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"We'll invite the Justicars," suggested Darien.

Vane thought about it. "That’s not a bad idea. Then the Prince's contract will be void by the new mating ceremony and the Justicars will be there to see the proof of bonding. He won’t be able to argue he was wronged."

"You guys alert the pack that there will be a great celebration tomorrow," Vane said to his family. "And now, I need you all to leave. I need some time with my soon-to-be Queen."

Sarina tugged on his arm. "Wait, can Alison stay here? Her car is parked off in the woods back near my father's cabin. It’s too far to walk now."

Rome crossed his arms across his chest and grinned. "She can stay with me." Vera rolled her eyes. "What? I won't bite—unless she begs."

Vera turned her back on her brother. "If you want, you can stay the night with me, or I can drive you home if you don't live too far,"

"Thank you. If you really don't mind, I'll stay with you. That's easier than me having to drive all the way back here again for the ceremony tomorrow," Alison croaked.

"Sure thing, but I have rules. No spooning and you fix your own damn food." Alison grinned and they shook on it.

"Everything's settled then. At the full moon tomorrow we'll celebrate our new Queen," said Vane. The others turned to look at Sarina with varying expressions of acceptance and happiness. A feeling of honor filled her heart and soul. Tears formed in her eyes, but she didn't mind. As everyone said their goodbyes and filed out of the house, Sarina cuddled into her man, her Alpha with a contended sigh.

This was what she'd always dreamt of.

Chapter 23

Sarina was content to lie in Vane's arms all night. The heat of his body warmed her better than any comforter ever could, and his scent was one constant stream of decadence. Even though tomorrow was probably going to be the biggest day of her life, she was able to relax in his arms, and enjoy the kiss of his lips against her hair.

Her stomach chose that quiet, peaceful moment to growl in a very unladylike way. Sarina stiffened and flushed.

Vane laughed. "A little hungry? How about I feed you then?"

Sarina couldn't help herself when she saw his grin, the laughter shining in his eyes, and kissed him fully on the mouth. He made a little oomph sound and didn’t hesitate to slide wetly inside her mouth. She met his tongue with a thrust of her own. He tore his mouth away on a curse.

"Not now, we can't." At her cute pout, he added, "Lumara, I must feed you first. Don't worry, sweetheart, I plan on taking my time with you tonight."

"You cook?” Sarina asked, following him into the kitchen.

"Well now I do. I had a butler of sorts before. His name’s Alfonse. You’ll meet him tomorrow. I had to kick him out though so it could be just us. Have a seat. This will be done in no time."

Thirty minutes later and Sarina was sinking her teeth into one of the juiciest pieces of chicken she'd ever had.

"How did you learn to do this? I mean, not to sound rude or anything. It's just that most males in my experience can't actually use anything more than the grill or microwave to cook. Yet I just watched you toss a salad, use the stove, and cut up vegetables. Even Alison would be impressed."

His laughter was like warm velvet around her. "My mother, Renee. She died when I was 22, but she made certain all her kids had certain skills."

"Like cooking?"

"Like cooking," he agreed. “Why do you say Alison would be impressed?”

“She’s a chef. She owns a successful little café just outside of downtown. That woman can cook.” They ate in silence as they finished off their plates. “What other kinds of skills did she teach you?"

He finished chewing, and she swore she saw a tinge of pink redden his cheeks. Oh, this has to be good.

"Well," she prompted when he didn't answer.

He cleared his throat and began clearing the dishes off the table. "Cello. I play the cello."

It took two tries to close her gaping mouth. She tried to picture her big Alpha sitting with a cello between his legs, his big hands holding the bow, and she giggled. She couldn't help it; once it started, it was hard to stop. He turned to glare at her but there was mirth dancing in his eyes.

"Come on. Let's go before I give you a lesson in obeying your master." She grabbed his hand and followed his long stride up the stairs.

"Would you play for me?" She didn't think, but just blurted out the question. He stopped so suddenly she bumped into him. He looked up the stairs, found some indiscriminant dot on the wall, and studied it. She touched his arm, curious.

"Vane? Are you, are you blushing?" He turned to look at her, his hard cheeks flushed, then in one smooth, quick move he snaked an arm around her neck and brought her lips to his. By the time he lifted from her, she was breathless and more than a little damp in her panties.

"Fine, but if I'm going to play for you then you have to do something for me." His eyes glinted with dark mischief.

"What?" she asked wearily, her lips still swollen from his kisses.

"You're going to get naked nice and slow while I play. And you’re going to dance for me. I want to see all that beautiful skin moving to my music."

"Oh." Now it was her turn to blush.

Vane led her down the hallway, passed his bedroom to a room filled with a wide, wooden desk, and bookshelves lined with hardbacks. A cello sat in the corner next to a music stand. It looked expensive with tawny wood, an elegant curve at the top where intricate vines were carved into the wood. The long strings dropped to the large belly of the cello where black lines arced around the strings. He obviously cared for the instrument. It was polished and looked like it could be new.

He pulled up a chair and took a seat, pulling the large instrument between his widespread thighs. Sarina bit her lip, suddenly nervous. He held the instrument with familiar hands. His strong fingers poised precisely at the top of the instrument. His other grabbed the long, bow-like instrument and held it horizontal at the belly of the cello. When he was done, he looked at her, an eyebrow cocked.

The music started and Sarina wasn't prepared for it. The melody was smooth and rich like velvet, the notes heavy and quick. They wrapped around her, filling the room with its warm tenor. His eyes closed, as he seemed to be feeling his music. His fingers poised and moved fluidly over the strings, providing different, beautiful sounds one after the other. When he opened his eyes, Sarina felt him look into her soul. There was no doubt in that moment that her beast was meant for his. That together they would make beautiful music.

His eyes trailed down her body, growing darker and hotter with each inch until finally landing on the juncture of her sex. Wet heat flooded her, readied her.

Sarina's mouth was dry as she slowly pulled her shirt up. The tempo of the song changed, grew faster, a rapid succession of beats that were smoothed into a lovely, deep stream by the bowstring. She tossed the shirt away, baring her naked breasts to him. His eyes fell to them, and grew hotter as her nipples puckered into little points. He licked his lips and she swore she could feel the pass of his tongue on them.

The sweeping tone of the notes soon had her hips rocking side to side to the throbbing beat. Of their own accord, her hands glided down her stomach, fingers toying with the metal button of her jeans. He tracked the movement like a predator. She drew down her zipper, the sound diluted over the beat of the cello. Slowly, like a practiced dancer, she shimmied her jeans down her smooth legs and stepped out of them with a thrust and sway of her body. Vane growled, the sound faint but husky.