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She raised an eyebrow at it and then lifted her gaze to meet his. “What is it?”

He took the device from her skirt and slipped it onto three fingers of his right hand, leaving his pinkie and thumb free. He held his hand out to her so she could fasten the cuff around his wrist. As soon as it was clasped, the circuit was complete and the device whirred to life. Near the tip of his middle finger, a small rubbery rod moved in an elliptical path. At the base of his middle finger, a soft bump vibrated, and metallic plates ran the entire length of both his ring and index fingers; plates that grew warm and tingly as soon as they touched anything wet—Melanie’s pussy for example.

“You sit on my hand, and I promise it will show you a good time.”

She bent over it for a closer inspection. “I sit on it?”

“This goes just inside the opening of your pussy,” he said, indicating the revolving rod near the end of his finger. “It will tease you until you’re begging for cock.”

“And these?” she asked, tracing the two metallic plates on either side.

“Wet your finger and touch one,” he suggested. When she stuck her finger in her mouth to wet it, his cock surged to life. Change of plans—Nikki definitely needed to ride in the front with the driver. He was not even close to being able to function in polite company. He had a powerful need to be alone with Melanie for an extended period, and was painfully aware that didn’t have much time to be together before the show started at nine.

Melanie pressed her wet finger to the metal plate on his index finger and her breath caught.


“And warm,” he said. “Those go against your pussy lips. The wetter you get, the stronger the sensation.”

She poked the vibrating nub at the base of his fingers. “For my clit?” She glanced up at him and smiled hopefully.

He grinned. “You didn’t think I’d forget that, did you?”

“I hoped you wouldn’t,” she said, a delightful blush staining her cheeks pink. “You seem to know what feels good for a woman more than I do.”

“You can climb on backwards if you’d rather the vibration tease your ass. I want to please you the way you want to be pleased.”

She touched her finger to the strong vibrating nub and shuddered. “Lock the doors,” she said breathlessly as she reached under her skirt to tug off her panties. “Hurry, before Nikki gets back.”

“They’re already locked,” he assured her.

She slid onto his lap, straddling his thighs, and kissed him hungrily as he slid his gloved hand between her legs.

Chapter Six

Melanie jumped when the vibration at the base of Gabe’s fingers pressed against her clit. He carefully slipped the tip of the rotating rubbery rod into her opening, and she groaned into his mouth. She marveled at the man’s understanding of female anatomy. He was right; the stretching of her entrance in a wide circle over and over and over again had her craving deep, hard thrusts to quell her building need. The vibration against her clit changed patterns, going from a steady buzz to hard pulses and back to a steady buzz. Her body jerked involuntarily as a quick and dirty orgasm caught her by surprise.

She tore her mouth from Gabe’s as her head dropped back and she called out to the moon roof of the car.

“Wait. There’s more. Are you wet?” Gabe whispered in her ear.

“Mmm,” she moaned.

His index and ring fingers slid against her pussy lips, holding them apart as the speed of the rod rotating in her opening picked up and the vibration against her clit continued to alternate patterns. The warm tingles against both lips made her rock her hips into his hand.

“Oh dear God,” she gasped. The pleasure was so intense she couldn’t do more than cling to his shoulders.

“You like it?”


Within seconds she was coming again. This time she grabbed the back of his head and buried his face into her chest. “I need cock,” she said and when he didn’t immediately fill her, she tugged his head from her breasts and yelled, “I need cock, Gabe! I need it now.”


“Yes, yes, anywhere. Fuck me.”

He began fumbling with his belt. Fly open, he lifted his hips so he could free his cock. Thank God he was already hard. She took his thick shaft in one hand and gasped when his gloved hand moved away from her throbbing pussy.

“Condom?” he asked breathlessly.

“We don’t need one.” They’d already discussed not using them, but she was glad he had the sense to ask in the heat of the moment in case she’d changed her mind.

Melanie took him inside, riding him hard. Forcing him deeper and deeper with every downward motion of her hips until she finally felt full. So full. Now she just needed some friction.

“Oh God, Melanie,” he said. “You feel so good. So good.”

He felt amazing inside her, but she was too worked up to form words. She murmured something and rode him faster and faster, trying to rub the ache away. More, more, more, she thought. Until the pleasure finally exploded and she called out in bliss. He lifted his hips off the seat to pump up into her, once, twice, and then groaned as he joined her in climax.

She went limp against him, trying to catch her breath and regain her senses, but both eluded her.

He rubbed his mouth against her temple. “You made me come way too fast, baby. I’ll probably to need to fuck you like that a few more times this weekend,” he said, “and then I might be able to keep it together long enough to make love to you slowly and thoroughly.”

She smiled against his shoulder. “I don’t mind the fucking,” she said. “Really, I don’t.”

There was a knock on the window, and Melanie stiffened. Had she really gotten so wrapped up in this man that she’d forgotten they were in a limo parked outside a sub shop? That would be a yes. A yes, yes, oh God, fuck me, Gabe, yes.

Melanie lifted her hips, not quite ready for Gabe to fall free of her body, but she didn’t have time to dawdle. Especially not when the locks thunked open and she heard the door handle lift upward. She tugged her skirt down her thighs and searched for her panties while Gabe shoved his cock down his pants, removed his glove of delight, and started buttoning his fly. Melanie had her panties in her hand when the back door popped open and Nikki appeared, with some guy holding four drinks for her while she held the sack of sandwiches.

She grinned knowingly at Melanie when her gaze landed on the panties in her hand.

“Oh, did I interrupt something?” she said. “I never thought you’d have her out of her panties that quickly, Gabe. You stud.”

Melanie was slightly embarrassed that Nikki had caught her just after the act, but mortified that the good-looking man behind her was biting his full lower lip in appreciation of her sluttiness. Melanie tossed her panties on the seat beside Gabe and sat on them. She found her discarded glasses and fiddled with them, her hands trembling as she tried to get her glasses back on her face.

“It smells like sex in here,” Nikki said as she leaned farther into the open door. “You guys already did it, didn’t you? Or did I interrupt you mid-coitus?”


The girl needed to install a filter on that mouth of hers.

“Can’t blame you for jumping him,” Nikki said, giving Gabe the twice over. “Will you look at the size of those feet? You know what they say about guys with big feet.”

Melanie’s pussy clenched as her thoughts immediately fixated on that which correlated with Gabe’s shoe size. And in his case, he fit the statistics.

“I have a really big, uh, foot,” her drink-toting companion said in a deep voice. His brown eyes twinkled as he smiled, and his white teeth flashed bright against his dark-skinned complexion.

“I bet you do. This is Michael,” Nikki said, tossing her head in the guy’s direction. “He saw me struggling to carry my order and offered to help. Since my friends were otherwise occupied.”