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“Oh, you've got to be kidding me,” Lily muttered. “You too?”

Chloe nodded, her eyes wide and a little frightened. Willow smiled for real this time, the look soft and gentle. She wrapped Chloe in a hug, whispering something in her ear that calmed the fear in Chloe's eyes. Lily felt a pang of twisted jealousy in her gut. The feeling wasn't unusual but she always hated it, then hated that she felt that. Her sisters were fraternal twins, and they’d always had a different connection because of it. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, but still, it rubbed her the wrong way.

Her eye twitched and she cursed herself for not drinking her special brew before coming. She'd just been so...lost in thought. And of course, she'd felt amazing after being with Telal. Those effects apparently weren't permanent.

“Congratulations, Chloe!” Lily said, belatedly. The baby wiggled in her arms and she looked down at its soft, round face, itty-bitty nose, and curled little fists. Something squeezed tight in her stomach and she had to hand the baby back to Willow before she something stupid like tear up.

“Well it's really no wonder with the amount of sex Tyrian and I have. I mean that man is wild. Once he's unleashed, whew, he's gone.”

Lily screwed her eyes shut at the images projected into her mind. “TMI, Chloe!”

She chuckled. “Sorry.” Her voice said she so wasn't sorry.

“So, what have you brought us here for?” Willow asked, direct and to the point.

Lily's eye twitched again and her stomach knotted up in balls. She hated this. She shouldn't have called them. She'd always hated wrapping them up in her problems, which was why she'd never done it. She caught Rosa's watchful eye and at her encouraging nod, she sighed.

“A few things actually.”

“Is it a demon?” her sisters asked at once. She hid her sigh. She'd never have that kind of connection with them.

“I guess, maybe. Sort of?”

Rosa poured her a cup of tea and set it on the table in front of her. “Start with the visions.”

Lily wanted to bury her face in a pillow. You mean, the visions I've been controlling with a certain nasty potion?

“What visions?” Chloe asked, her expression pinched into a frown.

Lily sighed and told them about the visions of the dark man on the throne. She had no doubt now who it was. Telal's brother.

“And what’s so important about these dreams?” asked Willow.

Lily stared at the floor. “I die.”

After the flurry of curses, gasps, and a nearly crying Chloe, everyone calmed down enough to finally talk. Lily wanted more to just crawl back out of the room, tell everyone she was sorry, and leave. Her own eyes watered on the verge of tears but she curtailed them.

“We won't let that happen,” Willow said with an arrogance Lily didn't reciprocate. “I'll talk to Lyonis. I'll talk to everyone I know. I'm sure he knows some people. After all, Telal saved his life. He owes him.”

Lily shrugged but didn't voice that no one would find anything that'd help her. If it made her sisters feel better then let it be, she supposed.

“There's more,” Rosa said after a moment.

Her sisters glanced from Rosa to her, expectantly. “I, um, went into the rift.”

The look on her sisters’ faces flashed first with disbelief, then outrage, and then plain shock. “Why? How? When?” Chloe asked, her jaw hanging open.

“I'm sure Tyrian mentioned it, but Telal is trying to get the rift opened. Tyrian agreed to pull the Atal Warriors if he got a contract signed by the demon king. I went with him.”

Willow and Chloe shared a look. “He let you go with him?” Chloe asked slowly.

Lily flushed and ground her teeth together. She hated explaining her actions. “Not exactly. Rosa made me a porting potion, which she didn't even know she could do, and things happened then I went under the rift, was caught by some guards, and thrown in jail.”

“Oh my God, Lily what were you thinking?” Willow cried. The baby awoke at the sound of her mother's distraught voice and started crying. Instantly, Willow softened and started speaking softly, sweetly to the little baby. Quieter she hissed, “What the hell were you thinking?”

Lily's jaw hardened and she crossed her arms, not defensively but so she could squeeze herself to relieve some of the anger burning inside her.

“I was thinking of helping my Protector.”

Chloe looked confused. “But I thought he didn't want to be your Protector.”

“Yeah, and your Protector didn't want anything to do with you either, Chloe. Remember?” she countered, anger rising.

“Yeah but that was different. We're in love now and mated.”

Lily gave her a hard stare. “And that can't happen with me?” The tension in the room shot through the roof.

“No, it's just that I've met Telal and he's...abrasive to say the least.”

“Yeah, well I remember a time when Tyrian was nothing but a wife killer, bloodsucking, cold-hearted bastard.”

Chloe's jaw dropped, her eyes rounding in anger. “Don't you talk about him like that!” she hissed as loudly as she could.

Rosa stood. “Enough of this. No fighting. There is more to the story. Let her continue.”

Lily shot Rosa a look. She didn't know how much Rosa knew about anything at this point. She hadn't even told her about anything that happened in the rift.

It took her a moment to find the words. “I-I think I saw our mother.”

Another flurry of protests and questions came at her.

“Say what?” Chloe asked, her mouth hanging open in shock.

“When I was thrown in the cell, there was a woman in the one next to me.”

“Well that doesn't mean anything,” Willow said.

Lily cut her a look that told her to shut up. “She is a succubus and she doesn't know how long she's been there. She said her name was Mary.”

“Common enough name,” Chloe said but her lips pulled into a hard frown.

“I asked her what her last name was and she said Bellum.”

“Did you give her your last name first or something? I mean really this is impossible,” Willow said. “Maybe she just repeated what you said.”

“No I didn’t give her my last name.”

“Well maybe you don't think you did—”

“Willow, stop. I'm certain. When I mentioned your guys' names and dad's, she started freaking out even more. I think she recognized them.”

“Has anyone with the name Mary that we know ever gone missing or anything?” Chloe asked.

“Our mother,” Lily said flatly. “Not only that, but she has eyes just like Willow. The very same color.”

Willow looked at her baby, her jaw clenched tight.

“Okay, so what do we do about it?” asked Chloe.

“I'm going to get her out of there one way or another.”

“Well what's important now is making sure you stay safe,” Willow said. Willow always did have the hardest time dealing with the disappearance of their mother. But, Lily'd thought that since she named her child after her that maybe she'd forgiven her in some way. She wasn't surprised at Willow's outright rejection at the thought of their mother being alive. She'd her entire life removing their mother as far away from her life as possible.

“I think Telal can help me get her out.”

“How do you plan to do that?” asked Chloe.

Lily shrugged. “I don't know yet. I'll figure it out.”

Willow sighed. “Listen, the most important thing to do is to make sure you're safe. Not worrying about some woman in a demon prison, and not worrying about Telal's problem with the rift. And if this King Alrik looks like the man in your vision, you need to stay far as fuck away from him.”

Lily gave a tight-lipped smile. “I know. I got it.”

“So you won't do anything crazy?” Chloe asked, a wary look in her eyes.

“Nope. What could I do anyway? No need to worry about me.”

Lily made an excuse to go use the bathroom. Inside, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She knew her sisters meant well but it always seemed that no matter how old she grew, she'd never be anything but a child in their eyes. Turning on the cold water, she flushed it over her heated face then across the back of her neck. The freezing droplets raced down her heated back. She winced but it helped in its own way. Flushing the toilet just to make sure they didn't get any ideas about why she'd actually come in here, she dried her face and left feeling slightly more in control.