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Lilly turned on her friend. “So? He might need help. He hasn't been back there since he left, and I'm pretty sure everyone down there thinks he betrayed them. He'll need help.”

Rosa pushed her frizzy dark hair out of her face with a sigh. The right side of her face had a red mark from where she'd been sleeping on it. “What do you expect me to do? I'm not a demon that can go transporting you around, you know.”

“I know that. But you can make a spell and send me there.”

Rosa made a choking sound, half laughing, and half snorting. “No way. I don't even know if I could do something like that, but if I did then it'd completely wear me down for God knows how long. No way, Lily. Just wait for him to get back. I'm going back to bed.” She crossed her arms like she was cold and ambled towards the back of the shop.

“Rosa, I know you can do this.”

“Blah, blah, blah. I'm not doing anything,” she said with a yawn.

Lily followed her. “Are you saying you're too weak to do a spell like this?”

That stopped her in her tracks. She slowly turned around, her eyes narrowed, lips pulled taut. “Don't you dare antagonize me, Lily Bellum.”

Lily gave her an innocent look. “Hey, if you can't do it then that's not my problem. You're the weakling.”

Her lips twisted as she ground her jaw side to side. “You are such a bitch,” she said finally. Lily only shrugged. Rosa's shoulders sagged. “Fine, I'll do it.”

Lily clapped her hands. “Now that's the spirit. Let's get started. I don't know how long he's been gone.”

Rosa turned on the lights and grabbed her spell book off the shelf. “Hypothetically, let's say I can get you to a rift. The nearest one crosses from Tennessee up to Wyoming.”

“No, not that one. I need the one in upstate New York.”

Rosa glared at her. “And why is that?”

“That's the one Telal used. Must be for a good reason or he wouldn't choose that one, right?”

Rosa fished through the pages of her book until she found the right one then started gathering ingredients and mashing them with a pestle. After a few minutes, Rosa shook her head. “And how do you plan to get by the Atal Warriors?”

Shit. She hadn't thought about that. Those bastards were stationed at intervals along every rift in the world. No getting past them. At least, for most people.

Rosa saw the look on her face and laughed. “You hadn't even thought that far ahead, have you? What about weapons? You have no idea what the shahoulin demons are like under the rift. They all might not be as nice as Telal.”

“I'd hardly call him nice,” she said. Though his touch had been a whole lot more than nice.

“Whatever. You know what I mean.”

“I'll borrow two of your daggers.”

“You do know I don't enchant my own weapons, right? I can't do harm—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Give me the good old fashioned ones.”

Rosa told her where she kept them and Lily went to fetch them. Her heart beat like a big drum in her chest, not quite a frantic rhythm but one that proved just how nervous she really was. She wasn't stupid. She understood the risk she took by going into the rift alone, without any guidance. But for him, she'd take it.

She came back and Rosa started working on another set of herbs.

“How long is this going to take?”

Rosa sent her a scathing look that had Lily throwing up her hands in the universal sign for 'don't hurt me'.

“The spell won't take you to New York. If I'm lucky this will take you to the closest point of the rift in Tennessee. That's if this even works. I've never tried to port someone over long distances. Hell, even a short distance.”

Lily clapped her on the back. “See Rosa, I'm just helping you to broaden your spell crafting abilities.”

Rosa sent her another glare that had her pulling her hand off her back like it burned.

“Here's the first one,” she said dropping a potion and a piece of paper with text written on it. “Drink it then read the spell. The quicker the better.” Lily eyeballed the drink which was nothing more than a shot glass full of dark red liquid.

“That isn't blood, right?” Her taste buds curled at the thought.

Rosa sighed. “No, it's not. Here's the second one. This should, maybe, take you into the rift. I made enough for you to get back out, too. So don't lose it or this spell.” She slid over another piece of paper, no bigger than a Post-It note with her cursive scrawl on it.

Lily read both spells out loud to make sure she said it right. The last thing she needed was to summon another demon by accident.

“That's correct. So, how do you plan to get around the Atal Warriors?” asked Rosa, one brow cocked in question.

Lily nibbled her lip. “I'm just going to be really fast.”

Rosa laugh, the sound filled with sarcasm. “That's your great plan? ‘Be really fast.' Well bambina, I wish you all the best. You have your protection anklet on?”

Lily nodded.

“Good, get out of here and if you actually manage to do all this, then give me a call. I'd like to hear about it.”

Lily grabbed her stuff and put it in her brown shoulder satchel. At the last second, before she turned to leave she said, “Hey Rosa, when do I die?” Rosa's vision of her death had been something she wanted to ask her about and avoid forever. But if this happened tonight, with the choice she was about to make, then she wanted to know.

Rosa sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes falling to the floor. When she spoke, her voice was soft as a feather. “Sweetie, I don't know. I saw only blackness, oily blackness breaking into your chest and you fell. You do not get up from that. You know it's not up to me to help or stop this from happening. That's all on you. So be careful.”

Lily's heart stopped beating in her chest. All the dreams she'd had of the man in black surfaced. She was going to die. A dark thought curled in her gut. It might even be tonight.

A voice broke into her shattered thoughts. “Hey, hey, are you all right?” Rosa's face pulled into a mask of concern.

“I'm fine.” She smiled as if to prove it. “I better go. Thanks a lot for all the help.” She turned and left before Rosa could say anything else.

* * *

Outside, she walked down the street and into the alley behind the row of shops. It smelled awful back there like rotten garbage and week-old stale coffee. She pinched her nose up and pulled the spell and potion out of the bag.

She started to take a drink then stopped and cursed. Pulling one of the daggers out of the satchel, she gripped it in one hand. She'd need it for where she was going. Closing her eyes hard, she tossed back the contents of the drink with a grimace. The vile taste coated her tongue like sludge and she gagged, her cheeks poofing up with the urge to vomit it all up. She swallowed hard though and forced the nasty contents down. Suddenly, the alley didn't smell nearly as bad, not with that awful rotten taste on her tongue. Gagging, her stomach convulsed with the need to vomit the shit back up, she pulled the spell out of her pocket and read the words.

The second the last word fell from her tongue, the world spun around her like a record player spinning too fast. Everything blurred, she couldn't be sure but it felt like she wobbled on her feet, her mind going dizzy. The awful shit sitting in her stomach swished around and she pressed a hand to it to keep it steady. It lasted for seconds or maybe an hour. Either way it was entirely too long.

The world stopped moving with a violent stop. Lily cried out at the jarring motion and fell to the ground, wincing as the blade in her hand slipped and bit into her palm. Panting, she sat trying to get her bearings. She was in a forest but not deep in it because she could hear a road or highway in the distance with cars traveling. Coming to a stand, she wobbled, her knees nearly giving out. With a grimace at her bleeding hand, she wiped the blood on her pants to get a better look at it.