balls and building the release inside him. Dmetri tore off her silk panties with a satisfying snap and then slid his fingers between her sweet thighs to where he wanted to be—deep inside her, pumping hard and fast.

For a moment, he stopped taking from her neck, so astounded at how utterly hot and wet she was, at how tightly she gripped his two fingers. She was no virgin but she wasn’t a practiced woman either.

“Dmetri,” she cried and arched against his hand.

Stay in control. Stay in control.

“Fuck,” he rasped, his voice like gravel.

He pumped his hips faster in her hand and bit into her neck once more. It was so hard for him to take from her slowly, just enough to give them both ecstasy without exhausting her. Her hand moved faster, wetting her palm with his seed using it to guide her movements. It drove him wild.

Suddenly the hand pumping him stopped, squeezing hard. The muscles in her sex trembled around him, squeezing and flexing as harsh cries left her throat.

Damn, she’s coming. Fucking hard.

She shook against him as if she was having a seizure, her cries making his blood pump faster in his veins. He was right there with her, would have come if only she moved her fist, but instead she kept her tight hold on him as her little channel milked his fingers so snugly. Hot fresh cream coated his fingers and his mind shut off completely.

He was going to mount her, couldn’t wait any longer, had to feel her, come inside her.

But then she pulled away and climbed over him.

The move was so quick, so unexpected that when she slammed his shoulders back into the couch, he flattened against it so he was lying down without protest.

She tore her dress off in a rush leaving her only in her silk bra, the ridiculously sexy heels, and a gorgeous flush on her cheeks. She grabbed his cock, all business, then positioned her core above him and slammed down on top of him.

He didn’t know which one of them choked, made a sobbing noise. Her mouth opened, head flew back as he filled her up. Her hands curled and uncurled in his shirt like a cat kneading.

And then she shivered above him, and the little vibrations all the way down to his cock.

When she leaned forward, arching against him, her hands sliding up his chest to grip the collar of his shirt, she tore it open. Her heavy eyelids barely staying open as she slowly started to move on him.

Dmetri didn’t know what was wrong with him. He never allowed women to control him.

Rarely let them on top unless he was powering into her, but he couldn’t move. He could only lie there, feel and watch as this sexy woman unabashedly took his body like she’d die if she didn’t.

The feeling it invoked in his chest was strange and unexplainable.

She braced herself on his chest, just above his nipples and dug her knees deep into the cushions to get leverage. When she started moving, he almost lost it. She rocked up and down, her channel dragging and squeezing around him, coaxing his seed from him. And she was going to get it too. He counted a total of three full thrusts before he was ready to shoot inside her.

He was only able to stave off the violent orgasm inside him because he was entranced by her. She moved above him gracefully but passionately. Need was etched on her flushed face and in the way she curled her short nails into him. He didn’t have long so he quickly took in everything else, tried to memorize every inch of her because the thought that he’d have her many times more never entered his mind. There was only here and now.

His hands slid up the soft, golden skin of her legs, over her round hips to the slender dip of her undulating waist. He grabbed the front of the bra in the valley between her breasts and tugged hard.

She made a sexy noise in the back of her throat and he groaned as her breasts spilled free.

“Millaya moya. You are perfect.”

She had full, heavy breasts that he didn’t hesitate to fill his hands with. They overfilled his palm, her hard nipple teasing it as she bounced faster on him.

“More,” she said softly as if it were hard to speak.

He watched a blush deepen on her chest and neck, felt the beginning spasms around his cock and sunk a fang into his lip to keep from coming. He palmed her breasts, squeezing and cupping the flesh, pulling her nipples between his fingers. A soft gasp, then moans followed. She moved faster over him and damned if he didn’t keep hold of her breasts. She was about to take them both to paradise.

She rode harder, her breathing erratic and choppy. Dmetri couldn’t hold it any longer.

There was no way—he was a god for lasting this long.

His balls pulled tight and then she slid down him once more and he shouted. She shouted too, her hips rocking wildly as her sex clamped around him. Hot squeezing muscles tightened around his cock, coated it in her honey. His cock throbbed hard, then spurted inside her, hot, white semen jetting in unending torrents, filling and filling. She took all that he gave.

With a final cry, she collapsed on top of him.

Dmetri wrapped a heavy arm around her because he couldn’t move anything else. Hell, trying to catch his breath was difficult. His thighs trembled from the force of his orgasm and that, alone, was strange enough that he didn’t want to contemplate it.

His head no longer felt groggy but his body floated with her in his arms. As he lay there, he noticed something odd. A strange feeling in his chest. He wanted to rub it but couldn’t move a muscle.

“My chest feels...different.”

She nuzzled her face against his bare chest and pressed a kiss near his nipple. “Sorry, I was digging my nails in pretty hard.”

Ah, of course. That must be it.

Chapter 11

After a long shower, Dmetri felt completely refreshed and reenergized. He dressed in another suit and pulled on a pair of shoes that weren’t caked in blood. Damn shame about his shoes.

On his way outside, he stopped and looked at the couch. Christine left after they woke up from their bout of play this morning. Having her body, no matter how unexpected she’d been, only cemented that he’d be keeping her.

But today he had a meeting with the Kategans and Brayden. After Claude’s attack last night, the pack was on high alert. The restaurant was only thirty minutes away, which meant he was close by, maybe even spying on the pack from the surrounding forest.

One thing Dmetri knew from his interviews with Claude during his trial was that the man was determined and would stop at nothing. How did he plan to kill the Kategans, though? It wouldn’t be easy and Dmetri’d make sure he didn’t succeed. Still, people’s lives were in danger so long as he was at large.

Dmetri made his rounds with the sentries. No unusual activity occured in the night. The thought wasn’t a relief; he wished Claude would attack now and get this over with. Then he could grab his new woman and head back home. He missed his massive bed and luxurious baths.