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“Yes, thank you,” Lindsey said. “I’m liable to freeze to death if I don’t get out of this wet sweater.” Lindsey glanced back at the small car. Besides the spot of emerald green on the hood over the hot engine, the entire car was already white with a coating of snow. “And I don’t think it’s safe to drive in this weather.”

She blinked up at Kellen, snowflakes clinging to her long lashes and Kellen decided he would have ripped the engine out of her car and tossed it off a cliff to keep her from leaving. And if she wanted Owen, well, he never had a problem with sharing. As long as he got to eat out the juicy delight between her thighs before Owen got down to business, Kellen would be satisfied. He just wanted to taste her. Every woman tasted different and he was a connoisseur of pussy. He couldn’t get enough. He could lick it and suck it and kiss it and nibble on it for hours. Or until she begged for mercy.

Owen took Lindsey by the hand and yanked her toward the bus, breaking the spell she had over Kellen. “Let’s go get you warmed up,” Owen said.

“Yes,” Kellen murmured to himself. “Let’s do that.”

Chapter Five

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Those were the only words that were capable of echoing through Lindsey’s mind at the moment. She was really here. Oh God. And Kellen really had touched her cheek and looked at her as if he wanted to fuck her brains out. Oh God. And Owen really was holding her hand and leading her up the stairs of Sole Regret’s tour bus. Oh God. And Shade really was tied to a recliner, flashing with multicolored lights, and looking out of sorts. “Oh God!” she yelled and burst out laughing. Lindsey covered her mouth with one hand as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. Well, whoever had turned Shade Silverton into a shidari bondage tree was one hundred percent hilarious. And the pair of blue Christmas balls hanging at crotch level? Priceless.

“We have guests,” Owen said to Shade as he led Lindsey past him. “Make yourself presentable.”

“Fucking untie me,” Shade demanded, straining bulging muscles against the intricately crisscrossed strands of lights. A garland rope bound his arms together from wrist to elbow.

“Don’t you dare untie him,” some man she didn’t recognize said from the kitchen area. He was scooping hot chocolate mix into over half-a-dozen mugs. “He needs to get his sense of humor back. That bitch, Tina, sure did a number on him.”

“Un-fucking-tie me,” Shade growled between clenched teeth.

“Oh my,” Vanessa said from the bus entryway. “Heavens.”

She probably thought seeing Shade tied to a chair was hot regardless of the flashing multicolored lights and the slightly askew star on his head.

Owen paused at the end of the corridor and opened an oddly narrow door. He pulled out a towel and handed it to Lindsey. She patted at the melting snow around her neck. It was starting to melt and trickle down between her breasts, but the chill had nothing to do with how hard her nipples were. The musky, sweet scent of Owen’s cologne and the ornery look in his blue eyes was one hundred percent responsible for that.

A hand settled at the base of her spine and she didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know Kellen was standing directly behind her. That gentle, but commanding touch was one hundred percent responsible for the pulsating throb in her panties.

“Would you like to change your sweater?” Kellen’s deep, quiet voice made Lindsey’s eyelids flutter.

She’d like to rip her sweater off and light it on fire was what she’d like to do. That would ensure she’d have a good excuse to be half naked in the presence of strangers. Except they didn’t feel like strangers. She felt as if she knew the entire band. And she definitely wanted to get to know them better. Especially the man directly in front of her and the one behind her, who made her feel like the giddiest piece of cheese to be melted between two hot pieces of toasted bread.

“Lindsey?” Kellen’s voice brought her out of her fantasy.

And he knew her name. Squeeee! “Um, yeah,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t belay her enthusiasm to get naked. “Do you have something I can change into?” Nothing, for example.

Owen opened a door at the end of the corridor and entered a bedroom. Lindsey followed him without hesitation. When the door closed behind her, she didn’t need to turn around to know Kellen had entered the room too. She could feel his presence behind her.

“You were following us, weren’t you?” Owen asked.

Her face flamed. She supposed it was pretty obvious. “My friend Vanessa and I were at the benefit concert and we ended up behind your bus. When we saw you pull over we thought maybe we could meet you.” It wasn’t a lie.

“And how did you imagine that meeting would go?” Kellen asked. Dear lord, the man had a delicious voice. He was nice to look at too, but the mere timber of his voice was enough to separate her from her panties. She just wanted to obey him, even though he hadn’t asked her to do anything.

“Well I didn’t think I was going to get attacked with snowballs,” she said and laughed. Her laughter died when Kellen’s hard body brushed against her from behind. Her breath stalled in her throat and her eyelids fluttered closed. Her body naturally leaned against his. He was so solid. Hard. His skin cool. And she felt the huge ridge of his arousal against her ass. Oh dear God.

“Kelly has a thing for your type,” Owen said.

“Yes, I do,” Kellen’s warm breath stirred a few damp strands of hair against her ear and her knees went weak.

One of Kellen’s strong hands splayed over her belly to keep her from sliding to the floor.

“What do you want to do to her, Kelly?”

“I want to tie her down and eat her pussy. After I’m finished and she doesn’t think it’s possible to come another time, I want to watch you fuck her, Owen, and prove her wrong.” His hand slid up her ribcage, stopping just short of cupping her breast. “Is that what you had in mind when you followed us up the mountain, Lindsey?”

She tried to draw air, but she was so lightheaded, her brain wasn’t functioning correctly. Did he just say that? Or was she suffering from hypothermia in her car and hallucinating? That bulge against her ass felt real enough.

Kellen nipped her ear and her entire body jerked. “Answer my question.”

She opened her eyes. Owen was gnawing on his bottom lip awaiting her answer.

“No,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

Owen scrunched his face in disappointment and then glanced over her head to look at Kellen. Kellen took a step back and Lindsey reached behind her to tug him against her again.

“That’s far more than I bargained for,” she said, “but I want you. Both of you. To do exactly that. And more.”

“You’re sure?” Kellen said, his deep voice doing all sorts of tingly things to her spine.


“Once I have you tied, you won’t be able to escape.”

Her heart thundered in her chest. What would they do to her while she was utterly defenseless? She couldn’t wait to find out. “I understand.”

“Kellen knows what he’s doing. He’ll stop if you’re in distress,” Owen said.

“You’ll be at my mercy,” Kellen whispered. “I’ll be able to do whatever I want to do to you.”

She groaned.

“Does knowing that make you afraid?” Kellen asked. “Are you trembling because you’re scared that we’ll hurt you?”

“No,” she whispered. “I’m trembling because I’m so turned on that I’m about to come.”

Kellen’s cool hands slid under her sweater and lifted it to expose her belly. “Make her quiver, Owen.”

Owen bent forward to kiss and suckle and nibble on her belly. Sparks of pleasure danced across her skin. She was instantly reduced to quivering. The man had an amazing mouth.

Lindsey’s sweater passed over her head and then Kellen’s strong hands covered her breasts. She cursed her bra, wanting his cool palms against her bare nipples. They strained against the cups of her undergarment, seeking the pleasure offered by his hands.